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(from senior year)

Strong Bad E-mails!
Exploding Dog

1.) "Yeah, her name would be Ngualya and she'd wear a full body turban." -Kristen and Shannon about G's girlfriend.

2.) "So is your face" -Shannon and Kristen

3.) "You didn't get beat with the ugly stick.. you got beat with the whole damn tree!" -Shannon to Mr. G

4.) "Umm.. Mr. G, we didn't want to start anything in class, but you really hurt our feelings." -Shannon to Mr. G after school one day

5.) "Umm.. Joey, let's get to work." -Shannon harassing Joey.

6.) "RÚSS!" -Shannon to Jamie in the IMC (we thought his name was russ)

7.) "G!" -Kristen and Shannon to Mr. G from the IMC

8.) "I didn't think it was you because it was a baratone voice." -Mr. G, responding to who he thought was yelling 'G!' to him.

9.) "What's up, G?"
"Uh!" -Shannon and Mr. G in the hallway

10.) "Uh uh uh uh uh!!" -Shannon, walking down the hallway between bells

11.) "There goes your best friend." -Kristen, to Shannon, who has a lot of uhh.. best friends

12.) "We're playing BAS-KET-BALL.. uh, all around the world!" -Kristen and Shannon jammin' to Lil Bow Wow.

13.) "G!.... STRING!" -Shannon reaching out for a handshake.. then pulling away at the last minute.

14.) "Bobber G!" -Kristen and Shannon, yelling to Mr. G, who bobs up and down as he walks.

15.) "Aw naw you did't!" -Kristen and Shannon

16.) "OOOOOOOOH!" (fist stomp when no one is around)

17.) "Patrick, one minute." -Shannon, practicing how to be a library Nazi.

18.) "That's my goal in life - to meet someone with a birthday." -Shannon

19.) "This would make a perfect wheel" -Shannon, about our mousetrap car
"Umm... that's a drill bit." -Old Sears guy, referring to the $30 drill bit.

20.) "Well then... WATCH OUT SAMER!" -Kristen 21.) "Why does that say 'apple red'?" -Shannon, referring to the word written on the board (applied.)

22.) "It's like an explosion of blondeness" -Kristen and Shannon, about Amy

23.) "Ahhh! My hair is attacking my face!" -Shannon, whose uhh.. hair attacks her face.

24.) "Do Kahn's hot dogs times 250" -Shannon, sleeptalking in the IMC, trying to explain how to do Physics.

25.) "Mr. G, I have a question." -Amy
"Ok, let me get this group first." -Mr. G
"Ok, but here's my question." -Amy

26.) "Know what?" -Shannon
"What?" -Kristen
"I'm going to take a nap after school" -Shannon

27.) "Umm.. I can't afford binoculars." -Shannon, after being placed in the way back of the classroom.

28.) "FNET!" (pushing people in the hallway)

29.) "Why don't you get a new lunch table?" -Ali
"Why don't you get a new face?" - Randi (they're identical twins)

30.) "Do you think John Travolta is gay?" -Kristen
"Is he in our math class?" -Ali

31.) "What's X-DIR?" -Question Amy asked, 3 weeks into a new section (X-DIRECTION)

32.) "Uhhhy!" -Shannon (loudly and randomly)
"Yikes! At least someone is awake today." -Gonda, in English Class

33.) "Uhhy!(+many more noises)" -Shannon, during middle of Physics
"I thought I was going insane hearing noises, but then I just realized it was just Shannon making those noises." -Mr.G

34.) "I've never heard noises like that before" -Mr.G

35.) "When you talk to Ali, do you feel like you're talking to yourself?" -Shannon, about Randi's twin, Ali

36.) "It looks like her brain is blowing out the back of her head.. but it's just hair!" -Shannon, about Amy

37.) "Ooooh.. that's not where I was going with that.." -Mr.G, showing us an experiment on the computer, that showed a (not PG) picture.
"Umm.. I talked to my mom about what you did in class today.. and she wants to have a talk with you." -Shannon, trying to think of more ways to embarass G

38.) "Some days I feel like going 'Uhhhy!" and other days.. not so much." -G, on having Kristen and Shannon trying to get him to go 'Uhhhy!'

39.) "Have a couple of mints there?" -Gonda, to Shannon, who had a whole pile of mint wrappers in front of her.

