January 26th
omg you guys. its been like 5 days since i updated. i got grounded wednesday but i think my mom has gotten over that. i just wanted to let all of you know that i am alive. lol :D wowzers. new layout. its very pretty. sorry i haven't gotten back to some of you guys that signed my guestbook. i've been very busy.
luv always, kiley mail book

January 21th
OMG PPL! BECA MADE ME A LUV SITE! i luv her to peices shes like the sweetest person ever! i must repay her.. shes soo nice.. im sorry for not updating, manda came over sunday and well we talked to cody like the whole time and made up words like.. homomanqueerhowhore lol. we like never gettin bored. im me @ xkileypaige on aim ok? cuz i talk to like 3 ppl at thats it.. my new friend is jen. lol shes super awesome. we had school today.. blah. gotta go i have a hair appointment n like 1 hour or soo. i made a css shop on expage ;D plz email me if you wanna work at a stupid looking css shop lol. its cool though! go see syd's site.. shes like a kick butt person lol.. shes soo kewl!
luv always, kiley mail book

January 18th
i know i know. new layout again. how depressing. this one is actually quite pretty. a lot better than the last two. I promise that this layout is gonna last for at least a week or so because purple is like one of my favorite colors. omg cody actually talked to me today. we were flashing back on all of the memories we had when we were going out. they sure were good memories. ahh i miss goin out with him soo much! i liked him like more than i ever liked anyone i had gone out with. right now i am watching anywhere but here with natalie portman and susan surandon. its quite confusing really. my grandma rented 3 other movies too. if lucy fell, clue, and face off. we watched clue last night. that movie is soo annoying. i got a new link exchange. her name is brandi. shes really nice. we were talkin bout llamas earlier today. omg last night me and vaneetha talked to this one guy. and we kept using the word hump. haha he thought that we were quite peculiar. which we are. we made up names for the ppl that we like. holy moly man and weirdy the chair humpin kid. its very funny! someone plz do a link exchange with me, k?!
luv always, kiley mail book

January 17th
a change in layout. again. the blue and green one didn't even last for 24 hours. sad i know. but i am figuring out these nifty borders. so yeah i think they are bomb baby.
luv always, kiley mail book

January 16th
Yep, we got out of school today because of all the snow yesterday! i am soo happy i thought i was gonna sleep in today.. i woke up at 8. lol. i guess thats better than getting up at 6. hey i had 3 guestbook entries last night. well thats good for me i guess. i'm gettin to not like this layout. its getting on my nerves. i wanna make a michelle branch one. someone please talk to me on aim when i get it redownloaded, right now its 84% loaded. wait, no its done now. yay.. i am xkileypaige everyone. i will probably be online all day unless i wanna use the phone or get yelled at... so holla at me young'n! hey everyone i got a new l/e today. steph!!! woot woot. i need some bacon lol. totally change of subject but i'm very hungry. oh well i guess i'll just wait.
luv always, kiley email book

January 15th
new layout! yes.. the blue and green are very pretty together.. it uses inline frames too. which makes me happy that i actually accomplished something the right way. lol. guess what? madi is part of the js.com family! yay. i hope she likes it here. we have an awesome host. my mom deleted aim for some odd reason. shes kinda ditzy sometimes. i made an awesome graphic for wood. lol it features orlando baby. i dont know why people are so mean to her shes one of the nicest people i talk to. omg we got out of school early today because it was snowing really bad and they cancelled school tomorrow. I am soo very happy because i get out of like two major tests. eeeek! i saw the person i liked today woot woot! ok i sit in the front row in the only class we have together and he went to throw something away and missed and it landed right by my leg! eeeee! he went and picked it up and smiled! lol it was soo great. i'm gonna go fix some subpages.
luv always, kiley email book

January 14th
right now i am talking to pratt on the phone. we are talkin bout the new person i like ... lol arrowman (don't ask, inside joke.) he acts like he likes me but i really dont know. i like cody too but hes like my ex ex boyfriend. and has a girlfriend =[.. oh sadness. it has been such a boring day and i need a life.. later ppl!
luv always, kiley email book

