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Jason's Memorial

This is in memory of the good who die young,
And we look at you now smiling down from above,
We know that you see us now, we know you hear us grieve,
This life is far too short already, and you were too young to leave.

You were the best that we've ever known,
So believe that you'll stay with us as we now grow alone.
If there's one thing we'll remember for now and forever after,
The thing everyone talks about is your unending laughter.

It's strange how your laughter brings us to tears,
Crying for the love you've shown us all through your too few years.
So this is in remembrance of a true friend gone
Without you in this place something just seems wrong.

But nothing lasts forever, and we're not trying to pretend
So even though your time is over, we know that you are with us until the end.

A great son, brother, and friend he was to all of us. How greatly we will miss him. He was one of the kindest people you will ever meet. He never hurt anyone and never would have. We all loved him so much and to face the fact he is no longer with us is hard to deal with. Never will we forget all the great times we spent with Jason. We now know that God has a wonderful angel in His kingdom. It is so hard to lose a friend as great as Jason. Friends are one of the most important things in our lives. And we thank God that we were able to share our many good times with a friend like Jason. He lived his life the way many of us would have wanted to. There was never a day he wasn't there for us, always willing to lend a hand, give advice, or just share a hug or a smile to cheer us up. The love he shared helped us through the rough days and helped the good days get even better. We are going to be so lost with out him. I am sure no one will ever forget such a beautiful person.

"Miss Me
But Let Me Go"

When I come to the end of the day,
And the sun has set for me.
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room.
Why cry for a soul set free?

Miss me a little, but not too long,
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love we once shared---
Miss me, but let me go.

For this is a journey we all must take,
And each must go alone.
It's all part of the maker's plan,
A step on the road to home.

When you are lonely and sick at heart
Go to the friends we know.
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds---
Miss me, but let me go.

"Not His Choice"

Even though I cannot see
I know he's up there watching over me
I swear sometimes I hear his voice
His leaving us was not his choice

I miss our talks that we once had
He was always there for me through good times and bad
He could cheer me up when no one else could
Even when I didn't think it was possible - he always would

I wish he would have known how much he meant to me
I wish he would have, I wish he could have seen
He will forever be my guiding wings
And help me get through all the hard things

I know he's in heaven having lots of fun
Wearing a halo that shines golden like the sun
But still everytime I look up to the sky
I bow my head and I cry and I cry

I know he's looking, wanting me to be tough
But for me these times are just too rough
He will always be my lifelong friend
And it is a shame his life had to come to an end.

"I Hear Jason"

Seems like it was yesterday he was living here.
Lord knows why he's taken him away
It isn't very clear.
Into every life a little rain must fall,
And losing someone you love is like a storm
'cause storms are always passing.
I hear Jason singing in heaven tonight
and in between the sadness,
I hear Jason telling me he's all right.
Life goes on even after life,
That is what I believe.
Jason's gone but he will still survive in a memory
that I am keeping here with me.
Silencing the voice of mortal tragedy
of listening to whispers of the soul.
I hear Jason singing in heaven tonight.
And in between the sadness, I hear Jason
Telling me that he's all right.

Jason had the ability to turn a bad day into a good one just by walking into the room. He was always a bundle of energy. When he died, a large piece of me died right with him that can never be replaced. It is a tragedy that God took him from us after only 16 years. But I can assure you that it is not a tragedy how he lived his life. Jason Motto lived life to the fullest. He was an inspiration who touched everybody who was lucky enough to meet him.

We will always love him and he will live in our hearts forever! As we have looked at this truly beautiful person for the last time today, we will all have fine memories of a truly dear, loving, caring, and fantastic person whom we will never forget. There are many boys and men in this wonderful world, but only a few fine gentlemen like Jason!

Our love is everlasting
Never believe it will end
Your family misses you so deeply
And so do all your friends.

Pictures of Jason and Friends
Comments and Memories about Jason
Articles about Jason
A Letter From Heaven
Jason's Obituary

If you have any pictures; or if you would like to post any comments about Jason on the comment page, please leave an Email of what you want to be displayed.

© M.G.

Special thanks goes to the Motto family for allowing me to do this for Jason and giving me ALL those pictures. Even though I should have just taken all three boards!(Just joking Gina). But Thanks again, Joe, Gina, Justin, and the rest of the family.