How Much Ass Do You Kick?

1) Do you like pop music?
A) I love pop music!
B) I listen to it because it's on the radio.
C) Pop music can kiss my ass.
D) People that like pop music make me want to hurl.

2) What is your favorite hobby?
A) Watching CNN with my teeny-bop friends.
B) Listening to pop music.
C) Sitting on my ass.
D) Doing absolutely nothing. In fact the effort to take this is painful.

3) Are girls dumb?
A) Yes.
B) Yes.
C) Yes.
D) No.

4) Do lesbians rule?
A) Yes, lesbians kick ass.
B) No, they are disgusting.
C) I am a lesbian.
D) I want to be a lesbian.

5) Do you have a slave?
A) No, I'm too lazy to find one.
B) No, slavery sucks.
C) Yes, and I am lazier now than ever before.
D) Yes, and I just kicked his ass.

1) A - 3; B - 2; C - 1; D - 0
2) A - 3; B - 2; C - 1; D - 0
3) A - 0; B - 0; C - 0; D - 3
4) A - 0; B - 3; C - 1; D - 2
5) A - 2; B - 3; C - 1; D - 0

You are completely not useless. You kick ass. Keep on kicking ass because kicking ass rules. In fact, go find a random person and kick their ass.

1 - 3)
You are only slightly useless. Be careful though because if you get much more useless you will start to suck at life.

4 - 6)
You are on the border of sucking at life. We all know that people that suck at life should just die so watch out and start being less of a pussy. Start kicking more ass.

7 - 9)
Yea, you suck at life. That's about it. You just suck at life.

10 - 12)
Holy shit if I were you I would run my head over with a lawnmower. Go die.

13 - 15)
Oh my God! Someone kill me before I come in contact with you. You suck at sucking at life. Stop breathing. You are wasting valuable oxygen for the rest of us.