HV Rules

The Rules

This is a SIM game. That means that nothing in this game is real. We do not use real money and you do not need to use your real name. This is a kids site so no foul language, porn, or anything along those lines!!! If you have a problem with a fellow member we do have a courtroom that settles all disputes.

When you join the info you make up will have to correspond with the breed's characteristics. We will be checking up on this but for your convenience we have included a link to some characteristics.

You are not allowed double playing. This term means one real person playing two people in HV. When you quit HV you cannot give your money away, only your horses. If you want to delete your horses when you leave please notify an HV Manager.

If you are unsure of some rules or do not see a rule that you have a question on please e-mail

Alex (horses_ponys@hotmail.com) ,


- Message Board Rules
- Breaking the Rules & Consequences
- About Money
- How Often...?
- Breeding Your Horses
- Pasture Boarding Information
- Businesses
- About Stables And Boarding
- Picture Rules
- Vacations And Absences
- Show Information
- Showing Your Horse
- Point Scales
- Title Scales
- Event Scales
- Event Log
- Foal Scales
- About Disasters/Rewards
- Aging Your Horses
- Tack Requirements
- Retiring A Horse


When you start HV, you start with $500,000.00 in the bank account. To support your horses you will need to earn money. You can post a message on the message board to see if any of the businesses need an employee, or create your own business.

When you spend too much money and your balance is at $0.00, you will be declared bankrupt. Once you are declared bankrupt the bank takes all of your possessions and begins selling them off in order to pay off your debt. Before reaching bankruptcy you may try to solve your problem yourself by selling some possessions, such as horses, businesses, and so on. Doing this yourself allows you to choose which horses you want sold off as well as businesses you own and other possessions. The bank will first sell off things of greatest value that way your debt is quickly paid off.

There are special bankruptcy arrangements made and for further information about money go to the bank.

How Often...?

Horses must visit the veterinarian every 3 months for their checkups and shots.

Horses must go to the farrier every 2 months for hoof checks, hoof trimmings and shoe changes.

You will need to go to the veterinarian more often if you plan on breeding your horses or if you receive a disaster stating your horses should go visit the veterinarian. If any of the above rules aren't kept up with you just may receive a disaster(see below).


To breed your mare/stallion you MUST e-mail the veterinarian to book an appointment with them and get all the special vitamins needed during a pregnancy. All breeding horses need their vitamins while they are pregnant or a stud. Pregnancy takes a lot of the nutrients from a mare's body and if nutrients are insufficient in a mare the offspring will suffer just the same as a stud using nutrients to fertilize a mare. When a stallion is at stud you want to ensure that the mare is impregnated and the stallion does not become sterile.

Although it is not mandatory for you to buy nutrients for the stud or pregnant mare it is one way to ensure things go smoothly and less chance for a disaster.

Mares are capable of breeding at age 4, stallions at 2.
We do not recommend breeding mares over the age of 15 due to complications which could arise. Pregnant mares may show in Halter, Lunge- Line and Showmanship.

Pasture Boarding Information

Not all horses need to have bedding(if they live outdoors). However all partially and full boarded need to have some type of bedding in their stall. If your boarding stable doesn't offer bedding then you will have to buy it and have it shipped there.

Horses that have any pasture board cannot compete in shows. This is because there is no restriction to the food intake and show horses are on a strict diet plan.


Trainers: Multiple people can train in the same event. You can change the events you train in at any given time, BUT you must apply for training from the trainer for the new events you wish to train in.

Main businesses such as the Veterinarian and Farrier must be in HTML format and may not be moved from the location we give you. You will be given the password to access the pages from where they are hosted so you can update them. It is up to the owner's discretion as to what prices they will charge for services provided and once they are running the site they will be allowed to change the layout of the page so long as it remains on the website provided.

Making a registry allows a person to learn about that particular breed whereas an association allows you to get to know about the sport. Both registries and associations can hold shows but a registry can only allow horses of the breed of registry that they are to attend just the same as an association can only hold shows that the association is.

If you are making your own businesses and don't know HTML this is fine as certain servers such as geocities and homestead don't require HTML knowledge.

We do NOT accept businesses on expage, sorry!
Businesses requiring information sent to them MUST have a form on the site.

We do not require your passwords but if you plan to go on vacation we do require you leave a password and have forms forwarded to a pre-arranged HV Manager so they can update the site and keep it active and current.

You will need the permission of a HV Manager to start a business. Before opening your site a HV Manager will check the site for broken links, images and content before being added to the businesses page.

Managers will conduct periodical tours of all the pages hosted by the members. They will be searching for broken pictures and links, if they are found fines will be given out. First time offender will be given warnings, if it continues to occur action will be taken.

About Stables And Boarding

Stables are required to buy the arenas, houses, and other miscellaneous buildings and store supplies needed. The acreage you accumulate, when buying your facility's buildings, is automatically given to you.

Stables are considered a business if they are a boarding facility or host regular shows. Normally, you may open one at any time, whether it be boarding, showing or private. When creating your facility please refer to the Stable Requirements.

Just like a business, when your stable is finished you must have it approved by an HV Manager for broken links, pictures and content. When you are given approval you need to buy feed and bedding before you are considered officially open for business.