40.) "Why does that say 'Belly'?" -Ali, referring to the 'Bell 4' on Kristen's paper

41.) "Be Quiet or I'll KILL YOU!!" -Ellen, threatening Kristen and Shannon to shut up

42.) "So when you were sitting in on that high school class, were the girls too old for you?" -Geoff
"Yeah.. they gotta be less than 11 or else." -Mr.G, talking about girls

43.) "I can't take you guys anymore! I mean I just can't take it!!" -Ellen, about Kristen and Shannon, who were making cool clown music sounds

44.) "Yeah but just uhh...stay in the back because you're scaring me." -Mr. Ambrose, about the kid making T-REX imitations.

45.) "Your mom said that last night" -Randomly said by Kristen
"You know, my mom's gonna kick your ass" -Randi, who feels the need to stick up for her mom

46.) "I think she downloaded my whole disk onto her computer." -Shannon, paranoid that Gonda was going through her disk, but she was really just printing out the sign-in sheet.

47.) "Yeah, but it smells like Ducks!" -Geoff, about eating Duck
"Yeah, because of all the ducks I've smelled in my life.." -Mr.G

48.) "To reward him for being such a sound stud..." -Mr.G, about Alexander Graham Bell

49.) "Yeah, but what if like..." -Geoff, Ellen and Cole.. every day

50.) "One time I saw this rainbow.. and I was like running at it going 'ahhhhh!'" -Ellen, during Physics (G said something about rainbows and ellen decided to tell us about her last experience with one)

51.) [Physics class - lights out... Mike is making tiger noises to Katie a few seats down and Katie's laughing]
"Is everything OK back there?" -G
"Mike is trying to seduce me." -Katie
"Ohh.. uhh.. hormones aren't always a good thing.." -G

52.) "So then why are there lifeguards?" -Ellen, after G explained how at certain angles you may not being able to see someone swimming near the surface of the water.

53.) "Oooo.. are we making oragami?" -Girls in math, who seriously thought we were going to make oragami, when instead we were really just folding the paper to work our math problems on.

54.) "Amy.. put your hair down!" -Geoff, who sits in back of Amy, telling her to let her big hair on top of her head down.
"It's not THAT big!" -Amy
"Yes... it IS."-Geoff

55.) "Amy, what does your shirt say?".
"Like I dunno! My mom just bought it for me and I havn't had a chance to read it yet!" -Amy

56.) "Don't do PEER PRESSURE" -on a letter to the seniors by a little kid in HUDDLE.

57.) "Mr. Good.. is it your birthday?... IT IS! I KNOW it is! Happy Birthday! Everybody sing happy birthday to Mr. Good! Can we have a pizza party? How old are you turning?" -Girls in math, about every week
"Uhh.. it's not my birthday. It's in August." -Mr.Good

58.) "Mr. G! Can I go to the bathroom? I have pink eye on my hands." -Amy

59.) "I do this when I do yoga. Ooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" -Gonda
"BAM!" -Samer

60.) "Put your hands up to your hands" -G

61.) "I don't think you'd be taxed for swimming across a river" -Mrs. Chapman

62.) "If I was gay I'd totally want to be with Samer" -Geoff

63.) "Aw naw you di'nt!" -Kristen, watching G lighting a candle
"Aw yes I di'd!" -G

64.) "No.. there's no secretary of sewage" -Mrs. Chapman to Matt, who apparently thought there was a secretary of sewage.

65.) "Randi, you have a hickey on your neck" -Kristen
"Umm, no. That's my head." -Randi, who thinks her head is a hickey.

66.) "Mr. G, how can you stand the stupid things your students say! I mean, I would just laugh at them to their faces! Some people say the stupidest things!"-Ellen, who is one of those people.

67.) "They're not Timberlands.. they're LUGZ" -Joey, correcting Shannon on the brand of his shoes.

68.) "Sweet A**!" -Joey, after finding out that he wouldn't have to swim in gym that day.

69.) "Yeah! Oh my gosh! When I was little.. I used to play this game with the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling, I used to look at each one and it used to disappear and i would look at each one individually until all of the stars were gone and I would just keep on doing because it was such a fun game.." -Ellen, who once again decides to interupt class to tell her pointless little stories because we were talking about blind spots in class. [see #50]

70.) "Whatsup Shhhhhhhhanon" -John, everyday to Shannon

and it's done!! (because senior year is done!)