ࡱ>    !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry F&u.TWordDocument CompObj^DETECTIVE FINE: "Let's let this one drop out of sight..." SCENE 2 The scene fades into night. The sidewalk is deserted. Suddenly a shadow falls across the sidewalk. A weird figure in a black trenchcoat and hat approaches the crime scene, kneels, and picks up something caught in the blood encrusted drain. It's a smiley face badge with blood on it. He looks up at the high rise. He looks down at the badge, studying it. Then he stands. He reaches under his trenchcoat and brings out an odd grappling gun, a pistol with a CO2 tank attached. He points the grapple into the air. FWOOOSHHH The grapple fires into the night and arcs through the broken window, landing on the floor inside with a loud clunk. The man in the trenchcoat pulls the line tight and, securing it, graps the wire with a gloved hand and starts climbing up the side of the building. Inside the building, looking out the window. A gloved hand appears and sweeps the remaining shards of glass from the bottom of the sill. Then figure pulls himself over the edge and drops to the floor inside. He pulls a flashlight from beneath his coat, and sweeps the beam around the room. Then,.shrouded in darkness, he walks slowly to a door and opening it, enters the occupants bedroom. He looks around, searching for something. He points the light at the closet and opens it. Inside, a row of expensive buisness suits hang in a row. The figure sweeps the suits aside, sees a wood-paneled back, and reaches into the closet, searching. He finds a hidden stud and presses it. There is a hiss as a portion of the wall slides open, revealing a hidden cubby. Inside, a black battle suit accented with red white and blue rests on a dummy. A black mask covers the dummy's head. On either side, shelves hold various weapons and ammunition. The man in the trenchcoat reaches down and picks up a picture from a shelf. An assortment of brightly costumed heroes smile out as us. The figure sets the picture down and presses the stud again. The wood paneling slides shut. The figure turns, and for the first time we see his face. It is a mask of shifting patterns, a white mask filled with constantly moving black spots. He heads for the window as the scene fades to black. SCENE 3 A dark street. Rain drizzles on the pavement. A well built middle aged man with glasses makes his way across the street, carrying a bag of groceries. He approaches his apartment and stiffens. The lock has been forced. A change comes over him. He straightens, and opens the door, entering a dark hallway. At the end of the hall, a light is on in a room. He walks slowly down the hall, alert and ready. He enters his kitchen and sees the man in the trenchcoat sitting at the table with his back to us. He is eating something. He sets the can down on the table. When he speaks, it is a chilling, unemotional, rasping voice. "Hello, Daniel. Helped myself to some beans..." Daniel Dreiberg, the man with the bag, looks shocked. DANIEL: "Rorschach?" Rorschach reaches into his coat. He flips something over his shoulder, and Daniel catched it. It's the smiley face badge. Daniel looks at the crimson stain. DANIEL: "Umm...is that bean juice?" Rorschach chuckles, a chilling sound. RORSCHACH: "Human bean juice. Badge belonged to The Comedian. Blood too. He's dead." Daniel sets the badge down on the counter. DANIEL: "Dead? What do you mean?" Rorschach stands, and moves over to the counter. He picks up the badge and puts it in his pocket. Somethig catches his eye. He reaches into Daniel's sugar bowl and takes a handful of sugar cubes, pockets them. RORSCHACH: "Investigated a routine homicide victim named Edward Blake. Found The Comedian's costume in secret room. Somebody threw him out a window." Daniel looks confused. DANIEL: "Someone-look, can we talk downstairs? You can use the secret exit there." Rorschach nods. Daniel pulls a key from his pocket and unlocks a door leading off the kitchen. He opens it, and the two men go down some stairs and enter a huge basement area. Daniel and Roܥe# ;B,l,l  O(TJO MS Sans Serif SymbolTimes New RomanTimes New Roman A darkened screen. White text appears "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes." The meaning of the Latin qoute appears after it fades "Who watches the watchmen?" Dark ominous "Watchmen March" begins to play... WARNER BROTHERS PRESENTS IN ASSOCIATION WITH NOSTALGIA FILMS A TERRY GILLIAM FILM ALEC BALDWIN KEVIN COSTNER