Please remember, if you are hosting a show, that you are expected to supply a stall for each horse entered. Also if you have a boarding facility you will need to buy feed and bedding for the horses stabled at your facility too, unless otherwise stated in your boarding plans.

Picture Rules

We encourage the use of pictures for your horses as it makes the game more realistic. To use a picture you email the owner and ask permission to use it. Some people have copywrites on their photos and if you are caught using them without the permission of the owner you could be sued for REAL LIFE money.

No two horses in HV may have the same photograph. Whoever was using it first will be entitled to keep it and the other person must find a new picture.

Photographs must correspond to the breed of the horse they represent. If you don't know what breed the picture you find resembles email an HV Manager. If it resembles the breed your horse is, we will allow you to use it. The maximum number of pictures you may use for one horse on your member page is 2.
You are allowed to have as many pictures as you like but only if they are hosted on another page which you have made. The URL you have the pictures hosted on is then e-mailed to a HV Manager who will then add the link onto your horses stats.

This paragraph has nothing to do with pictures. It is simply to ensure that you have read the rules. On your join form in the "Have you read the rules..." space please write "Bugs Bunny & Tweety" This is just so we know that you read the rules. Thank you!

There may be special cases where we will ask you to remove a certain number if you have over 15 pictures or so. Just take into consideration that the more pictures you have on one page the longer it takes to open to view it. Please do not request us to make a page for you as we do not have the time for it.

Vacations & Absences

All of us are going to be at one time away so if you are going to be away please let us know on the message board or e-mail a HV Manager so we don't delete your information and we can get someone else to temporarily run your business. You will need to e-mail the HV Manager the passwords to get into your businesses. If your business is not a main business and you are not going to be away long the HV Manager may just say that no one will run the business it can just wait until you get back.

When you are away your info will go into dormant mode and you will receive no disasters/rewards.

It is useful to ask someone to look after your horses incase the stable you are boarding at receives a disaster.

Show Information

To host a show you must have somewhere to host it. If you do not have your own facility ask the owner of the stable you board at to rent their facility. (They can choose not to allow you to use their facility if they want as well as they can charge you what they want for you renting it)

You cannot run a show when only one owner has horses entered into the event.

To host a show, post a thread on the message board in the following format:
Reason Run:
Day Entries Due:
Day Run:
Entry Fee:
Prizes(if any):
Restrictions(if any):
Enter like this:

*Remember that if you are hosting a show you will be expected to supply a stall for each horse entered. So if you host a show you may have to limit the events to accommodate the number of horses entering with the number of stalls you have available. HOWEVER, If the person entering the show states, and can prove, they have their own sleeping quarters and trailer for the horses involved, they do not need to pay for accommodations. They will still need to pay the registry fee, if any.

If you plan on buying ribbons or are providing a place for the entries to reside for the time of the show, you are entitled to charge an entry fee. Each event/class must have at least 6 entries in order for the class to be held. Special exceptions may apply. Upon completion of the show there must be no more or no less than 6 winners for each class/event.

When hosting a major show, such as a stable's opening or some HV event, you are permitted to hand out Champion and Reserve Champion titles for the respective show. The Champion and Reserve Champion will be determined by tallying up the points of all horses entered in the show. The horse with the most points is the Champion and the runner up, second. You must request permission from Alex to give out Champion and Reserve Champion titles given out. Regular Champion titles award the horse 30 points, and Reserve Champion awards 15 points.

All show results must be posted on the message board.

Showing your horse

To show your horse it must be trained in the event you want to enter it. To train your horse in an event you will need to visit the Trainers page.

If you are interested in having your horse trained in an event, your horse must be at least 2 years of age (except in lunge-line and showmanship where they can be trained as yearlings, and halter where they can be trained as newborns/weanlings) then look at the list of trainers and select a trainer that trains in the event you wish your horse to be trained in. Horses can only be trained in one event at a time and during training cannot compete in shows and events that the horse is being trained in!!!

Once you have selected a trainer you need to e-mail that trainer to find out how much it will cost and if they are willing to train your horse. If the certified trainer agrees to train your horse the trainer is to inform the trainer that they will be training a horse in an event. If your horse is to be trained in more than one event please list what event you want your horse trained in first.

A trainer can charge a person their choice of a price to train horses so shop around with different trainers to get the best prices in town!

You must have the appropriate tack to enter a certain event. Mares may not show when pregnant in any events other than Halter. Horses may not race after the age of 6. There are certain events that are restricted to a particular breed. For example: Arabian Costume is for Arabians only and Pulling/Logging is for Draft breeds only.
Racing: This event is currently only open to Arabians, Thoroughbreds, Quarter Horses and Paint Horses.

For a list of all the events in HV, the Event Log below.

