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Closed - 08:20:37 PM

Closed - 08:20:37 PM

January 31, 2005:
Sorry for the inconvence. Someday I will reopen... maybe not here and not now, but maybe later. I closed because there isn't a great need for my site any more. It was orginally intended to be a place where people in French I in my class could download the list of all the verbs used that school year, but it is now semester 2 of my 3rd year in french. So the list is no longer useful. If you want the "Pingwee" story or anything else you liked from my site I will be happy to give you a secure link to the off-line site. Personally, I don't think anyone vists anymore so I may never reopen. If any of my friends can think of something I could use this space for let me know. You have my number/email.