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MY MOM SCARES ME: hello Garretmandudeguy: hey mom scares me 2 MY MOM SCARES ME: i saw your pic on buddypic and i wanted tell you i liked your eyes Garretmandudeguy: haha thanks MY MOM SCARES ME: y r u rated so lo? Garretmandudeguy: dunno Garretmandudeguy: ask the people who voted tat MY MOM SCARES ME: lol i rated u ten Garretmandudeguy: awsome thanks Garretmandudeguy: !:-) Garretmandudeguy: whts ur username MY MOM SCARES ME: except theres one lil thing you mostlikely dont know about me Garretmandudeguy: ok Garretmandudeguy: and whats that MY MOM SCARES ME: im a 15/m/il im bi:-\ Garretmandudeguy: so Garretmandudeguy: haha that ok Garretmandudeguy: ok Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: i went out with a bi MY MOM SCARES ME: really? Garretmandudeguy: but she was a girl Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: haha MY MOM SCARES ME: funny? Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: whats funny MY MOM SCARES ME: whats with the ahha MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: haha MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: ?? Garretmandudeguy: im not sure Garretmandudeguy: i was thinking about my gf MY MOM SCARES ME: y? Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: she is funny Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: she told me she was bi and she didnt like me at first Garretmandudeguy: haha MY MOM SCARES ME: so never tried being with a guy? Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: have u MY MOM SCARES ME: yes! MY MOM SCARES ME: lol Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: what about girls MY MOM SCARES ME: what about em Garretmandudeguy: have u tried getitng with them MY MOM SCARES ME: im done with girls they got boring MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: if ya know what i mean Garretmandudeguy: no MY MOM SCARES ME: lol Garretmandudeguy: i have never had enough Garretmandudeguy: i havent done ne thing Garretmandudeguy: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: lol hahahahaha lets just say fuckin gurls got old so now im tryin guys out Garretmandudeguy: how did they get old MY MOM SCARES ME: it got boring Garretmandudeguy: hm Garretmandudeguy: i c Garretmandudeguy: but hwo are u bi MY MOM SCARES ME: because i go both ways MY MOM SCARES ME: just cause im not fucking a gurl right now dont mean i wont again Garretmandudeguy: cool i guess MY MOM SCARES ME: wanna cyber> MY MOM SCARES ME: ? Garretmandudeguy: ugh Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: why Garretmandudeguy: i think i have a gay friend Garretmandudeguy: wanna talk to him MY MOM SCARES ME: ok? Garretmandudeguy: well he aint gay Garretmandudeguy: but hes bi Garretmandudeguy: etaksboarder14 MY MOM SCARES ME: is he skinny? Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: o yeah Garretmandudeguy: dead sexxy MY MOM SCARES ME: i dont like skinny guys MY MOM SCARES ME: lol Garretmandudeguy: well not to skinyn Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: hes fater then me MY MOM SCARES ME: ok MY MOM SCARES ME: is he tlking to me right now? MY MOM SCARES ME: hardpunkGizmo27 Garretmandudeguy: i dont know that is mike Garretmandudeguy: is he talking to u MY MOM SCARES ME: yes e said you told him to tlk to me and hes bi Garretmandudeguy: how far do u like to go with guys Garretmandudeguy: yeah i did MY MOM SCARES ME: as far as they want Garretmandudeguy: do u like mike MY MOM SCARES ME: dunno yet Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: she has a web cam Garretmandudeguy: he* Garretmandudeguy: sorry Garretmandudeguy: haha MY MOM SCARES ME: does he? Garretmandudeguy: YEAH HE HAS LIKE A FUCKING NICE ONE MY MOM SCARES ME: tell him to use that MY MOM SCARES ME: does he use yahoo on it? Garretmandudeguy: ooops he has a camera Garretmandudeguy: its a digital one MY MOM SCARES ME: oh Garretmandudeguy: i thought it was web cam capable MY MOM SCARES ME: is he as cute as you? Garretmandudeguy: i dont know Garretmandudeguy: im ugly MY MOM SCARES ME: no your not !!! your kidding me right? MY MOM SCARES ME: you seriouslyhtink your ugly? Garretmandudeguy: of course MY MOM SCARES ME: y? Garretmandudeguy: cuz Garretmandudeguy: girls Garretmandudeguy: say i am MY MOM SCARES ME: soo Garretmandudeguy: SO I MUST BE UGLY MY MOM SCARES ME: theyre just stuck up bitches what do they know MY MOM SCARES ME: they must not know true beuty Garretmandudeguy: what do ulike about mikle Garretmandudeguy: hey Previous message was not received by MY MOM SCARES ME because of error: User MY MOM SCARES ME is not available. MY MOM SCARES ME: doos my compter froze and shut down lol Garretmandudeguy: o MY MOM SCARES ME: and that pic was almost done too Garretmandudeguy: hahah] ur computer froze cuz im ugly MY MOM SCARES ME: lol no MY MOM SCARES ME: your cute MY MOM SCARES ME: you saying your ugly is like michael jackson saying hes not a rapist...its not true MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: is mike still on? Garretmandudeguy: YUP MY MOM SCARES ME: what s.n.? Garretmandudeguy: hardpunkGizmo27 MY MOM SCARES ME: how many of tyour friends did you tell me about? Garretmandudeguy: hey dude i have to ask u this Garretmandudeguy: 2 other bi Garretmandudeguy: dude MY MOM SCARES ME: yes? Garretmandudeguy: how does ur mom scare u dont u scare her MY MOM SCARES ME: no she made the s.n. up lol Garretmandudeguy: awsome Garretmandudeguy: creativce MY MOM SCARES ME: well r u gonna send his pic? Garretmandudeguy: yeah Garretmandudeguy: hold up Garretmandudeguy: is this ur snsLiPkNoTfReAk859 MY MOM SCARES ME: nope Garretmandudeguy: k MY MOM SCARES ME: sendme hispic! Garretmandudeguy: I AM MY MOM SCARES ME: lol Garretmandudeguy: lol u fucking horny bastard MY MOM SCARES ME: lol sooo. MY MOM SCARES ME: hehe MY MOM SCARES ME: waiting......... Garretmandudeguy: ok Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: dont maserbate to him now MY MOM SCARES ME: ok maybe Garretmandudeguy: u talking to him Garretmandudeguy: 82% sent MY MOM SCARES ME: yeah i am Garretmandudeguy: sent yo Garretmandudeguy: lol if u dont mind me askinf what have u done with a guy MY MOM SCARES ME: i know MY MOM SCARES ME: name something Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: u tell MY MOM SCARES ME: you name it ive one it Garretmandudeguy: what? MY MOM SCARES ME: ive done alot! Garretmandudeguy: is mike hot MY MOM SCARES ME: dunno this thing is only half loaded lol Garretmandudeguy: u play bass MY MOM SCARES ME: i play evrything Garretmandudeguy: EVEN GUYS MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: not funny Garretmandudeguy: ooops my bad Garretmandudeguy: :-[ MY MOM SCARES ME: ok i think your cter Garretmandudeguy: cter Garretmandudeguy: ? MY MOM SCARES ME: cuter Garretmandudeguy: o i c Garretmandudeguy: hey do me a favor Garretmandudeguy wants to directly connect. Garretmandudeguy cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.). Garretmandudeguy: CONNECT WITH ME MY MOM SCARES ME: yes? MY MOM SCARES ME: y? Garretmandudeguy wants to directly connect. MY MOM SCARES ME is now directly connected. Garretmandudeguy: send me the whole convo with mike Garretmandudeguy: i want to see what he says MY MOM SCARES ME: y? Garretmandudeguy: he wont show me what u 2 guys are saying MY MOM SCARES ME: i dont got it all MY MOM SCARES ME: just the lst sentance lol Garretmandudeguy: o well most of plz send Garretmandudeguy: o MY MOM SCARES ME: i donthave it lol MY MOM SCARES ME: y? Garretmandudeguy: lol i want to see if he likes u Garretmandudeguy: do u think he does Garretmandudeguy: he wont tell me MY MOM SCARES ME: dunno Garretmandudeguy: hmmm Garretmandudeguy: do ulike him MY MOM SCARES ME: hld on MY MOM SCARES ME: no MY MOM SCARES ME: sry Garretmandudeguy: :'( Garretmandudeguy: he loves u MY MOM SCARES ME: what MY MOM SCARES ME: ?!?! MY MOM SCARES ME: i like you more... Garretmandudeguy: thats great Garretmandudeguy: Shit son Garretmandudeguy: im straight though MY MOM SCARES ME: you should try bi MY MOM SCARES ME: its fun Garretmandudeguy: how is it fun MY MOM SCARES ME: you double the oppotunity to meet people Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: cuz Garretmandudeguy: im friends Garretmandudeguy: with guys and girl Garretmandudeguy: s MY MOM SCARES ME: but you dont get the chance to fuck all of them if you straight do you no.. only half lol Garretmandudeguy: u fuck GUYS! MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME direct connection is closed. Garretmandudeguy: so MY MOM SCARES ME: ... Garretmandudeguy: what up MY MOM SCARES ME: i still like yio more Garretmandudeguy: but w hy Garretmandudeguy: i live to far away Garretmandudeguy: and i dont like u Garretmandudeguy: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: ,lol so does he and i dont like him Garretmandudeguy: eh Garretmandudeguy: im sorry yo im out this is creapy MY MOM SCARES ME: yeah yur right so am i Garretmandudeguy: hah BYE MY MOM SCARES ME: bye Garretmandudeguy: have fun talkign to mike Garretmandudeguy: bf MY MOM SCARES ME: no! Garretmandudeguy: BYW Garretmandudeguy: plz forgeet about me


Garretmandudeguy: AMY hardpunkGizmo27: yea Garretmandudeguy: look Garretmandudeguy wants to directly connect. Garretmandudeguy cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.). Garretmandudeguy wants to directly connect. hardpunkGizmo27 is now directly connected. Garretmandudeguy: MY MOM SCARES ME: hello Garretmandudeguy: hey mom scares me 2 MY MOM SCARES ME: i saw your pic on buddypic and i wanted tell you i liked your eyes Garretmandudeguy: haha thanks MY MOM SCARES ME: y r u rated so lo? Garretmandudeguy: dunno Garretmandudeguy: ask the people who voted tat MY MOM SCARES ME: lol i rated u ten Garretmandudeguy: awsome thanks Garretmandudeguy: !:-) Garretmandudeguy: whts ur username MY MOM SCARES ME: except theres one lil thing you mostlikely dont know about me Garretmandudeguy: ok Garretmandudeguy: and whats that MY MOM SCARES ME: im a 15/m/il im bi:-\ Garretmandudeguy: so Garretmandudeguy: haha that ok Garretmandudeguy: ok Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: i went out with a bi MY MOM SCARES ME: really? Garretmandudeguy: but she was a girl Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: haha MY MOM SCARES ME: funny? Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: whats funny MY MOM SCARES ME: whats with the ahha MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: haha MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: ?? Garretmandudeguy: im not sure Garretmandudeguy: i was thinking about my gf MY MOM SCARES ME: y? Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: she is funny Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: she told me she was bi and she didnt like me at first Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: MY MOM SCARES ME: so never tried being with a guy? hardpunkGizmo27: go garret Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: ahhh! hardpunkGizmo27: hi Garretmandudeguy: omg Garretmandudeguy: look hardpunkGizmo27: ok Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: but hwo are u bi MY MOM SCARES ME: because i go both ways MY MOM SCARES ME: just cause im not fucking a gurl right now dont mean i wont again Garretmandudeguy: cool i guess MY MOM SCARES ME: wanna cyber> MY MOM SCARES ME: ? Garretmandudeguy: ugh Garretmandudeguy: no hardpunkGizmo27: lol hardpunkGizmo27: should i IM him? hardpunkGizmo27: acting like a guy Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: yeah Garretmandudeguy: yeah Garretmandudeguy: yeah Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: u ahve to send me the whole convo hardpunkGizmo27: haha hardpunkGizmo27: i will hardpunkGizmo27: hardpunkGizmo27: hello, my friend garretmandudeguy told me about you, im his old friend mike, im bi too MY MOM SCARES ME: ok? MY MOM SCARES ME: r u skinny? hardpunkGizmo27: yea MY MOM SCARES ME: sry n/m hardpunkGizmo27: no really skinny hardpunkGizmo27: but not fat hardpunkGizmo27: hello? hardpunkGizmo27: are you even gonna talk to em? MY MOM SCARES ME: i like chubby men its a fetish hardpunkGizmo27: i have a little chub hardpunkGizmo27: MY MOM SCARES ME: got a pic? hardpunkGizmo27: yea, but hold on hardpunkGizmo27: i'll have to take it and it will have to load it hardpunkGizmo27: up* hardpunkGizmo27: so it might take a lil hardpunkGizmo27: I NEED A PICTURE Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: ummmm Garretmandudeguy: shit Garretmandudeguy: hold up hardpunkGizmo27: dont worry Garretmandudeguy: send him darons Garretmandudeguy: kk Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: he is skiny Garretmandudeguy: lol hardpunkGizmo27: lol hardpunkGizmo27: no shit! hardpunkGizmo27: lol Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: hey Garretmandudeguy: im gonna put Garretmandudeguy: the whole covo Garretmandudeguy: on a website hardpunkGizmo27: lol Garretmandudeguy: wow this is sad Garretmandudeguy: but great Garretmandudeguy: lol hardpunkGizmo27: i know Garretmandudeguy: lmao Garretmandudeguy: look Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: how far do u like to go with guys Garretmandudeguy: yeah i did MY MOM SCARES ME: as far as they want hardpunkGizmo27: ok Garretmandudeguy: ewwwwwwwwwwwww Garretmandudeguy: amy.... Garretmandudeguy: what is that hardpunkGizmo27: Garretmandudeguy: lol whos that Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: i thought it was web cam capable MY MOM SCARES ME: is he as cute as you? hardpunkGizmo27: say yes Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: cant hardpunkGizmo27: why? Garretmandudeguy: i told him i was ugly hardpunkGizmo27: damn hardpunkGizmo27: did he sign off? Garretmandudeguy: yeah Garretmandudeguy: shit Garretmandudeguy: brb i have 2 pee hardpunkGizmo27: ok Garretmandudeguy: god Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: i have to put that convo Garretmandudeguy: on the net Garretmandudeguy: lol hardpunkGizmo27: lol Garretmandudeguy: send me you whole Garretmandudeguy: convo Garretmandudeguy: om Garretmandudeguy: g Garretmandudeguy: he actually did Garretmandudeguy: vote me a 10 Garretmandudeguy: at buddy pic Garretmandudeguy: dkw Garretmandudeguy: k Garretmandudeguy: egk Garretmandudeguy: sdkd Garretmandudeguy: \ hardpunkGizmo27: ew hardpunkGizmo27: lol hardpunkGizmo27: what a homo Garretmandudeguy: hey send me your whole covo Garretmandudeguy: I know ill kill hin hardpunkGizmo27: i x-ed it out! Garretmandudeguy: WHAT Garretmandudeguy: NO hardpunkGizmo27: i sent you everything thoug Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: o ok Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: i still hjabve ythe Garretmandudeguy: eeeby jeeebys Garretmandudeguy: this is snat Garretmandudeguy: nast Garretmandudeguy: y Garretmandudeguy: ol Garretmandudeguy: ahhhhhhhhh hardpunkGizmo27: lol Garretmandudeguy: putting it on the internet Garretmandudeguy: he is back Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: