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Welcome to my new web site and look! On this page there will be links to my other pages that are listed on the right of the page.

I'm a young adult with a handicap called cerebral palsy. I love doing things with my friends and family like going on walks, camping, playing games, and much more! My favorite thing to do on my free tome is chat with friends on the internet, and playing games too. I'm now living on my own learning the responsibilities of life by paying bills, grocery shopping, and holding a job. My goal is to be able to work in a office type setting as my job because I love it! I also just graduated from high school in June 2002 from Mentor High School.

Please come back for future updates! If you have any suggestions please email me them. I now have the message board open for any suggestions, questions, or concerns you may have, Thanks! Thanks for your patience

Mentor High School

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Camp Sue Osborn

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Last Updated April 16, 2003