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Raspberry Tutorial with Paint Shop Pro, another tut by gloria's graphics



A Paint Shop Pro Tutorial

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

I used a larger brush size than what I have instructed below to make it easier for you to see.

1. Open a new image. Make it 500x500. We can resize it later.

2. Set your paint brush:

  • size-30
  • density-100%
  • hardness- 100%
  • opacity- 100%
  • shape- round
  • step- 1

3. Set foreground color to #800000, dark red. Background color to #ff4040, bright red.

4. Paint several dots (Not overlapping too much) to form a berry shape.


5. New layer. reset your paint brush to:

  • size=20
  • opacity-100%
  • density-100%
  • hardness-40%
  • step -1

  • 6. Paint dots in the center of dark red dots.


    7. New layer. Set foreground color to #ff8080, medium pink.

    8. Change paint brush settings to:

    • size 10
    • hardness-25
    • leave the other settings the same.

    9. Paint pink dots in the centers.


    10. New layer. Change the paint brush size to 4 and hardness to 12. Set foreground color to black and background color to white.

    11. Now paint a white spot on one of the dots, and then a black spot on another, till all have a little black or white spot on them.


    12. New layer. Reduce the size of the brush to 2 once more, colors stay the same.

    13. Now paint black spots on top of the white ones you just painted in step 11. And white spots on top of the black ones you just painted.


    13. Merge layers.

    14. New layer. We need to fill in the blank spaces of this raspberry, so we have to go back and repeat the same steps once more on this new layer. Make sure you paint over the empty spaces.

    ras6 ras7

    15.New layer. One more time! Let's repeat all those steps again only this time reduce the size of your brush by ten on steps 2 and 5

    ras8 ras9

    You now have three layers of berries.

    16. Activate your bottom layer of berries. Now go to colors, adjust, brightness/contrast. Set the contrast to 10, and the brightness to-55. Apply.

    17. Activate the next layer of berries. Go to colors and do the same thing only change brightness to-25. Apply.

    18. Activate top layer, and do the same thing, but change brightness to 10.

    19. Merge layers.

    20. Now we need a couple of leaves and a stem. So set your color palette to #400000, dark brown.

    21. Set your paint brush to:

    • shape- right slash
    • density-100%
    • size-7
    • opacity-100%
    • hardness-40

    22. New layer. Move that layer to the bottom on the layer palette.

    23. Now lets paint a stem on the berry.


    24. Change colors to #033703, dark green.

    25. New layer. Move this layer to the bottom. Leave paint brush settings the same. and paint similar shape as in image.

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    (note: In the illustration above o the left, it does not show that I filled in the leaf with color. You should do that now.)

    26. Change foreground color to #147c14, medium green. Select the leaves With your magic wand. Go to selections, modify, contract. Set that at 7, and apply. now go back to selections, modify, and feather. Set that at 5. apply.

    27. Use your flood fill and fill with medium green, #147c14.

    28. Merge layers. Copy and paste as new layer. Now you have two raspberries. Move them around to suit your self!

    29. Add a background and some text plus whatever you would like and you have some lovely berries!!

    30. Don't forget to resize your image!


    I wanted to add this interesting note. If you reverse the colors....put the pink first, then bright red, and then the dark red.... you will have blackberries!

    Please email me with any questions.

    Visit my main page to see links to other tutorials.


    Please visit my daughter's site. She has a very nice product here, with more to come soon! Thanks in advance.
