About Polo | How the HVPA Works
Registered Members | Registered Horses
Teams | Polo Meet & Show Schedule

Welcome to the HVPA!

Welcome to the Horse Venture Polo Association! We're so glad that you have stopped by and are hopefully considering joining the HVPA. There are many benefits that you will gain from joining, and we hope that you will take a few minutes out of your busy day to read about them. To navigate around the site, please click on the links above. The HVPA is in no way real. It is part of a game called Horse Venture.

About Polo | How the HVPA Works
Registered Members | Registered Horses
Teams | Polo Meet & Show Schedule

About Polo

A thrill to watch, but yet so simple of a game that takes a lot of skill. The sport of polo has been played since the mid to late 1800’s, and originated in England. The greatest era of the sport of polo was during the first and second world wars. About half of the registered members in polo were military players.

A team of four horses and riders play six, seven-minute breathtaking periods or chukkers. The less competitive players bring at least two horses to take turns competing on. But in the championships the top players will bring at least six, if not more, horses to compete on. Why? Because the, well-fitted, horses will keep going for about two to three miles each chukker.

The players, and even the horses, need to have great anticipation, maybe even a sixth sense, to compete in the sport of polo; seems how there’s few set plays in the sport. While competing you have to watch out for other players because it is allowed for a player to hook an opponent’s mullet, push him off the line, bump him with his horse and even steal the ball.

The great sport of polo is right here in Horse Venture! The Horse Venture Polo Association is hoping that you will sign up and compete in our monthly competitions. This is the new era of polo. So come enjoy the sport where man and horse take fierce determination, agility, gracious sportsmanship and an inseparable bond and put them together to make an unforgettable experience in the world of equestrian sports.

- Written by Madison

About Polo | How the HVPA Works
Registered Members | Registered Horses
Teams | Polo Meet & Show Schedule

How the HVPA Works

The HVPA will hold polo meets every week and a polo show every month. Each horse on the winning polo team at polo meets receives 8 points, and each horse on the winning polo team at a show receives 15 points. The meets and shows are free once you purchase a year registration for yourself and your horses.

There will be four horses per team. You are welcome to register as many horses as you want, but for now, you can only "ride" two horses per meet or show. You are more than welcome to hire members that don't have any horses trained in polo to ride your other horses. However, all riders must be registered members.

There is no need to enter yourself in every polo meet and show - each team will automatically be entered. If you would like to rotate one of your horses not currently on a team in for one of your horses on the team, then all you need to do is reply to the thread on the show section of the message board and I will change that on the post as well as on the website.

All horses two years of age and older that are trained in polo are eligible to register with the HVPA and enter to meets and shows.

You are responsible for rotating any pregnant mares or injured horses out of the meets and shows! The HVPA will not be held responsible for pregnant or injured horses competing in the polo meets and shows!

About Polo | How the HVPA Works
Registered Members | Registered Horses
Teams | Polo Meet & Show Schedule

Registered Members

Alex (horses_ponys@hotmail.com)

About Polo | How the HVPA Works
Registered Members | Registered Horses
Teams | Polo Meet & Show Schedule

Registered Horses

The horses will be listed in alphabetical order. If you sell or buy a horse listed below, please e-mail Jessica (jessica@moshing4him.com), so she can change the name of the owner.

Horse Owner Due
Dream Catcher Jessica 3/05
I'm A Sunset Dream Believer Elmo 3/05
Lord of the Dance Jessica 3/05
Snowflakes Falling Elmo 3/05

About Polo | How the HVPA Works
Registered Members | Registered Horses
Teams | Polo Meet & Show Schedule


Teams will start to be assembled after we get a total of four rider memberships and at least eight horse memberships.

About Polo | How the HVPA Works
Registered Members | Registered Horses
Teams | Polo Meet & Show Schedule

Polo Meet & Show Schedule

Polo Meets and Shows will be scheduled after we get a total of three rider memberships and at least six horse memberships, and teams have been assembled.

About Polo | How the HVPA Works
Registered Members | Registered Horses
Teams | Polo Meet & Show Schedule


I'm so glad that you have decided to register your horses with the HVPA! The membership fee for a rider is a one time fee of $2,000. The membership fee for a horse is a yearly fee of $2,000. All shows and meets are held free of cost for the members.

Before you go any further in the registration process, please make sure you go and read the How the HVPA Works section, if you haven't already. That section contains important information about how the HVPA works.

Please e-mail Jessica (notashamedofhim@hotmail.com) or post a message in the general section of the message board with the following information to join the HVPA.

Your name
Your e-mail
Your horse(s)' name(s)
A check

That's it! I will be in contact with you shortly about team placements.