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August 2001 - January 2002

02/11/01- Page construction is finished! Yay! I didn't change much except I got rid of the annoying frames and spruced it up a bit. Look forward to new features in the future.
02/04/01- Hey! It's Duncan's Birthday! Happy Birthday Duncan! And on another note, Jeremy left a short, but sweet post.
01/30/02- And Suprise! Another post from Jeremy! Click here.
01/28/02- Jeremy posted yet again on the CC. Go to my Posts page to see it.
01/25/02 (Evening)- There is an interview with Mike Turner in March's issue of Guitar One Magazine. Head over to Rich and Shelley's page to see the article (scanned). Also, the WWF soundtrack including the OLP song "Whatever" is supposedly going to be released in March.
01/25/02- Jeremy just posted a message on the Clumsy Congress. Go to my new Posts section to read it. Warning: it's more than a little random, you'll see what I mean, perhaps he was not sober? I don't know : )
01/19/02- There is an article from the U of Michigan (go blue!) newsletter on the top ten releases of 2001 posted on Rich and Shelly's page listing "Spiritual Machines" as #10. Head over to their website to see it or click here.
01/07/02- The video for "Life" was voted as #55 on MuchMusic's "Favourite Videos of the Year".
01/05/02- An article was just posted on concernig a replacement guitarist for Mike.
01/04/02- Lots of news! First of all, "Spiritual Machines" was listed as #10 of critic John Luerrson's (Rolling Stone) top ten albums of the year. Head to to see the rest of the critic's picks. On radio station 89x's (88.7 fm) "Top 89 of 2001", "Life" was ranked as #38 and "Right Behind You" was ranked #53. On radio station The Edge 102 (102.1 fm) "Life" was ranked #25 in their "Best of the New Rock 30 of 2001". "Century Hotel" was nominated for 2 Genie awards. One of the awards is for acheivement in origional music for "Can't Make It Good", written by Chantal and Raine for the movie. The other award is for acheivement in cinematography. Unfortunately, "Life" was picked as #5 on Much Music's cheesiest videos of 2001.
12/26/01- Merry Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year, etc.! Jeremy just posted this message on the CC:

"Merry Christmas everyone! And Happy Kwanza! And all different holidays!
This has been a pretty wacky year, changes of many kinds have happened. I'm sure you all have a million questions about this recent situation. All I can say is that these things happen, and it was for the best. We are making the most important record of our career thus far. I can speak for the others by saying we have not been moved this much by music and inspiration ever, in all the years past. We feel this is a very special record, a big step in the growth of our band.
The new environment (Bob, writing in Maui), has sparked a new lifeblood in the band. We are now able to look to the past and finally learn from it. We remembered that we are first and foremost, a rock band. Simple as that. So now we shall rock. These tracks are making us want to play live forever.
So on with the good times. Don't worry about us. we're all grown-ups (ALMOST). All we can do is move on with this flood of inspiration, and hope all of you enjoy what we come up with. We will see all of you soon. And yes I will be around. I've always been around. I just like to play under the radar sometimes.
Your pal, Jeremy "I saw a PS2 in the background of that Bin Laden tape" Taggart
P.S. Please have the jolliest New Year, but don't get too loaded. And Buy "Word Of Mouf" By Ludacris, It's a tad harsh, but he works the mic almost as good as Big Boi from Outkast."

12/19/01- Finally some good news to report: Oli Goldsmith and OLP took home 3 MMVA awards for best post-production, best director (Oli), and best video (all 3 were for "In Repair"). On another note, Mike finally posted his thoughts on the cc which I have put into my Aricles section (I don't know why I put it there but I thought it would be important to save it). His words may clear up some misconceptions about his split with the band.
12/13/01- I cannot tell all of you how much I wish I wasn't writing this. Appearently Mike has left OLP due to creative differences. I'm sorry but right now I am at a loss for words, you can click here if you do not believe or do not want to believe me (I know I wouldn't). I think Rich and Shelly can put the loss in better terms than I can. Visit their site to read their comments at
12/09/01- Yay! OLP won the CASBY award last night for favourite new release! If by chance you happened to miss the event, a web stream will soon be available on
12/01/01- Good news! OLP made it to nominee finals in all 3 of their categories for the CASBY awards: favorite new release-"Spiritual Machines"; favorite song-"Life"; and favorite video-"In Repair". Unfortunately, they are not sceduled to perform at the event, which will be held at The Pheonix Center, and is being broadcast by The Edge 102.1 from 7-9p.m. on Dec 8th. The event is also being broadcast from Also, there is an article on OLP from "What?" magazine featuring the winner of Pepsi's "Bandemmonium" contest who had the opportunity to meet and interview the band. Check out the article here.