Point Scales

After the show has been run points will be awarded for horses placing 1st to 6th. Polo points are given only to the final team. Each horse on the team receives 15 points! The points are awarded in this fashion

8 Points
7 Points
6 Points
3 Points
2 Points
1 Point

Title Scales

After your horse has earned a specific amount of points they will earn a title. When you reach a higher denomination title you change your to one of higher status. The titles are as follows:
What Title Represents
100-199 Points
Grand Champion
200-299 Points
Regional Champion
300-399 Points
State Champion
400-499 Points
National Champion
500-599 Points
International Champion
600-699 Points
Continental Champion
700-799 Points
World Champion
800-899 Points
Stellar Champion
900-999 Points
Universal Champion
1,000-1,500 Points
Grand Univeral Champion
2,000 Points
Once your horse has achieved all of these titles it MUST retire!

Event Scales

When you enter a show you will be asked which level you wish to enter. Levels classify how advanced your horse is in certain events. Your horse needs to be entered in the category into which his points fit.
For example, a horse with 6 or no points in an event would belong in the 'Open' class of the event it was entering. These are the levels:
< 20 to>
21-40 points
41-69 points
70-99 points
100 points & over

Event Log

This a list of all the events in Horse Venture.
Long Distance Racing
Endurance Racing
Sprint Racing
English Pleasure
Side Saddle
Western Pleasure
Hunter Pleasure
Barrel Racing
Field Hunting
Calf Roping
Heavy Horse Pull
Chuckwagan Racing
Bronco Riding
Bull Fighting
Arabian Costume
Cross Country
Gaited Events
Lunge Line

Pregnant Mares and Yearlings may compete in Halter, Showmanship and Lunge Line.
Newborns and Weanlings may compete in Halter

We are always open to suggestions for more events so if you feel you have an event to add to this list please e-mail a HV Manager.

Foal Scales

Horses receive titles for their foals, they are as follows:

What Title Represents
Established GrandSire
A stallion with over 3 grand-foals, their points do not matter
Established Sire
A stallion with over 9 foals, their points do not matter
Established Dam
A mare with over 4 foals, their points do not matter
Established GrandDam
A mare with over 3 grand-foals, their points do not matter
Superior GrandSire
A stallion with at least 3 grand-foals who have over 99 points each
Superior Sire
A stallion with at least 4 foals who have over 99 points each
Superior Dam
A mare with at least 2 foals who have over 99 points each
Superior GrandDam
A mare with at least 3 grand-foals who have over 99 points each


Disasters mostly occur to those who do not take care of their horses. If your horses do not have tack, or have not visited the Veterinarian or Farrier recently they are a target for a disaster.

If your horse gets 'lost' as a disaster you have 5 days, one business/school week, to respond saying you claimed your horse before it becomes the property of the first person who replied to the 'lost' post.
This type of disaster is to ensure the members in active are HV.

There are good disasters too! These are known as rewards. The better you take care of your horses, the more chance you have of getting a reward!

There is a limit to disasters per show per person per horse. The limit is 1 disaster per person for all horses entered UNLESS they have entered horses that are not trained in that event then the limit is 2 disasters unless this is a repeat offence (the owner has entered untrained horses into events before then the limit is for all horses entered)


To age your horses email one of the HV Managers.

A foal must always be 4 years younger than it's dam and 2 years younger than it's sire. So if your foal is a newborn and the sire is a 2 year old and the mare is now a 5 year old you would have to age the sire before you could age the foal 1 year. If you want to age the foal but this kind of restriction is there you can age the sire and dam if you own them. If you don't own them then the owner of the sire/dam must e-mail a HV Manager to get their horse aged. Once aged you can then e-mail a HV Manager to have your foal aged.

If you breed your mare and she has a foal your mare will automatically be aged one year. A mares' foals must be 1 year apart unless they are twins because a mare cannot breed more than once a year.

Stallions' foals do not need to have age differences just so long as they are 2 years younger than the sire because a stallion may breed as many as 40-60 times a year(some are Artificial Insemination, but it is possible). UNLESS you are breeding the stallion to a mare that it has been previously bred to and already has a foal with then the stallion must also age 1 year.

Tack Requirements

The only tack that is mandatory is a halter and lead rope. However, if you plan on showing your horse you will need to buy specific tack for the event you are participating in.

If you show your horse or have it trained without the proper tack disasters will be handed out!


Once your horse has reached 2,000 points it has come to it's mandatory retirement show limit. This means that your horse may no longer participate in shows, unless specifically stated otherwise.

For Example: Retired Horse Show

Complete retirement from the game will also be mandatory at one point. Retired horses may continue to breed,

Message Board

General Guidelines: The quick summary is, “If you think it might be prohibited, it probably is. Don’t be immature.” First time offenders will usually get a 1week ban, the next ban is permanent. Blatant offenders go straight to permaban.

Rules Regarding Taboo Topics:
Personal insults or attacks on other users (unless jokingly among friends) will be deleted.
Blatant inflammatory messages intended to start an argument and not conversation will be removed. Yes this is subjective, deal with it.
Abusive and/or obnoxious behavior will be deleted.
Racism in any form will be deleted.
Sexual content will be deleted.

We stand by the spirit of the law, not the letter. The admins reserve the right to nuke anything they feel is unfit for the site.

SIM means Simulation, and Simulation means that it is not real. We take no responsibility for copy written photos our members use as we state in the rules that permission must be granted before use.

© Influx Designs
