Friday The 13th Paet 5 Box

The opening is competent enough. Young Tommy Jarvis (Corey Feldman), dressed in raincoat and galoshes, makes his way along a forest trail during a rainstorm and comes upon a recent grave, the headstone of which reads "Jason Voorhees." Okay, so we're obviously watching a dream sequence here. No problem. And look--here come two college-aged lunks with shovels. Tommy ducks and hides behind a hedge while the lunks open the grave and are greeted by a still-alive Jason, who dispatches both and then turns his attention to his would-be earlier assailant, Tommy. Jason's machete blade swings down at Tommy and....

A years-older Tommy Jarvis (now played by John Shepherd) awakens in the back seat of a vehicle driving him to Pinehurst, a halfway house for troubled teens. Did I mention that the opening credits roll somewhere hereabout? Well, they do. Anyway, after the "Directed by Danny Steinmann" one fades away, we're with Tommy at Pinehurst, as the instantly-recognizable heroine Pam Roberts (Melanie Kinnaman) comes on scene and escorts him to his room.

  From here, things go awry. One "guest" (or is it "patient"....the script won't distinguish) at the halfway house murders another with an axe. Shortly after his arrest, more murders start up, chiefly surrounding the halfway house residents. You get the picture.  


Directed By: Danny Steinmann
Written By: David Cohen & Danny Steinmann
Starring: Anthony Barrile, Dominick Brascia, Todd Bryant, Corey Feldman, Melanie Kinnaman, Richard Lineback, John Shepherd
Year: 1985

I dont know. I really dont. I watched it and was mildly entertained. Then I thought, hey this is called Friday The 13th and it had NOTHING TO DO WITH JASON. That kinda made me think more negatively. Most deffinatly not any better than part 4. That is for sure. This movie just seems like one of those stupid MTV teen horror sell out movies. Fuck that. The 80's....what a waste, I mean, Ed Gein died, I was born, and this movie was made. HORRIBLE!!
-Monkey Shit