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General EightBall's Site
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Welcome to the Purple Division site! All the links except for promotions and demotions work right now, I'm hoping to have the whole thing done by March 8th. If you guys have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. I made a new post in the purple division forums, please post them in there. Also, I just added pictures of the three races, I'm gonna try to get a history of each of them and post in on here so if u guys know where to find the story line for these races (other than the game) just let me know.

Thanks, check back soon!

Protoss History

This will eventually be filled with the story line of the rank listed above, but for now it's just a lousy picture :P

Zerg History

This will eventually be filled with the story line of the rank listed above, but for now it's just a lousy picture :P

Terran History

This will eventually be filled with the story line of the rank listed above, but for now it's just a lousy picture :P