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Lets Draw a Pear

Written and originated by FlowerFancy58.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

We're going to draw the pears below!

finished pears

1. Open a new transparent image 300x300.

2. Add new layer.

3. Go to the color palette, and set foreground color at #404000, deep olive green.

4. Choose the pre set shapes tool,and the tear drop shape. Draw the teardrop. Don't worry about size or trying to get it exactly like mine. Once you're satisfied it's a pear shape, proceed.

5. Choose the object selector tool, then node edit. Pull up on each side of the arrow, making an indentation at the top of the tear drop.


6. Convert to raster layer.

7. Choose magic wand and select the tear drop (pear). Invert selection.

8. Flood fill the tear drop with the olive green color.

9. Change the foreground color on the palette to #e9c563, mustard yellow.

10. Set the spray paint tool at:

  • shape -round
  • size-75                                            
  • hardness-  15
  • opacity  -25
  • step    -19
  • density -7

11. Spray the center two-thirds of the pear heavily. Do not deselect.


12. Change color to #919216. Medium olive green.

13. Spray lightly over the mustard yellow. Do not deselect.


14. Change color to#f6f777,medium yellow, and reduce the spray tool size to 50.

15. Spray the center third heavily. Do not deselect.

16. Choose the retouch tool, and set to:

  • shape- round
  • size- 31
  • hardness- 25
  • opacity- 40
  • step 10
  • density=25
  • smudge

17. Begin smudging in circular fashion till colors are blended.

I know the color is pulled away from the sides, but we'll push it back. Smudge by starting in the center and making arching strokes to pull the colors to the edges. (The more work you do at the smudging, the better the finished pear will look.)  Do not deselect.


18. Change the foreground color to white.

19. Change the spray paint tool brush size to 35.

20. Now spray a large spot towards the bottom on the left.


21. Smudge the white spot. That's the highlight!

22. Choose the paint brush now, and set it at:

  • shape- round
  • size- 3
  • hardness- 75
  • opacity- 30
  • step- 25
  • density- 100

23. Set foreground color to #352809, dark brown.

24. Now place about 6 or 7 spots on the pear. A few to the top, and the rest at the bottom.

25. New layer.

26. Choose the draw tool set at:

  • type- freehand line
  • line- no. 1 solid
  • uncheck antialias
  • uncheck close path
  • check create vector
  • line width-5

27. Deselect the pear.

28. Make sure you are on the new layer and draw a stem on the pear using the brown color.

29. Convert to raster layer, and merge visible layers.


30.Copy and paste the pear as a new layer. Then use the deformation tool to make it smaller, and to rotate it about 80 degrees or so. (In other words, rotate it to where you like it.)

Now we have a pair of pears!

31.Add new layer, and name it background. then go to the layer palette, and drag it to the bottom so it is underneath the pears.

32. Flood fill the background with black.

33. Now change colors to#000080, royal blue for the foreground color.

34. Use the spray paint tool, leave the settings the same. Change the size to 85. Spray a diagonal line from the bottom left to the top right.

35.Repeat this with #00ffff, aqua blue.

36. Once again with pale yellow #eaeacc. Do the center third of the diagonal line area.

37. Use the retouch tool, and smudge these colors together.

38.Use the draw tool,(pencil) and draw a tree branch for the pears to hang from. Choose brown, #352809.

49. Position your pears.

Hopefully you have a leaf tube to add a leaf or two to the pears.


Finishing touch.......

  1. Add a new layer. and flood fill it with your web page background, or fill it with something you like.
  2. Choose the selection tool, ellipse.  Set the feather to 26.
  3. Draw an ellipse in the center large enough to expose the pear.
  4. Go to edit, and then clear.

Make a lovely fame and you are all finished!!.


Please visit my daughter's site. She has a very nice product here, with more to come soon! Thanks in advance.

Click here to e-mail me.

Tip: These pears look lovely placed on a wreath of spruce, for Christmas.


Please visit my daughter's site. She has a very nice product here, with more to come soon! Thanks in advance.

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