VAL KILMER ED HARRIS SANDRA BULLOCK BURT REYNOLDS The music crescendoes WATCHMEN BASED ON THE GRAPHIC NOVEL BY ALAN MOORE MUSIC BY DANNY ELFMAN DIRECTED BY TERRY GILLIAM The screen fades to black as the music dies. SCENE 1 An aerial vew of the New York of the near future. Electric cars move along the avenues below. The camera focuses on a high rise apartment building. A man is leaning out a shattered window, gazing down at the sidewalk. Far below, a maintenance man is hosing a huge puddle of blood into the sewer drain nearby. A red headed man walks by, and peers over the police tape. He carries a huge sign: Sign: "THE END IS NEAR" The man continues walking. Above, the man who was leaning out the window turns back inside, where several cops are working on a crime scene. A sandy-haired detective stands by a desk, smoking, gazing at a picture with a thoughtful look. DETECTIVE JOE BOURQUIN: "So...what happened here?" The other detective looks up at him. DETECTIVE STEVE FINE: "Not sure. I mean, I saw the body. This guy, Blake. Big enough to protect himself, which means two or more assailants." The other detective nods. DETECTIVE BOURQUIN: "Either way, looks like he lost. Maybe it was a couple of guys." DETECTIVE FINE: "Maybe. Data we have suggests he was working for the government. Some kind of overseas diplomatic work." Detective Bourquin nods. DETECTIVE BOURQUIN: "Just look at this place! Lot of expensive stuff. Some money got stolen, but not much. No way this was a straight burglary." He puffs on his cigarette. DETECTIVE FINE: "Someone really had it in for this guy. I mean, how'd he go out the window." Detective Bourquin shrugs. DETECTIVE BOURQUIN: "Tripped?" Detective Fine shakes his head. DETECTIVE FINE: "No. That's strong glass. Even a big man like him, tripping against it wouldn't break it." He looks out the window. DETECTIVE FINE: "I think you'd have to be thrown." He turns away from the window and heads for the door. Detective Bourquin follows. The two cops go down the hall and get into an elevator. Detective Bourquin presses the button for the ground floor. He looks at Detectective Fine. DETECTIVE BOURQUIN: "So how do we handle this?" Detective Fine takes a drag of his cigarette. DETECTIVE FINE: "Let's not raise too much dust over this one. Follow it up discreetly. The public doesn't need to know." He looks his partner in the eye. DETECTIVE FINE: "Don't need any masked avengers getting involved..." Detective Bourquin smiles. DETECTIVE BOURQUIN: "You take the masks too seriously. Ever since the Keene Act was passed, only the government sponsored ones are active. And they don't interfere." Fine smiles grimly. DETECTIVE FINE: "Screw them. What about Rorschach? He never retired after he and his buddies fell outta grace. He's still out there somewhere." Fine shivers. DETECTIVE FINE: "He gets involved, we'll be up to our asses in corpses." He looks at Bourquin. rschach walk past a computer screen, and then a huge metal hovercraft. It is becoming clear that Daniel used to be a vigilante, and this is his stronghold. Rorschach runs a gloved hand along the side of the hovercraft. RORSCHACH: "Haven't been here in long time..." Daniel looks uncomfortable. DANIEL: "Look, about The Comedian." Rorschach is inspecting a strange-looking bubble car. DANIEL: "Might it have been a regular burglary?" Rorschach laughs his chilling laugh. RORSCHACH: "Burglar? Kill The Comedian? Ridiculous..." Rorschach pauses at a locked vault. DANIEL: "Maybe it was a political killing. Heard he was in Saudi Arabia..." Rorschach is still looking at the vault. RORSCHACH: "Maybe. Or maybe someone's killing costumed heroes..." Daniel stiffens. Rorschach has hit a nerve. DANIEL: "Don't you think that's a little...paranoid?" Rorschach scoffs. RORSCHACH: "That's what they're saying about me now? That I'm paranoid?" Dan shakes his head. DANIEL: "Rorschach, you're wanted on fourteen counts of murder." Rorschach looks at him. RORSCHACH: "More like ten." He changes the subject. RORSCHACH: "Comedian active for long time. Men make enemies..." He turns away from Dreiberg. RORSCHACH: "Thought I'd let you know. In case someone's gunning for us..." Dan looks scared. Rorschach walks toward a tunnel at the end of the basement. RORSCHACH: "Better go. Things to do..." Daniel nods. DANIEL: "Yeah, well...the tunnel comes out in a warehouse two blocks north." Rorschach looks into the tunnel. RORSCHACH: "Remember it well. Used to come here when we worked together..." Daniel