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" The Family Secret "

My Father and His Sister both have Alzheimer's. I took care of My Aunt for one year and am caring for My Dad now. I love them both very much and am glad I have been able to help them. Unfortunately some people are ashamed to admit their loved one has this disease. Alzheimer's does not mean a person is stupid. It effects their memory and does change every ones life, but it is not a "Dirty little Secret" that you should be ashamed of.

As with any disease, Alzheimer's has different stages. My Aunt can no longer get out of bed, feed herself or talk. She has been diagnosed for 6 years. My Dad is much luckier. He walks and talks and does most of His own hygiene care. Someone has to "walk" Him thru His routine, but He shaves, brushes His teeth and showers. Dad still eats by Himself and still has some of His old interests

I think the hardest thing for most people is that the patient has a tendency to repeat the same thing. Dad will ask what is for dinner and then every minute or so He reasks. Some of My Family get very upset and snap back after the 4 or 5th time. That is when Daddy's Little Girl gets upset. Dad can not help it and it makes Me mad because I am sure when My Brothers and I were younger We got on Dads nerves when We kept saying "Are We there yet?"

I believe very strongly that everyone deserves their dignity and people with Alzheimer's are no exception. They should not be treated like children or stupid. Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it.

A very important thing I feel gets over looked is that the primary care giver must care not only for their loved one, but they must also take care of themselves!! Everybody needs some time for their self. I am very blessed because My Mom and Walter both try to help Me when they can.

Another important item in the care of people with Alzheimer's is keeping them stimulated. It is very easy just to put them in front of the TV and go on with your life, but that is so unfair to the patient. I try to talk constantly with Dad and get Him to interact with Me on all the days activities. I let Him help with setting the table or easy food prep stuff. This keeps Him active and I think it gives Him a sense of worth. I try to get Him to walk as much as possible and I like to take Him places like the park where He can see other people and children. Dad will also help Me in the garden, although My garden is smaller than it was because I just don't have the time or energy I did.

I guess the most important thing I can tell You about Alzheimer's is that it effects everyone. You just have to decide if You are going to let it ruin Your life, Your family and the person with the disease. Try to have patients and a big helping of LOVE.


Midi playing is
" I will Always Love You "