i have to wait Garretmandudeguy: ll Garretmandudeguy: lol hardpunkGizmo27: lol Garretmandudeguy: MY MOM SCARES ME: doos my compter froze and shut down lol Garretmandudeguy: o MY MOM SCARES ME: and that pic was almost done too Garretmandudeguy: hahah] ur computer froze cuz im ugly MY MOM SCARES ME: lol no Garretmandudeguy: MY MOM SCARES ME: your cute Garretmandudeguy: ahhh Garretmandudeguy: im crying Garretmandudeguy: ahhhhhhh Garretmandudeguy: shti Garretmandudeguy: jioajwt Garretmandudeguy: djatgdssdf Garretmandudeguy: ghfds Garretmandudeguy: jfsd Garretmandudeguy: bfd Garretmandudeguy: g Garretmandudeguy: k Garretmandudeguy: AMY Garretmandudeguy: ahhh hardpunkGizmo27: eww Garretmandudeguy: i have the chills Garretmandudeguy: ahh Garretmandudeguy: omg Garretmandudeguy: this is gay Garretmandudeguy: literaly hardpunkGizmo27: yea it is Garretmandudeguy: are y sendinf the pic agian hardpunkGizmo27: just give in to your temptations garret hardpunkGizmo27: no hardpunkGizmo27: you know you want him Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: nope Garretmandudeguy: afo Garretmandudeguy: afi is on Garretmandudeguy: gotta watch Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: bbrb Garretmandudeguy: MY MOM SCARES ME: is mike still on? Garretmandudeguy: YUP MY MOM SCARES ME: what s.n.? hardpunkGizmo27: my sn Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: how does ur mom scare u dont u scare her MY MOM SCARES ME: no she made the s.n. up lol hardpunkGizmo27: hardpunkGizmo27: send the pic i sent to that sn hardpunkGizmo27: i mean email Garretmandudeguy: ? Garretmandudeguy: whos sn is thjat Garretmandudeguy: YAY! AMY STACYS MOM IS ON Garretmandudeguy: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hardpunkGizmo27: send it to the email hardpunkGizmo27: i guess its that one guys Garretmandudeguy: kk hardpunkGizmo27: send it bitch hardpunkGizmo27: lol Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: i am Garretmandudeguy: keep ur hwole covo hardpunkGizmo27: ok Garretmandudeguy: MY MOM SCARES ME: nope Garretmandudeguy: k MY MOM SCARES ME: sendme hispic! Garretmandudeguy: I AM MY MOM SCARES ME: lol Garretmandudeguy: lol u fucking horny bastard MY MOM SCARES ME: lol sooo. Garretmandudeguy: MY MOM SCARES ME: hehe Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: dont maserbate to him now MY MOM SCARES ME: ok maybe hardpunkGizmo27: if he asks Garretmandudeguy: ......... hardpunkGizmo27: the pic was a pic from last year hardpunkGizmo27: lol hardpunkGizmo27: but i look the same hardpunkGizmo27: but with black hair hardpunkGizmo27: and red in it Garretmandudeguy: kk Garretmandudeguy: lol hardpunkGizmo27: lol Garretmandudeguy: kk Garretmandudeguy: lol hardpunkGizmo27: thats what i told him Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: kk Garretmandudeguy: lol its gonna be great Garretmandudeguy: its gonna be a huge page Garretmandudeguy: lol hardpunkGizmo27: hshs hardpunkGizmo27: haha* Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: htis too funn Garretmandudeguy: y hardpunkGizmo27: yea it is Garretmandudeguy: where did u get that pic i semt him hardpunkGizmo27: its a friend of mine hardpunkGizmo27: lol Garretmandudeguy: lol hardpunkGizmo27: he sent me a picture of him hardpunkGizmo27: hes pretty hot Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: hardpunkGizmo27: he sent that to me Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: i didnt asl Garretmandudeguy: ask Garretmandudeguy: mitch sent it to me Garretmandudeguy: lol hardpunkGizmo27: sent what? Garretmandudeguy: the pic Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: u play bass MY MOM SCARES ME: i play evrything Garretmandudeguy: EVEN GUYS MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: not funny Garretmandudeguy: lmao hardpunkGizmo27: i dont get it hardpunkGizmo27: what wasnt funny? Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: what i said Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: u play bass MY MOM SCARES ME: i play evrything Garretmandudeguy: EVEN GUYS MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: not funny hardpunkGizmo27: i dont get it! Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: ok Garretmandudeguy: i said u play bass Garretmandudeguy: he said Garretmandudeguy: i play everything Garretmandudeguy: i said Garretmandudeguy: EVEN GUYS hardpunkGizmo27: why? Garretmandudeguy: like Garretmandudeguy: he plays them Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: ok w.e. Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: :-[ MY MOM SCARES ME: ok i think your cter Garretmandudeguy: cter Garretmandudeguy: ? MY MOM SCARES ME: cuter Garretmandudeguy: o i c hardpunkGizmo27: FUCK! hardpunkGizmo27: i accidently x-ed it out Garretmandudeguy: NO Garretmandudeguy: amy Garretmandudeguy: :-( Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: shit Garretmandudeguy: shit Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: he still has it Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: wait Garretmandudeguy: tell him u love him Garretmandudeguy: now Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: hurry hardpunkGizmo27: i did! Garretmandudeguy: lol hardpunkGizmo27: i said i liked him Garretmandudeguy: good Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: cool hardpunkGizmo27: he said his names eddie Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: he loves u MY MOM SCARES ME: what MY MOM SCARES ME: ?!?! Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: he loves u MY MOM SCARES ME: what MY MOM SCARES ME: ?!?! MY MOM SCARES ME: i like you more... Garretmandudeguy: amy Garretmandudeguy: GET HIM TO LIKE MIKLE hardpunkGizmo27: haha Garretmandudeguy: ll hardpunkGizmo27: i dont kow how to! Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: say Garretmandudeguy: i want to cyber Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: u still tlaking to him Garretmandudeguy: ? hardpunkGizmo27: no hardpunkGizmo27: lol Garretmandudeguy: o ok Garretmandudeguy: block him Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: ok hardpunkGizmo27: i want to cuss him out Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: go Garretmandudeguy: and paster it here Garretmandudeguy: lol hardpunkGizmo27: hardpunkGizmo27: you wanna see a recent pic of me? hardpunkGizmo27: that was from last year MY MOM SCARES ME: yeah hardpunkGizmo27: tomorrow, i'll send you a recent one hardpunkGizmo27: i'll take one tomorrow hardpunkGizmo27: so what was the label your band is signed to? MY MOM SCARES ME: americanmusic MY MOM SCARES ME: run outta chicago MY MOM SCARES ME: do you like me MY MOM SCARES ME: i told garret to ask but he said you wont tell him hardpunkGizmo27: yea, but i didnt catch your name MY MOM SCARES ME: eddie hardpunkGizmo27: well eddie, yes i do like you MY MOM SCARES ME: sry man you dont really look like what i want man.. sry MY MOM SCARES ME: how much nore do you weigh now than then' hardpunkGizmo27: im like, the same as garret in the pic of him with his guitar hardpunkGizmo27: in the gym place MY MOM SCARES ME: didnt see that pic MY MOM SCARES ME: tell him to send it to me hardpunkGizmo27: its in his website hardpunkGizmo27: hey?, you there? MY MOM SCARES ME: no hardpunkGizmo27: so you dont want to talk to me either? MY MOM SCARES ME: him hardpunkGizmo27: what happened to being friendsS? MY MOM SCARES ME: busy MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: downloading files for my new sitw hardpunkGizmo27: lol Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: u gonna cuss him out hardpunkGizmo27: no hardpunkGizmo27: i didnt Garretmandudeguy: kk Garretmandudeguy: is that al Garretmandudeguy: im gonna add it now hardpunkGizmo27: lol


hardpunkGizmo27 [12:19 AM]: yea alrightg Auto response from G manJ123 [12:19 AM]: talk to me on Garretmandudeguy hardpunkGizmo27 [12:20 AM]: lol G manJ123 [1:33 AM]: what are u sending to me hardpunkGizmo27 [1:33 AM]: a pic hardpunkGizmo27 [1:33 AM]: im sending to the homo G manJ123 [1:33 AM]: lol hardpunkGizmo27 [1:34 AM]: tell the guy i only have a cam hardpunkGizmo27 [1:34 AM]: camera hardpunkGizmo27 [1:34 AM]: no webcam G manJ123 [1:34 AM]: o okGarretmandudeguy: she has a web cam Garretmandudeguy: he* Garretmandudeguy: sorry Garretmandudeguy: haha hardpunkGizmo27 [1:34 AM]: DUMBASS G manJ123 [1:34 AM]: lol hardpunkGizmo27 [1:34 AM]: I DONT hardpunkGizmo27 [1:35 AM]: your supposed to tell him i dont have a webcam hardpunkGizmo27 [1:35 AM]: but a digital camera G manJ123 [1:35 AM]: o lol G manJ123 [1:35 AM]: lol hardpunkGizmo27 [1:35 AM]: fucking idiot hardpunkGizmo27 [1:35 AM]: lol G manJ123 [1:35 AM]: lol G manJ123 [1:35 AM]: lol

Mitch convo

Garretmandudeguy: mitch Garretmandudeguy: im freaking out etaksboarder14: hi etaksboarder14: y Garretmandudeguy: U HAVE TO SEE THIS Garretmandudeguy wants to directly connect. etaksboarder14 is now directly connected. Garretmandudeguy: FIRST THING IHAVE TO SAY Garretmandudeguy: i thought it was a girl Garretmandudeguy: ok etaksboarder14: oh god Garretmandudeguy: ok Garretmandudeguy: just look Garretmandudeguy: ok Garretmandudeguy: MY MOM SCARES ME: hello Garretmandudeguy: hey mom scares me 2 MY MOM SCARES ME: i saw your pic on buddypic and i wanted tell you i liked your eyes Garretmandudeguy: haha thanks MY MOM SCARES ME: y r u rated so lo? Garretmandudeguy: dunno Garretmandudeguy: ask the people who voted tat MY MOM SCARES ME: lol i rated u ten Garretmandudeguy: awsome thanks Garretmandudeguy: !:-) Garretmandudeguy: whts ur username MY MOM SCARES ME: except theres one lil thing you mostlikely dont know about me Garretmandudeguy: ok Garretmandudeguy: and whats that MY MOM SCARES ME: im a 15/m/il im bi:-\ Garretmandudeguy: so Garretmandudeguy: haha that ok Garretmandudeguy: ok Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: i went out with a bi MY MOM SCARES ME: really? Garretmandudeguy: but she was a girl Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: haha MY MOM SCARES ME: funny? Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: whats funny MY MOM SCARES ME: whats with the ahha MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: haha MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: ?? Garretmandudeguy: im not sure Garretmandudeguy: i was thinking about my gf MY MOM SCARES ME: y? Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: she is funny Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: she told me she was bi and she didnt like me at first Garretmandudeguy: haha MY MOM SCARES ME: so never tried being with a guy? Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: have u MY MOM SCARES ME: yes! MY MOM SCARES ME: lol Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: what about girls MY MOM SCARES ME: what about em Garretmandudeguy: have u tried getitng with them MY MOM SCARES ME: im done with girls they got boring MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: if ya know what i mean Garretmandudeguy: no MY MOM SCARES ME: lol Garretmandudeguy: i have never had enough Garretmandudeguy: i havent done ne thing Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: k Garretmandudeguy: scrool up Garretmandudeguy: im freaking ohut Garretmandudeguy: did u read that Garretmandudeguy: ahhh etaksboarder14: thats scares the shit outta me Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: i knwo Garretmandudeguy: fuck dude Garretmandudeguy: rfjs Garretmandudeguy: dgjsdgsdg etaksboarder14: did u send it to josh Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: is hie on Garretmandudeguy: jgd Garretmandudeguy: jg Garretmandudeguy: djj etaksboarder14: wait dont etaksboarder14: helll just laugh at u wit no pitty etaksboarder14: ya etaksboarder14: his new sn is etaksboarder14: burnstuff099 Garretmandudeguy: MY MOM SCARES ME: lol hahahahaha lets just say fuckin gurls got old so now im tryin guys out Garretmandudeguy: how did they get old MY MOM SCARES ME: it got boring Garretmandudeguy: hm Garretmandudeguy: i c Garretmandudeguy: but hwo are u bi MY MOM SCARES ME: because i go both ways MY MOM SCARES ME: just cause im not fucking a gurl right now dont mean i wont again Garretmandudeguy: ahhh Garretmandudeguy: fhfh Garretmandudeguy: f Garretmandudeguy: ff Garretmandudeguy: f Garretmandudeguy: etaksboarder14: thx Garretmandudeguy: ahhh Garretmandudeguy: dude Garretmandudeguy: shit Garretmandudeguy: look Garretmandudeguy: MY MOM SCARES ME: just cause im not fucking a gurl right now dont mean i wont again Garretmandudeguy: cool i guess MY MOM SCARES ME: wanna cyber> MY MOM SCARES ME: ? Garretmandudeguy: YIKES Garretmandudeguy: FREAKING OUT etaksboarder14: ya etaksboarder14: hes tlkn to u rite now Garretmandudeguy: YEAH Garretmandudeguy: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH etaksboarder14: oh god Garretmandudeguy: ahhhh Garretmandudeguy: ahhhh etaksboarder14: um Garretmandudeguy: he said he liked me eyes etaksboarder14: im sry man etaksboarder14: block him etaksboarder14: thats totaly fucked Garretmandudeguy: no this is funny etaksboarder14: ok Garretmandudeguy: im gonna put this whole convo Garretmandudeguy: on my website etaksboarder14: lol Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: oh etaksboarder14: well Garretmandudeguy: lmao etaksboarder14: this guys a total fuck up Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: lmao Garretmandudeguy: is he talking to u Garretmandudeguy: lmao etaksboarder14: no etaksboarder14: yd u giv him my sn Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: g2g etaksboarder14 signed off at 1:34:13 AM. etaksboarder14 direct connection is closed. etaksboarder14 signed on at 1:34:56 AM. etaksboarder14: im bak Garretmandudeguy: hey etaksboarder14: did he sign off Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: look Garretmandudeguy wants to directly connect. etaksboarder14 is now directly connected. Garretmandudeguy: MY MOM SCARES ME: is he as cute as you? Garretmandudeguy: i dont know Garretmandudeguy: im ugly MY MOM SCARES ME: no your not !!! your kidding me right? MY MOM SCARES ME: you seriouslyhtink your ugly? Garretmandudeguy: of course MY MOM SCARES ME: y? Garretmandudeguy: cuz Garretmandudeguy: girls Garretmandudeguy: say i am MY MOM SCARES ME: soo Garretmandudeguy: SO I MUST BE UGLY MY MOM SCARES ME: theyre just stuck up bitches what do they know MY MOM SCARES ME: they must not know true beuty etaksboarder14: k etaksboarder14: wow Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: lmao etaksboarder14: thats scarin me etaksboarder14: hey should i screw wit him Garretmandudeguy: yeah Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: amy is etaksboarder14: say like, ya im bi etaksboarder14: brewer Garretmandudeguy: yeah Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: send me ur convo etaksboarder14: wats her sn etaksboarder14: k Garretmandudeguy: hardpunkGizmo27 etaksboarder14: wat the fags etaksboarder14: ? Garretmandudeguy: MY MOM SCARES ME etaksboarder14: oh ya etaksboarder14: im a retard Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: yes u r etaksboarder14: its not showin up Garretmandudeguy: he must of left Garretmandudeguy: haha etaksboarder14: he aint on etaksboarder14: k Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: i know Garretmandudeguy: fuck dude Garretmandudeguy: he vote me a 10 Garretmandudeguy: at etaksboarder14: EWW Garretmandudeguy: its fucking nasty Garretmandudeguy: see Garretmandudeguy: at first Garretmandudeguy: i thought Garretmandudeguy: it was a girl Garretmandudeguy: saying she was bi Garretmandudeguy: i was like HELL YES Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: ya etaksboarder14: me to Garretmandudeguy: BUT FUCVK Garretmandudeguy: it was a guy Garretmandudeguy: i was like OMG etaksboarder14: nasty shit etaksboarder14: im sorry man Garretmandudeguy: its ok Garretmandudeguy: buts Garretmandudeguy: hsit Garretmandudeguy: i have never been tha tscare etaksboarder14: i was scared shitless lookin at it Garretmandudeguy: omg Garretmandudeguy: he is on Garretmandudeguy: agian Garretmandudeguy: talk to him etaksboarder14: i know etaksboarder14: k Garretmandudeguy: lmao Garretmandudeguy: he is so scary Garretmandudeguy: yikes Garretmandudeguy: FUCKING FREAKING OUT etaksboarder14: ah Garretmandudeguy: MY MOM SCARES ME: doos my compter froze and shut down lol Garretmandudeguy: o MY MOM SCARES ME: and that pic was almost done too Garretmandudeguy: hahah] ur computer froze cuz im ugly MY MOM SCARES ME: lol no MY MOM SCARES ME: your cute MY MOM SCARES ME: you saying your ugly is like michael jackson saying hes not a rapist...its not true MY MOM SCARES ME: lol etaksboarder14: o god etaksboarder14: he aint answerin etaksboarder14: there he is Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: lol Garretmandudeguy: dont close his Garretmandudeguy: box Garretmandudeguy: ever Garretmandudeguy: i need the whole Garretmandudeguy: convo Garretmandudeguy: b4 u leave Garretmandudeguy: im putting it on my website etaksboarder14: ok etaksboarder14: he just asked if im bi Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: yes Garretmandudeguy: yes Garretmandudeguy: u r Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: tel him Garretmandudeguy: ok etaksboarder14: ya Garretmandudeguy: i saud u were Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: me to etaksboarder14: lol Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: how does ur mom scare u dont u scare her MY MOM SCARES ME: no she made the s.n. up lol etaksboarder14: weird Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: did u see what i asked him Garretmandudeguy: im like Garretmandudeguy: dude Garretmandudeguy: how does ur mom scare u Garretmandudeguy: dont u scare her Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: i asked him wat he looked like Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: this kidz creepy Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: i know Garretmandudeguy: dude etaksboarder14: he sent a pic Garretmandudeguy: its scary Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: he is fat Garretmandudeguy: right etaksboarder14: um no etaksboarder14: etaksboarder14: hi etaksboarder14: hello? MY MOM SCARES ME: helo? etaksboarder14: this is garrets frind MY MOM SCARES ME: mike? etaksboarder14: mitch MY MOM SCARES ME: ok MY MOM SCARES ME: than whos mike? etaksboarder14: dunno MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: r u bi ? etaksboarder14: ya MY MOM SCARES ME: got a pic? etaksboarder14: no etaksboarder14: scanners broke etaksboarder14: what u look like MY MOM SCARES ME: oh what do you look like? MY MOM SCARES ME wants to directly connect. MY MOM SCARES ME is now directly connected. MY MOM SCARES ME: MY MOM SCARES ME: ?? etaksboarder14: koolkool MY MOM SCARES ME: whatcha think of me? MY MOM SCARES ME: describe yourself Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: god this dudes scary Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: dude Garretmandudeguy: he the pvbas p;ater etaksboarder14: huh? Garretmandudeguy: he plays the bas Garretmandudeguy: ? etaksboarder14: i guess etaksboarder14: MY MOM SCARES ME: whatcha think of me? MY MOM SCARES ME: describe yourself etaksboarder14: tall brown eyes brown hair MY MOM SCARES ME: how tall etaksboarder14: 5 10 MY MOM SCARES ME: weight? etaksboarder14: 130 MY MOM SCARES ME: oh sry cnt tlk cya MY MOM SCARES ME direct connection is closed. etaksboarder14: late Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: semd me ur whole convo etaksboarder14: thats it etaksboarder14: so far Garretmandudeguy: ok Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: are u still talkign to him etaksboarder14: no Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: copy ur whole covo then etaksboarder14: he said cant tlk ne more Garretmandudeguy: yeah ur not fat enough etaksboarder14: k etaksboarder14: lol Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: send the whole covo Garretmandudeguy: convo etaksboarder14: etaksboarder14: hi etaksboarder14: hello? MY