Thank you for stopping by the HV Quarter Horse Registry! This Registry is in no way real, it is part of a game called Horse Venture. This business is run by Alex (

This is a place where you can register your horses of the Quarter Horse breed. The membership fee is yearly. That means that once per year you need to pay the membership fee. The membership fee is $2,000 per horse. You get many benefits from joining. You can have free stud/broodmare advertising underneath the name of your horse, and you can have one picture put up. All horses registered will get discounts off of all shows hosted by the Quarter Horse Registry. There will also be exclusive members only shows held. Our goal is to have at least one show per month, if not more.

All pictures were taken down recently to avoid lawsuits because we had up pictures without permission. Once you have received permission for your pictures, please e-mail Alex ( the picture URL as well as the e-mail that grants you permission to use the picture.

If you would like to join, please fill out the join form

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Join Form for the HV Quarter Horse Registry
The join form currently isn't working. So please e-mail the following information to Alex at! Thanks.

Horse's Name
Horse Page URL
Stud/Broodmare Info & Fee

Check for $2,000 per horse

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Registered Stallions & Colts

Horse Name
Stud fee: n/a
Info on stud

Membership fee due: DAtE
Owner: NAME

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Mares & Fillies

Horse Name
Broodmare fee: n/a
Brood Info.

Membership fee due: DATE
Owner: NAME

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Membership fee due: DATE
Owner: Name

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