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Kajiki Ryouta                       Otogi Ryuuji
Okay, Otogi (Duke Devlin) and Ryouta (Mako Tsunami) ARE brothers. Do you not believe us? Well, this is what happened...

Once upon a time, there lived a happy couple in a tiny cottage by the Sea of Japan. The husband and wife had the surname of Kajiki. They earned their living from the money Mr. Kajiki earned catching fish. On March 1, 1981, Mrs. Kajiki gave birth to a baby boy, who they named Ryouta. Mr. Kajiki started working harder to catch more fish so that he could support his family of three.

On February 28, 1984 (two days before Ryouta's third birthday), Mrs. Kajiki gave birth to a second son, who she named Ryuuji. (It's a good thing he wasn't born a day later, because 1984 was a leap year!) However, Mr. Kajiki had insomnia and an anxiety disorder from spending all his time fishing so that he could support the growing family. When Ryuuji was born, he demanded that Mrs. Kajiki get rid of him. He was working hard enough for the family of three, and their tiny cottage was running out of space. Mr. and Mrs. Kajiki got into a huge argument over Ryuuji, and they eventually decided to get a divorce. Mr. Kajiki took Ryouta, since he liked him better, and stayed in his tiny cottage by the Sea of Japan. Mrs. Kajiki took little Ryuuji and moved farther inland, since she didn't like the salty air much. She changed her and her son's surname back to her maiden name, Otogi, and cut off all communication with her husband and Ryouta.

Ryouta and Ryuuji grew up not knowing about each other, since they were both very young when the divorce happened. Their respective parent never told them about the other, so the never even thought about looking for each other.


Ryuuji grew up with his mother in a suburban home like any normal boy. Around the time he entered junior high school, he became fascinated with battling games, and started to make one up using dice. However, he frequently found himself stuck on the plans, since there's only so much you can do with dice. About three years later, when he entered high school, Duel Monsters made its Japanese debut and was an instant hit in urban Tokyo. (It wouldn't hit his suburban town for another few months, but he always made sure to keep up on gaming news.) Pegasus became his idol, and he found his inspiration in the game of Duel Monsters. He suddenly figured out the basics of his dice game (which he named Dungeon Dice Monsters), and buried himself in the work of perfecting it for the media. Finally, he had it completely finished and sent a proposal to Industrial Illusions concerning DDM. He met with Pegasus at Duelist Kingdom and all that stuff that everyone already knows.

Ryuuji's mother had noticed his sudden anti-social behavior and how he always locked himself in his room. She became worried, then annoyed that he was spending all his time in his room on the computer. As soon as Ryuuji came back from meeting with Pegasus, she confronted him about this and demanded that he stop spending all his time concentrating on his games. He got angry at her, stating that gaming was his life, and, after a long argument, he decided to move away to live on his own (since Japanese high school students can do that). He wanted to live somewhere in urban Tokyo, and chose Domino City because, one, that was where all the Duel Monsters tournaments were held, and two, it was called Domino, so it was most OBVIOUSLY a gaming city. Using the grant that Pegasus had given him, he moved to Domino, hired a personal manservant, and started a game store of his own, where he could promote DDM. I'm sure you know everything from then on.


Ryouta, as everyone knows, had grown up fishing with his father. Around the time he was ten, they got stuck in a storm and Mr. Kajiki was lost at sea. Ryouta discovered Duel Monsters, around the same time as his younger brother, from traveling boatsman who stopped for a rest in the harbor. He became an elite duelist and was invited to the Duelist Kingdom tournament, where he met Yuugi and da gang. Unfortunately, he didn't make it to the finals, but shortly after he returned home, he was met with a pleasant surprise: an envelope containing the Legendary Fisherman card, addressed in his father's handwriting! Confident that he could do well with this card (1850 ATK, 1600 DEF), he entered the Battly City tournament. He managed to win one battle, then lost to Jounouchi, whom he gave the Legendary Fisherman card to like an idiot. You really didn't need to know all that, but oh well.

The brothers still haven't realized that each other exist, but they are bound to some day. Until that day, all we can do is wait...


Now, if that theory didn't convince you for some reason, here's a list of more reasons that they are brothers:

1. They have the same hair, except Ryouta's is slightly bleached from the sun, and it appears blue.
2. They both wear headbands.
3. They have the same eye shape.
4. Their eyes are both green
5. Both have "B"-type blood.
6. They both have some sort of mark on the left side of their face.
7. They keep their hair in a ponytail.
8. They're both Pisceses.
9. They're both around the same height (Ryuuji is 179 cm, Ryouta is 178 cm).
10. Both names begin with 'R'.
11. The Legendary Fisherman has the same gold ring things on his upper arms that Ryuuji does.
12. Ryouta is friends with Jounouchi, who is best friends with Honda, who is Ryuuji's lover! It's PERFECT!!!
13. They've both dueled Jounouchi.
14. They both enjoy making fun of Jounouchi... wait, scratch that. Almost everyone does...
14 1/2. Neither of them were killed by Yami Bakura. Wait, that one doesn't count either!
14 3/4. They both show up at some point in Battle City (wow... and so does everyone else that's ever graced the screen...)
15. Fer chrissakes, just LOOK at them!!!

Well, of you still don't believe us... you're a hopeless cause. There's nothing we can do. So sorry.

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