Legolas is one of our favorite stallions here at Sunny Sky Stables! Of all of our horses here at Sunny Sky Stables, he has excelled at the fastest rate. His preformance in the rings leave us all delighted and the judges in awe. They can't help but give out the prizes to this stallion! Legolas is always alert, and the way that he looks and interacts with you makes you sure that he understands everything going on around him. You can't help but wonder if maybe this horses even understands English! He is definitely one of the smartest horses you have ever met.

We see big things for him in his future. We are greatly anticipating his first foal. We will be breeding him to one or two of our quarter horse mares in the next month or two. We haven't decided on the names yet, but we know that we would like to keep them related to elves or Tokien's Lord of the Rings. A few that we are considering are Aragorn, Prince of Mirkwood, Princess of Mirkwood, Durin, Gimli, Galadriel, Gandalf, Boromir, Faramir, Pippin, Merry, Frodo and Sam. If you have any thoughts on these names or suggestions for others, please let me know (!

Legolas is not open for public breeding at this time. For the moment we are keeping Legolas's bloodline very elite and private. Perhaps once he has several foals with a couple titles each we will consider selling a couple breedings.