MOM SCARES ME: helo? etaksboarder14: this is garrets frind MY MOM SCARES ME: mike? etaksboarder14: mitch MY MOM SCARES ME: ok MY MOM SCARES ME: than whos mike? etaksboarder14: dunno MY MOM SCARES ME: lol MY MOM SCARES ME: r u bi ? etaksboarder14: ya MY MOM SCARES ME: got a pic? etaksboarder14: no etaksboarder14: scanners broke etaksboarder14: what u look like MY MOM SCARES ME: oh what do you look like? MY MOM SCARES ME wants to directly connect. MY MOM SCARES ME is now directly connected. MY MOM SCARES ME: MY MOM SCARES ME: ?? etaksboarder14: koolkool MY MOM SCARES ME: whatcha think of me? MY MOM SCARES ME: describe yourself etaksboarder14: tall brown eyes brown hair MY MOM SCARES ME: how tall etaksboarder14: 5 10 MY MOM SCARES ME: weight? etaksboarder14: 130 MY MOM SCARES ME: oh sry cnt tlk cya MY MOM SCARES ME direct connection is closed. etaksboarder14: late etaksboarder14: he looks like brendon dalby Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: yeah Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: hahah Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: ya etaksboarder14: weord Garretmandudeguy: its him Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: hes tlkn Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: ok Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: dont maserbate to him now MY MOM SCARES ME: ok maybe>:o Garretmandudeguy: ewww Garretmandudeguy: dude Garretmandudeguy: ummm like send the convo again after ur done tlaking to him agian Garretmandudeguy: kk etaksboarder14: k etaksboarder14: thats fucked Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: u tlakint to him ? etaksboarder14: ya Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: he aint tlkn bak Garretmandudeguy: o etaksboarder14: put this conversation on ur website Garretmandudeguy: iam etaksboarder14: good etaksboarder14: itmakes evrythin tht much funnier etaksboarder14: lol Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: i knwo etaksboarder14: ya Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: he aint tlkn so forget it Garretmandudeguy: kk Garretmandudeguy: block him Garretmandudeguy: now Garretmandudeguy: kk etaksboarder14: k etaksboarder14: i did Garretmandudeguy: awsome Garretmandudeguy: this is gonna be so fucking funny etaksboarder14: i know etaksboarder14: ill check out the webpage tomorrow etaksboarder14: or today etaksboarder14: or watevr Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: kk Garretmandudeguy: its not gonna be dont Garretmandudeguy: for ahwile Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: ok Garretmandudeguy: were still talking etaksboarder14: so chek tomorow? Garretmandudeguy: later Garretmandudeguy: today Garretmandudeguy: yes Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: ya Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: lol if u dont mind me askinf what have u done with a guy MY MOM SCARES ME: i know MY MOM SCARES ME: name something Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: no Garretmandudeguy: u tell MY MOM SCARES ME: you name it ive one it Garretmandudeguy: what? MY MOM SCARES ME: ive done alot! etaksboarder14: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh etaksboarder14: nasty etaksboarder14: poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop etaksboarder14: poop etaksboarder14: lol Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: man my dog snores loud Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: oink etaksboarder14: hehe etaksboarder14: exactly Garretmandudeguy: haahahah etaksboarder14: well im gonna trie to sleep Garretmandudeguy: kk Garretmandudeguy: late dude Garretmandudeguy: haha Garretmandudeguy: no gay fantasys tonight Garretmandudeguy: kk Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: late etaksboarder14: lol etaksboarder14 signed off at 2:21:35 AM. etaksboarder14 direct connection is closed. etaksboarder14 signed on at 2:25:23 AM. etaksboarder14: i cant Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: what Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: :-[ MY MOM SCARES ME: ok i think your cter Garretmandudeguy: cter Garretmandudeguy: ? MY MOM SCARES ME: cuter Garretmandudeguy: o i c etaksboarder14: this is screwed etaksboarder14: but just play wit it Garretmandudeguy: what Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: his head etaksboarder14: play along Garretmandudeguy: ll\ etaksboarder14: ? etaksboarder14: wats he sayin etaksboarder14: hello? Garretmandudeguy: Garretmandudeguy: he loves u MY MOM SCARES ME: what MY MOM SCARES ME: ?!?! MY MOM SCARES ME: i like you more... etaksboarder14: thx etaksboarder14: r u tlkn bout me etaksboarder14: thats a little fast Garretmandudeguy: lol etaksboarder14: god this is funny as hell Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: i kno2 etaksboarder14: type until he gets offline Garretmandudeguy: lol Garretmandudeguy: i am etaksboarder14: k etaksboarder14: chek out my tribute to dsid gershater in my subprofile etaksboarder14: david