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I joined a wonderful group early in 2001, Heavens Angels. I have never been so privileged to know a finer group of people. I was immediately welcomed and felt like a member of "The Family". They not only offer Love and Hugs, but a lot of fun. We celebrate all the good times, trade secret remedies and recipes and offer support during the hard times. They are there no matter what. I am a computer dummy, but with the help and patients of many angels, I have this website, can send gifts, send well wishes and know I have found a little piece of Heaven on Earth. The display of kindness, friendship and compassion I have found can never be repaid. I can only hope all my special angels(Carolyn, Susan & Dede to name a few ) know how much they mean to so many people. To sum it up this is what Heavens Angels mean to me:

Thank you Dede for your vision, and thank you angels for proving her RIGHT!!