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It's easy to make money if you already have money. It's easy to make a million dollars if you already have a million dollars to invest. Try making a million dollars starting with virtually nothing! That's what's hard to do! I can't say that I'm a millionaire yet but I'm now on the right track! I am finally making some great money, in my own home business. It is exciting, profitable, and can offer freedom few people ever experience. I have been working at it for quite awhile. I must admit I have not always been successful at it. I have made many mistakes along the way. Over the years I have learned 5 basic principles to follow if you want to make money starting with virtually nothing. If you truly are ready and want to apply yourself; if you really want to make money; if you are serious about finding the wealth and freedom that you dream about; you need an outstanding product!

Principle #1

You must have something to sell! I know this principle sounds kind of stupid but the first thing you should be asking yourself is "what am I going to sell?" Most people, trying desperately to realize their financial dreams, can't answer this simple question. The only thing most poor people have to "sell" is their labor to an employer. You must find something to sell besides your labor if you want to make large amounts of money.

Principle #2

The product you are selling must be deemed extremely valuable to a prospective buyer (it's got to be a good product). This principle is essential. If you're trying to sell something lousy no one will buy it. Many people are leery of anybody trying to sell them anything. The product you sell can't be a rip-off! You may be able to rip-off a few people but in the end your business will suffer. You will never realize your financial dreams by ripping people off! You need to sell a good, solid, legitimate product. Furthermore, would you really be comfortable taking peoples’ hard-earned money knowing you are ripping them off? Would this be how you would want to make your living?

Principle #3

The product must be manufactured and produced by you. (No middle man, no pyramid schemes, no multi level marketing). Now I know what you're thinking. "What could I possibly manufacture in my home"? Well... hang on. This is a principle I have learned through years of business experience. When you are the manufacturer you control the entire operation. There is no middle-man taking most of the profit. There is no one setting up rules for you to follow. There is no one who limits how and where you can sell your product. You control the quality of the product. You don't have to make up excuses to your customers or apologize because of an inferior product. Pyramid schemes, multi level marketing schemes?...Forget them. From my own experience the only possible way to make money on a pyramid scheme is to be at the very top. Everyone else gets scammed. You must be the manufacturer! Trust me on this one.

Principle #4

The product must be able be sold for 10 to 20 times what it cost you to produce (high mark-up). This principle is another "no brainer" but if you are starting with virtually no money it's so important. Ever heard of "Bill Gates"?. He is a billionaire because he can sell a floppy disk or CD-ROM containing his Microsoft Windows program for hundreds of times what it cost him to manufacture it. He started with virtually nothing and now he is the richest man on earth.

Principle #5

The product must be small and light weight so that it can be shipped to a customer inexpensively. Obviously this principle is common sense. A small and light-weight product lends itself nicely to the home business entrepreneur. It would be difficult for you, working at home, to manufacture and then ship a farm tractor, wouldn't it?

If you truly are ready and want to apply yourself; if you really want to make money; if you are serious about finding the wealth and freedom that you dream about; you need an outstanding product! Now if you've been reading closely so far you're almost there. What type of product could possibly meet such a high standard? What type of product could you sell to make money? The answer is.....


That's right! The perfect business opportunity for the "little guy" is selling information. If you owned a home would you be interested in INFORMATION on how to stop paying real estate taxes? If you were overweight would you be interested in INFORMATION on new scientific breakthroughs on how to shed those extra pounds without dieting? If you were broke would you be interested in INFORMATION on how to legally wipe out your debts without bankruptcy?


Here's my offer. I'll send you a CD ROM containing 1250 business, money making reports, and books. Now go sell them! (I will explain how to sell your reports further down this page). You can easily sell any report you choose at a fair price and still make a ton of money! You see in addition to the CD I will also include complete reproduction and reprinting rights to all 1250 reports. Now you can sell them any way you like. Sell them together or's up to you. Sell them on e-bay! Sell them on your web site! Sell them via classified ads! They are yours to do with as you please. There are over 18,000 pages of typed info on my CD. The retail value of these reports sold individually is over $3,000! Once you receive your disk simply print out the reports you want to sell and start selling them. You can even offer the same reproduction and reprinting rights to your customers that I am offering you!

Now I'll explain two seperate ways to sell your reports. Let's first pick is the report we are going to sell. "How To Establish AAA Credit In 30 Days". Let's say you write one small classified ad and place it in one magazine selling this report. Something like this:

Establish AAA credit in thirty days using secret technique. Send check or money order for $19.95 to: John Smith, 111 Shelbourne Dr., Austin, Tx. 19565.

Let's say it makes you a tiny profit of just $50/month. No big deal. We're certainly not going to be able to quit our job with a mere pittance like this. placing this same exact ad in 100 magazines you should make 100 times more money or $5,000 per month! Imagine the lifestyle you could have working part time in your home with a $5,000 per month income. Included on the CD is also a report that lists the name and addresses of the top 200 magazines and newspapers to advertise your reports in! Now if that idea doesn't suit you why not try this one?

Why not build your own web site and sell your reports? Web sites are very easy to build. Nine-year old children are building web sites. I built this simple site in less than two hours. So why can't you? Most service providers allow you 4-6 megs of free space for your own personal web site. That's how this site came to be. This web site cost me absolutely nothing to design, build and get on-line. Included with our CD are also links to sites that offer both free web space and also information on designing and building your own site! Believe me when I say "if I can do it anybody can!" If you're still not excited perhaps some more old fashion arithmetic will convince you of the money making potential. As you know many web sites generate thousands of "hits" per day. The number of "hits" a site gets means how many people visited that site that day. Therefore many web sites have thousands of people visiting their site daily. Let's say your site gets only 100 hits per day. Let's say only 3 people are willing to send you $20 for whatever information you happen to be selling. That means 3 sales per day times $20, or $60 per day. Now there are roughly 30 days in a month so $60 times 30 days equals $1800 per month for doing not much more than cashing checks and sending out a few envelopes per day!!!! Now to really take advantage of this business opportunity why not build a second web site and sell a different report? What's to stop you from building a third site or a fourth? They are very easy to build and get on-line if you keep your web sites simple (like this one). This is exactly what I am doing so why can't you?'re probably asking "what is this disk gonna cost me"? Well...because the reports are on one CD-ROM instead of paper I can sell these reports to you for ONLY $29.95. (Over 18,000 pages of typed text)!

What I am offering you is the chance to start the perfect home business. I am offering you "something to sell" that meets all of the principles I outlined earlier. I am also showing you how and where to sell your reports once you receive them. I have offered you a true and legitimate business opportunity. Once you have these reports all you need to do is start advertising the reports in magazines, newspapers or build your own web page and advertise them on your site. Believe me when I tell you it's a great feeling when you start to see checks coming in the mail every day.





Sell by classified ads in magazines or newspapers, sell by starting your own web site, sell by starting your own infomercial!

Reports range from 1 to 300 pages in length! Each report costs you just pennies to print out. Sell them for $5, $10, or $20 each!

With your purchase you also receive a free dealership from us. This allows you to order additional CD ROMs, any time in the future, at a cost as low as $5 each! Now you can even sell the our CD to make money. Exactly as we're doing! This CD- ROM sells like "hot cakes"! It's a real money-maker!!




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