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 Lost Wolf's Hideaway




          The Wolf Teaches Us:

 To realize the importance of a strong well-defined sense of family
 to live by careful rules and rituals
 to know ourselves and to develop strength and confidence in that knowledge so that we  don't have to prove ourselves to all
how to convey our moods and meanings and to emphasize our speech to carry across our true feelings and intents
 that true freedom requires discipline
respect and honor for family and children
to make use of what's available
not to waste
      to keep our spirit alive
   to trust our insights and to   secure our      attachments (emotional and structural) accordingly
    to listen to our own inner thoughts and words



<-----Lost Wolf`s Pages are Gor safe and freindly even though Gor isnt practiced in Wolf dens-----><----NKZ / NCZ ---->


Page Created By: Lost Wolf

     Copy Right 2003