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    Go Cleveland Indians   

About Me:

Age - 19            Eye Color - Brown

Height - 5' 8"      Weight - 155 to 160

       I graduated last year from Crestview and am currently employed at    Heck's restaurant.  I am not attending college at the moment, but once I know in which direction I want my life to go in I will be heading there a.s.a.p.  I enjoy working out (which I need to do more often), drawing, photography, eating, anything with computers, and surfing the web.  My heart belongs to the most amazing girl I have ever met.  Aubrey sweetie I love you!

Shout Outs

Aubrey Desarro - Oh where to begin? Valentines day 2001 was the start of something very special. A relationship that seems to grow more and more with time. I love you so much and can't imagine what life would be like without you in it. Five months already and the surprises will keep on coming :) You are such a caring and giving person always trying to please.  Well my love, it's my pleasure to please you.  I will always be here for you, through thick and thin. "Thank You For Loving Me" *Big Kisses*
Your the perfect medicine my heart needs to remain perfectly happy :)
           Chad Dailey - Your the man! We have been best friends all through high school,  and plan on keeping it that way. Good luck with your job and take it easy on those Akron babes :)
  Rhonda Fulton - Hey what's up girl? Hope college life isn't getting to rough for you. Ill bet its a blast. We have had many fun times and will always have more.  You better get yourself some of those hot college guys you're always talking about
  Justin Townsend - Your one crazy cracker man. Good luck in school and with Beth. You two make a great couple. Any day you want to test out just how tough your Beretta is give me a call  :)
   Jerett Wertz - Your one of a kind man. work is always a blast, and your redneck   truck is somewhat tough. Good luck with Shannon even though you don't need it, you seem to have things under control.
    Jessica Shafer - Word of advice to anyone who may think about pissing this girl  off. DON'T DO IT!! haha Your very cool, its fun hanging out and we will have to do more of it. Good luck with everything pal.
    Tyler Green - Its been fun hanging out and getting to know you. Your easy to get along with. Good luck in baseball and everything else.

Ryan Mercer - It's been so much fun hanging out at your place and golfing, which we will have to do some more of this summer. Your a great person to talk to, good luck with Shannon.

  Ross Mercer - This kid has a mouth on him :) Great B ball player though. If you need help finding a woman give me a call man, Ill see what I can do for you.

Sarah Berger - Good friend of mine. Easy to talk to and full of good insights.        She could be dating a lot more if she would work up the nerve to call the guys up :)

Kelly Neihisel - Full of energy and attitude haha. You and Sarah should go double dating sometime.

Kristin Stratton  -
This girl can take pictures. Good luck in everything you do. We should get the group together and go on a little trip this summer that would be fun.

Renea Gorby - Don't forget all of the crazy things I did and said during art class last year haha.

Sara Rhom - Or should I say Cd Rhom? haha, Your fun to be around and entertaining. When you guys get out of school give me a ring so we can all do something.

Joe Neihisel - We don't get to hang out as much as we used to but when we do it's a blast. Ill never forget the wild times in art class, and everything that went on haha. Good luck man.

Little Shout Outs

Jacob Townsend      Sara Payne
Tori Grimm Jason Neihisel
Shannon Todd Kier Joy
Emily Barlow Barry Stewart
Beth Bell Shannon Walters
Tami Templin DJ
Chris Reidy Bob Jones
Curt Baker Keith Baker
Dan Kibby Lindsey Crustuchi
Mkenzie Crowlle Mike Harrof
Ryan Flowers Veronica Delarosa
Kristin Wilms Erin Thompson


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