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Earth Is Enough

We men of Earth have here the stuff
Of Paradise - we have enough!
We need no other stones to build
The Temple of the Unfulfilled -
No other ivory for the doors -
No other marble for the floors -
No other cedar for the beam
And dome of man's immortal dream.
Here on the paths of everyday -
Here on the common human way
Is all the stuff the gods would take
To build a Heaven, to mold and make
New Edens. Ours is the stuff sublime
To build Eternity in time!
- Edwin Markham

My gardens and plants are very important to me. My house plants bring me a sense of peace and tranquillity. They help me make it thru the cold winter months and bring warmth and a feeling of growth to my home.

My flower beds and pots on the porch offer me a rainbow of color and joy. They also allow my Dad and I hours of companionship and offer Dad a feeling of doing something worthwhile.

My vegetable garden offers me time with my guy, Walter. The veggies are really his department, but I love to spend time out there with him. I feel the strength in our partnership and love amongst those veggies. We both enjoy making dishes from our vegetables, and we both love to see the smiles on peoples faces that eat our veggies!!

The Gardening Cloud at Heavens Angels provides all the aspects of my garden. Warmth, peace, tranquillity, a rainbow of different folks, joy, a sense of family, worthwhileness, and mostly LOVE!! Thank you for opening your hearts and gardens to me.
Angel Aunt Lynn

I have found, through years of practice, that people garden in order to make something grow; to interact with nature; to share, to find sanctuary, to heal, to honor the earth, to leave a mark. Through gardening, we feel whole as we make our personal work of art upon our land.
- Julie Moir Messervy, The Inward Garden, 1995, p.19

Our back Porch with a few of My Flowers

My Dad on the Back Porch