sexpistols374982 (12:40:46 AM): .

Session concluded at 12:40:47 AM

sexpistols374982 (12:52:11 AM): i mean, you dont live in "the south" anymore.. i figured that was due to your obvious resentment of the "Rebel Cross". but jeez, you dont live in deutschland either. but nobody whines about the present usage of the Iron Cross with military awards and shit. but if im not mistaken, that was flown way back when.. yea, it was there right up on the top left of the Swastika.. it was as much a symbol of the National German Socialist Party as the swastika.

Auto response from ******Pad8 (12:52:12 AM): Georgia Lawmakers Drop Rebel Cross From the Flag

It's about friggin time. Wow, I really dislike the South...

(12:53:01 AM): that was a campaign of FUCKING GENOCIDE not the "exploitation" of an already exploited group of people in the interest of a more prosperous economic stature (slavery) **rant rant rant** but anyway... why shittalk the "south" when you dont live here? shittalk the krauts goddamnit... what left-wings call "racist" is represented by a SKY BLUE CROSS ON WHITE BACKGROUND... and we can all agree that those white trash racists are shitbags... but why take down the flag my grandfather died for? he wasnt a flaming hatemonger. but he deserves his flag
(12:56:12 AM): if you consider slavery to be an ""exploitation" of an already exploited group of people in the interest of a more prosperous economic stature" then i think you need a reality check

Auto response from sexpistols374982 (12:56:12 AM): aaaand done!

(12:56:24 AM): ok
(12:56:27 AM): no vitriol here
(12:56:31 AM): honestly
(12:56:33 AM): but why?
(12:57:37 AM): i mean obviouslly our economy got nowhere, there was the civil war
(12:57:55 AM): but there is a difference between africans rounding up africans to sell them to the overseas buyers
(12:58:16 AM): and the SS walking around rounding up innocent people and taking them into fields and shit
(12:58:48 AM): than the SS*
(1:00:59 AM): the fact that you're defending slavery makes me too disgusted to even want to talk to you right now
(1:01:03 AM): oh yea and it was my graet great grandfather... its 1AM here in "the south" so im pretty tired apparently.... but ill let you either consult 15 other left wing buddies and attempt to construct a valid arguement, and if that wont be the case... well then ill just go to bed
(1:01:08 AM): im not defending slavery
(1:01:10 AM): sorry there
(1:01:24 AM): slavery is shit
(1:01:28 AM): im defending the flag
(1:01:35 AM): i dont know why nobody bitches about the iron cross
(1:02:03 AM): i condone a sociopath waging genocide by not whining about it!!! but slavery... christ almighty
(1:02:13 AM): ill defend slavery next to genocide any day
(1:09:00 AM): oh yes, and while were at it.. why dont we send some more good ole airborne infantry boys into africa to get shotup by some fucking ak wielding terrormonkeys? slavery still exists. its so bad, i mean we should do all we can to stop it entirely... because yes, there are in fact africans still selling africans as slaves. hot shit its happening in HAITI also!! look up the voodoo zombie true stories, its all a tactic of "exploiting" people.. but its only bad in the south.. is that right? now im sorry that ive harassed the everliving shit out of you.. so im going to go to bed.. obviouslly youre at a much more prestigious college than i plan to get into, so therefore you have bragging rights and opinions.. i just dont quite agree but hey, im justa dum suthun wite boy

Session concluded at 1:09:02 AM