11/24/01- Go to to vote for OLP in their annual readers poll.
11/17/01- Check out the new pictures on from the Music Without Borders concert. Reveiw wise, "Century Hotel" is not doing so well, but it came out in theatres a couple of days ago so go see it if you get a chance. It is open in:
Varsity Cinema, Toronto
The Queensway Cinema, Toronto
Tinseltown Cinema, Vancouver
Broadway Theatre, Saskatoon
11/11/01- Go to to see an interview of Mike, Raine, and Ray Kurziwel by Pamela Wallin on her talk show. Although its kinda long, its actually very interesting and thought-provoking. I would definetly recommend it.
P.S. ask "Ramona" (this virtual robot on the Kurziwel site) if she likes Our Lady Peace.
11/02/01- T-shirts are supposedly still on sale from the Music Without Borders benefit concert, so if you want a shirt or just want to help out, go to and while you're at it you might as well visit
10/27/01- The band will be heading to Hawaii in November to record their fifth album with possibly new producer, Bob Rock, who has produced albums for the likes of Metallica and Aerosmith. Click here to read an article.
*Also, I added a section of live pictures to my pictures section. They're not very sharp but if you want to see them, click here
10/22/01- The concert last night was absolutely amazing!(well at least OLP's set) From what I could see, they were the most outwardly dedicated to and encouraging of the noble MWB and War Child cause out of all the bands there. Click here to read a review of the concert from Also, check out an article for the concert on by clicking here. I took lots of pictures and I promise I will post them in a new section as soon as I get them developed.
P.S. I got one of Jeremy's drumsticks (sorry, I had to brag to someone)
10/19/01- Doors to the concert on sunday open at 5:30 and there may be a press conference held before the concert. Each band is supposedly playing for 40 min each with OLP's slot being from 9 to 9:40 (Eastern standard time). Don't forget that the concert will be covered live by MuchMusic if you didn't get tickets.
10/09/01- OLP will be performing live with Alanis Morisette and others in a benefit concert at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario on the 21st of October. Tickets are going on sale this Saturday for $35 plus service fees. If you happen to miss the event, it will be aired on MuchMusic. Head to for tickets and info.
10/04/01- A 4 track single for "life", including "Is Anybody Home?", an unreleased live version of "Clumsy" and an unreleased live version of "Car Crash" is available from Sony Music Australia on Also, check out the new pics posted from the summer on
10/03/01- "Century Hotel" is actually coming to theatres in November so be sure to go see it.
09/28/01- Voting has started for the CASBY awards (Canadian Artists Selected By You) and OLP is up for 3 more. Head over to 102 The Edge to vote for them.
09/27/01- Yay! finally my web page is finished...for now anyways. All you web-savvy people, please e-mail me with any suggestions cuz as you can tell,I am internet retarded. Look around and sign my guestbook. Also, please contact me if any of my info is incorrect, or just if you have any comments (
09/21/01-A second attempt at consoling the American public was made by the band. Check out the "Anything OLP" section of the to read this letter posted by Jeremy.
09/17/01-head to the "Thoughts and Prayers" section of the to read the bands reaction to last weeks events, posted by emtee.
09/16/01-according to Rich and Shelly Jeremy annouced while holding a special drum clinic in that the band hopes to release its fifth major album and live album at the same time (tentative date: Febuary 2002). He also stated that they will be experimenting with new instrumental sounds such as strings and also that they may be changing producers in order to expand their horizons.