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The Public Library - 60608
Kent State University School of Library & Information Science
Spring Term - 15 January - 6 May, 2004
Kent State Columbus Campus - 197 Mount Hall, Ohio State University - Columbus , Ohio

Instructor, Jay Burton
Spring Term Course Calendar
KSU - Library School

KSU-SLIS Columbus




State Library of Ohio

Ten_Minute Tutors

eLearning Center

Contact Me -
1-800-686-1532 or 614-466-5511 - FAX 614-728-2788

Course Description:

For those students currently working in a public library setting or those contemplating employment as professional librarians in a public library, this course is designed to offer an exploration and discussion of the Public Library in the United States.

We'll look at the programs and services, organization and history, trends, challenges and other factors that make-up the public library and when it's all'll either be glad you've elected to work in a public library...or steer towards academic, special or some other type of library.

Course Objectives:

1. Provide some general knowledge and a brief overview of the public library tradition and history in the United States.

2. Survey and discuss Public Library services, programs, and standards.

3. Discuss and review recommended library service measures and the procedures for data collection and application.

4. Discuss and review the role, mission, and constituencies of the public library.

5. Review and discuss the political organization and setting of the public library.

6. Examine various funding options for public libraries.

7. Review and collect a bibliography of professional organizations and other literature.

8. Provide an opportunity for individual and group study that encourages critical thinking and practical application to your current or future position.

Week 1 - January 15
The Public Library

Class Discussion:
Welcome & introductions
Course overview & requirements
History of the Public Library.
News & Views - Public Library History
Library History Powerpoint

Assignments Due Tonight:

Week 2 - 22 January, 2004
Public Library Governance

Class Discussion
Public Library Governance - State & Federal Laws Ohio Library Laws(select Title XXXIII Education-Libraries Section then section 3375 Libraries) - By-laws - Library Boards

Assignments Due Tonight: News & Views #1 Library History

Week 3 - 29 January, 2004
Public Library Funding & Library Policies

Class Discussion
Guest Speaker: Sue Banks, Director, Marysville Public Library

Assignments Due Tonight: News & Views #2 Library Funding

Week 4 - 5 February, 2004
Library Planning & Evaluation

Class Discussion
Long range planning - Measuring Library Services

Assignments Due Tonight: News & Views #3 Library Planning & Evaluation
Library History Article (emailed to me as an attachment)

Week 5 - 12 February, 2004
Library Resources

Class Discussion
Collections, Services, Programs

Assignments Due Tonight: News & Views #4 Library Services & Resources

Week 6 - 19 February, 2004
Library Programs (Class meets at the Marysville Public Library)

Class Discussion
A real library program..."Story Cafe"...Marysville Public Library

Assignments Due Tonight: News & Views #5 Library Programs

Week 7 - 26 February, 2004
Library Resources (cont.)

Class Discussion
Reference Service - Tech Services -

Assignments Due Tonight: News & Views #6 Library Services
Library Policy Samples

Week 8 - 4 March, 2004
OPLIN Database Review
Class meets at the State Library of Ohio

Class Discussion
Review of: EBSCOhost,
SIRS Discoverer, Access Science, Novelist, ELibrary

Assignments Due Tonight:

Week 9 - 11 March, 2004
OPLIN Database Review
Class meets at the State Library of Ohio

Class Discussion

Review of:
Encyclopedia Britannica,  Netwellness, Wilson Biographies, AMICO

Assignments Due Tonight:

Week 10 - 18 March, 2004
OPLIN Database Review
Class meets at the State Library of Ohio

Class Discussion
Review of: 
Newsbank, Literary Databases, Annals of American History, Oxford Reference

Assignments Due Tonight:

Week 11 - 1 April, 2004
Library Cooperation

Class Discussion
Statewide Resource Sharing, Cooperation with other organizations, RLS

Assignments Due Tonight:

LSTA Grant Application
25 Questions

Week 12 - 8 April, 2004
Facilities, Staffing, Training

Assignments Due Tonight:
News & Views #7

Week 13 - 15 April, 2004
Library Communications

Class Discussion
Statewide Resource Sharing, Cooperation with other organizations, RLS

Assignments Due Tonight: News & Views #8
Programming & Marketing Collection

Week 14 - 22 April, 2004
State Library Tour
Class meets at the State Library of Ohio

Class Discussion
Statewide Resource Sharing, Cooperation with other organizations, RLS

Assignments Due Tonight: News & Views #9 State Libraries

Week 15 - 29 April, 2004
Class Projects

Class Discussion
Class presentations.

Assignments Due Tonight:
Book Discussion Program
Sample Program

Week 16 - 6 May, 2004
Class Projects - We Made It!

Class Discussion
Class presentations.

Assignments Due Tonight:
Reference Collection Development Assignment
Ten-Minute Tutors
Database Guide Sheets

Stay in touch...Please ask if I can ever be of any assistance. Good Luck!!


News & Views 10 points each...10 Total…100 points
Due week 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, & 14. This assignment will provide you an opportunity to examine current issues in the field, articulate & share your opinions & reactions with colleagues.

History of Public Library Newspaper Article...100 points... Due 5 February
Sometime in your career you're bound to be asked to contribute to the local newspaper. Here's your chance to practice.

LSTA Mini-Grant Application – 100 points - Due 1 April
Here's your chance to get $15,000.00 for the library.

Library Service Inventory – 25 points - Due 12 February What’s happening in your libraries.
This inventory will give us a look

25 Questions – 50 points - Due 1 April
You'll get into this at a much deeper level, but here's a taste of the meat and potatoes of public library work...answering questions.

Reference Database Guide Sheet: - 25 points - Due 6 May Details to be announced

Programming & Marketing Collection – 100 points... Due 15 April
Librarians learn best from one another and are known for collecting and using ideas from all over. This assignment will give you a start to your own collection.

Book Discussion Program 100 points - Due 29 April
1 Early Reader Book - 1 Graphic Novel – 1 YA Fiction – 1 Children's Chapter Book - 1 Adult Novel
The makings of the "90 Books In 90 Minutes" program.
Some resources to help in selecting books to read.

Sample Program - 100 points - Due 29 April Programs are fun to plan & present. Here’s a chance to put your creativity to work & create one yourself.

Ten Minute Tutors 10 points each – 160 total - Due 6 May
Access Science & Newsbank
Oxford Reference & Annals of American History
Literary Databases & AMICO
This assignment gives you a chance to put newly learned OPLIN database skills to work.

Reference Collection Development - 150 points - Due 6 May May 1 What can you do with $8,000.00? You have a chance to build a reference collection with these amounts. What will you choose?

Collection Development Resources


Total Points Possible – 1000

Grades are determined based on the number of points earned on each project or paper, plus attendance. Your participation and own learning is largely determined by you...the work is a means to that end.
1000 - 900 points - A
890 - 700 points - B
690 - 600 points - C

Attendance is very important but things to come up. Please let me know if you won't be able to come to class. Things come up and I'm pretty flexible.