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Where Is God When I Hurt?

"My God, why have you forsaken (forgotten) me?" [Matthew 27:46 & Psalm 22:1]

"... God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." [Hebrews 13:5 & Deuteronomy 31:6]

"God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble." [Psalm 46:1]

[1]"God Sees More Than We Do"

Have you ever experienced painful moments in your life when it felt like God was nowhere to be found? My firstborn daughter, Rebekah, developed "colic" when she was just one month old which caused such severe pain that she screamed at the top of her lungs all day and all night long! I prayed to God to either remove her pain, or transfer her suffering to me. After several months of holding Rebekah in my arms as she screamed, I wondered if God had heard my prayers, and if God even cared about her suffering or about my impending nervous breakdown! I grew angry at God, and I felt guilty about being mad.

About one year later I enrolled at Bethany Theological Seminary in Chicago. When I explained to fellow ministry students about this "faith struggle", I felt comforted by their words: "First, God can handle any and all angry feelings toward Him, and second, if you feel such an intense passion about God, this means that you must have a relationship with Him. Because a person who does not express anger at a friend, must not care about him or her."

"The Cosmic Battle": As an eye doctor, I know that our eyes see a very small portion of the visible spectrum of light, namely the colors plus black and white. Everyone believes by faith that there exists x-rays, gamma rays, and ultraviolet rays even though we cannot see or touch them. We also believe in the building blocks of life such as protons, neutrons, and electrons. So why is it difficult for some people to believe that an invisible spiritual realm exists?

There are at least 4 places in the Bible where we get a glimpse of life beyond our eyesight: [1] In 2 Kings 6:17, the Lord opened Elisha's servant's eyes to see that he was well protected by heretofore invisible horses and chariots of fire that filled the hills surrounding Elisha; [2] Job, Chapters 1 & 2, shows us (but not Job!) that a meeting in heaven between God and Satan occurred whereby Satan was allowed to test the strength of Job's faith; [3] In Daniel 10:4 through 11:1, an answer to Daniel's prayer was delayed by three weeks because the angel who was supposed to address this prayer was busy battling the prince of the Persian kingdom. This angel needed the help of the chief angel, Michael, to free him in order to answer Daniel's prayer; [4] Matthew, in Chapter 17:1-13, describes Moses and Elijah joining Jesus on a high mountain; their faces shone like the sun and their clothes appeared white as light. Interestingly, the disciples who were present with Jesus, namely Peter, James and John, recognized Moses and Elijah even though they would not possess photographs of these prophets!

How do these 4 glimpses into the invisible spiritual realm show us that God IS present in the midst of our pain and suffering? First, when we are overwhelmed and afraid by our present circumstances like Elisha's servant, God is surrounding us with mountains of protection. Perhaps our spiritual eyes will be opened if we ask God to show us His all-around protection.

Job was not able to see that God was actually watching while he lost all wealth, health, and children. While Job could not understand why everything was suddenly taken from him, and while he wondered why God was not immediately answering his prayers, God was with Job through the entire ordeal. Could it be that when we feel that God is absent, and is not immediately answering our prayers, this is precisely when God IS watching over us and IS with us the most? Even Jesus felt alone on the Cross when He said, "My God, My God, why have you forgotten Me?" Yet, God raised Him from death three days later.

Daniel shows us one reason why some prayers are not immediately answered. Recall that Daniel was such a devout believer in God that he was not afraid to refuse to worship his pagan King's false gods. Because of this disobedience, the King threw Daniel into a lions' den, and then was surprised to discover that God had spared Daniel's life by closing the lions' mouths. Even the fervent prayers of a devout person may not be instantly answered because of pressing battles occurring in the unseen cosmic world. Evenso, God did send an angel to help Daniel [and "Michael" to assist that angel!] And God sends angels to comfort us --- that "angel" may appear to us in the guise of a human being! [See Hebrews 13:2]

The appearance of Moses and Elijah to Jesus' followers offers comfort as we face death, and when loved ones go home to live with God [John 14:2,3]. Upon death we receive glorious and recognizable bodies, as do our loved ones. And just as Peter, James and John recognized Moses and Elijah without seeing them previously, we too will recognize our departed loved ones as well as people we have not met personally!

As you encounter daily struggles, emotional and physical pain, or loss of a loved person, remember: God has His protective arms around you; He is Present even when you feel He has abandoned you; God does answer prayer in His time frame [This answer may be "Yes", "No", "Be patient and wait, I have a purpose for you within My big Cosmic picture"]; God is constantly at work in His invisible spiritual world for our own good; and one day we will all be with each other in radiant pain free bodies. "...And we will live in the house of our Lord, forever." [Psalm 23]

... Doctor Mike


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