January 13th
i'm so proud of myself, i actually have content up and it looks nice together. plz sign my book because its very lonely and needs some sexy monkey luvin. i have like 5 entries lol.. it sux. yesterday was boring. my dad said he was gonna take me to a politician banquet, but then he said that it was too cold and all politicians do is lie.. he shouldn't be talkin because he ran for commisioner =] lol. my sister got me in trouble last night. i swear i cant stand her half the time. right now, she is reading my diary and i dont care, i just do not wanna start a fight with her in fear of getting regrounded. because i'm supposed to be grounded until monday and i was on the computer saturday night. liz should be calling me soon but i'm online so she probably wont get through unless she disconnects me. i was about ready to get callwave until i realized, hey my speakers dont work half the time. lol. i better go find some reads for my section. i'm just so lazy though. i have baton lessons at 4:00. but thats cool cause ashley, the girl who's teaching me, is my sister kristin's best friend. so she is constantly nice to me. =D speshul treatment.
luv always, kiley email book

January 12th
new layout.. i was inspired by krystles lol. someone uploaded mp3s onto krystles files and it caused my page not to work. which really made me mad because, these people know that they can't upload illegal things on here. kinda common sense people. anyways i woke up at like 12:30 today. liz called me and we talked for a while. she asked for my advice.. i know its scary because no one asks for my advice because i'm usually the one asking for advice. lol confusing i know. then i called pratt later on and well hes pratt and really interesting. then later that day elizabeth and cj called me on three way. i guess that cj has to be my friend cuz hes gonna go out with liz. lol we were talking bout who pratt's best friend was and she asked cj and of course he said hers cuz he "luvs" her. but whats love anyways? i really do not think that it could be defined. but if you know please email me. haha. i need to get this stupid thing uploaded but i think im grounded from the internet. my mom is gonna be home for 7 days straight. shes probably gonna end up killing us kids cause we get on her nerves too much. shes one of the most annoying people too. oh well i guess we'll jus have to live like a normal family for a week. not. lol i get my braces february 10th i'm so excited. i will finally have pretty teeth. last night i finally told someone who i like. i told pratt because hes one of the only ones i can trust these days. we get along so good and he still likes me. maybe i should go out with him but i like arrowman. thats his code name for when we talk on 3way with other people and i wanna talk bout him. pratt is just amazed that i liked him. because he said that he is a bad person. gee i haven't talked to anyone online in a long time. =[ someone add me to aim please. sn xkileypaige. im out, later.
luv always, kiley email book

January 11th
omg i am soo frustrated. i got my stupid guestbook fixed so its nice a pretty but now i'm mad because i cant get greymatter installed.. please if anyone can help me. aim me at xkileypaige . please i dont understand like any of it at all. i got a 107% on my science test woooo! and i also got my first link exchange. i made a new rule, i will only do a link exchange with you if you are hosted, a domain, or one of my friends! woot woot good idea i know. i still haven't got the contect up yet. errr. makes me mad. today we went to the movies ok me and liz. and liz's lil sister likes this one guy named cj and the lil sisters best friend likes him too. but he likes liz so they were all ya know at the movies tonight and she doesnt' want me to tell them. but the sisters friend is like totally obsessed with this kid! and i think i'll feel bad if i dont tell her but then liz told me not to tell her. so i'm really confused. we went and saw just married with ashton kutcher <---sexy and brittany murphy. it was pretty good i guess. we were spying on ppl from school like the whole time. lol
luv always, kiley email book

January 8th
i hate school soo much! lol i'm sure everyone does unless they are good at it. hey i'm accepting link exchanges.. ok? only hosted or domains please. ok i know this layout isn't the greatest. but its kinda neat and original looking. i think. but thats just my opinion. omg i still have a c in history. that makes me so mad. i hate my history teacher, he's old and soo boring. i fell asleep in class today. we are talking about stuff like gettysburg and stuff i know absolutely nothing about. *snooze snooze* well anyways i think adrianna is coming home with me after school tomorrow and we are gonna go to the movies.
luv always, kiley email

January 7th
*woot woot* i got my hosted site up.. lol :D. so far i have this layout up and for the content. well i will guess its gonna have to come later this weekend. major plug to krystle. my wonderful host and friend. aka style.. lol. we are evil on aim chats. haha. well anyways. as you can tell this layout features christina aguilera. i'm not a real big fan but krystle told me her domain was up and she set up my ftp so i figured i should get something pretty good up. as of now, really no updates. for free stuff go to /dirrtydesigns run by me and syd. nothing on it yet, accepting workers.
luv always, kiley email book

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