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Kashary's Picture Page

In May 2004, Aunt Jami graduated and we had to be there. She is somewhere down in that mess. We got lucky and sat in the shade of the field. She wasn’t as lucky. Aunt Jami even took Carolyn back to Myrtle Beach High School to teach a class on making slime. Carolyn got to do the instructing.

While in Myrtle Beach for graduation it was Biker’s Week. Uncle Steve borrowed a Harley to take pictures of our little biker chick. We also went to the famous Bowery Tavern where the group “Alabama” got started. Aunt Jami works there so the boys in the band got her up on stage to congratulate her.

Now for the big day of Carolyn’s Pre-School Graduation. Next year it’s Kindergarten.

Just to finish up, here are some pictures of Carolyn’s favorite guest in the house, Nari the kitten. We like our pool and when it’s warm enough hang out there a lot. We naturally go to the beach cause it’s so close. And over Memorial weekend Jen’s friend Linda and her husband Keith took some of us out on their new boat. Life is good

Here are some newer pics of things from the near past.

Here Carolyn went for a motorcycle ride with Uncle Steve at Aunt Jami's house.

Then we headed to the cottage for some summer fun. Carolyn went to her riding lessons and went fishing off the dock. And we had campfires with friends all the time in the evening. Carolyn would get so tired that she fell asleep in her “Nuckerhole”. She went sight seeing with Grandma to the Middlefield Cheese Factory and she went to the Medevil Fare. Grandma and Grandpa went to the Islands for the day with some of the retired firefighters and had a total blast there. Carolyn played with her friend Leah at the cottage. We visited with Grandma Jean too.

Then the hurricanes came. First was Frances and then Jeanne. Frances was long and slow while Jeanne was fast and more destructive. Fortunately we had very little surface damage. We now have a generator for all those days without power. So here are some pics of both hurricanes coming and the destruction after words. The Pictures say enough. Here is Frances

Now for Jeanne. Before the storm its eerie, but afterwards the sky is beautiful. Check out scaredy-cat Ashlee hiding by the pool pump after the storm waiting for what might be coming next. Grandma went for a walk to see what happened to the turtle nests. A lot were destroyed as you can see in the one picture.

On October 24th, Carolyn celebrated her sixth birthday.

Well that’s it. I hope this helps and I promise to get my act together and change it more often.

Thanks for visiting.