smiles. DANIEL: "Yeah. Those were great times, Rorschach. What happened?" Rorschach walks into the tunnel. RORSCHACH: "You quit." Dan watches him go, looking sad. SCENE 4 Rorschach stands on the roof of a bar, writing in a small journal. He looks down on the street, then pulls his sleeve back and checks a watch that's wrapped around his glove. He grunts. Inside the bar, it is loud and filled with smoke. A few hookers solicit men at the bar. A couple men are laughing and joking at a table near the back. Suddenly it is silent. Everyone is looking at the door. Rorschacg stands there. He walks calmly past the terrified patrons to the bar, where a fat, balding bartender is trying not to show his fear. HARRY: "R-R-Rorschach! H-how are you?" Rorschach looks around the bar for a threat, then back at Harry. RORSCHACH: "Fine, Harry. Yourself?" Harry smiles, his hands shaking. HARRY: "Uh well...fine. And...glad you're fine too and...oh, God. Please don't kill anybody!" Rorschach turns to the customers. He doesn't raise his voice, but they all listen. RORSCHACH: "Man went sidewalk diving Friday. Name Edward Blake. Friend of mine..." A man a few tables away snickers. STEVE: "Hear that? He has friends. Must have taken a bath." His friend stares at him. STEVE'S FRIEND: "Steve, for Christ sake, shut up!" Rorschach has heard Steve's comment, and approaches. Steve's friend gets up, knocking over his chair. STEVE'S FRIEND: "Gotta take a piss!" Steve turns around and sees Rorschach standing over him. He looks scared. STEVE: "Dude, I'm sorry! I haven't been here long." Rorschach's left hand shoots out and grabs Steve's wrist. STEVE: "What the-" Rorschach breaks the man's little finger. The man howls in pain Rorschach turns to the crowd. RORSCHACH: "I've just broken this man's little finger. Who killed Edward Blake?" The crowd is silent, watching in horror. Rorschach snaps Steve's index finger. STEVE: "AHHHHH!" RORSCHACH: "And his middle finger. Who killed Edward Blake?" No answer. Steve sobs as Rorschach grabs his index finger. A man in the back of the room leaps up. MAN: "Please!!! We don't KNOW! Please! Leave him alone!" Rorschach looks at the sobbing man. RORSCHACH: "Hurmm." He drops Steve to the floor and walks out of the bar. SCENE 5 A skyscraper. Outside, it is raining. Inside, Rorschach stands in a well-decorated office. Egyptian artifacts are everywhere. A trim, muscualar blonde man in a plum buisness suit sits at his desk, looking at Rorschach, arms folded. ADRIAN VEIDT: "The Comedian dead? Why?" Rorschach has removed his hat. He looks at Veidt. RORSCHACH: "You're supposed to be World's Smartest Man. You tell me..." Veidt stands, adjusts his suit. VEIDT: "Political?" Rorschach shakes his head. RORSCHACH: "Dan Dreiberg said same thing. Never happen. America has Dr. Manhattan. Other countries have been scared for years. Wouldn't dare. Think we have a mask killer." Veidt turns away. VEIDT: "Not necessarily. The Comedian had plenty of enemies. He was practically a Nazi..." Rorschach has picked up an Ozymandias action figure. He looks right at Veidt. RORSCHACH: "Stood up for America. Never let anyone retire him. Never cashed in on his reputation. Never set up company selling toys and books based on himself..." Veidt smiles thinly. Rorschach is talking about him selling out. VEIDT: "Rorschach. I know we were never...friends. But no one retired me. I chose to stop being Ozymandias and and went public with my identity two years before the police strikes made the Keene Act necessary." Rorschach heads for the window. RORSCHACH: "Good timing. Came to warn you about mask killer so you didn't end up dead..." He thinks for a moment, then turns back to Veidt. RORSCHACH: "But guess there are worse things to end up as. Be seeing you..." He steps out the window and drops over the ledge. Veidt looks down and watches as Rorschach rappele down the side of his building. He smiles. SCENE 6 Outside a military compound. A sign on the fence reads: "Rockefeller Military Research Center" Through a jagged gap in the fence we see Rorschach walking toward a building. He approaches a side door marked: "PRIVATE" Rorschach punches a hole in the glass and unlocks and opens the door. He walks down a long hallway till he reaches a heavy metal door. He pushes, and the door opens. He enters a huge room, filled with machinery, computers, etc. Suddenly a bluish white glow falls over Rorschach. A booming voice seems to fill the room... "GOOD EVENING RORSCHACH." Rorschach looks up and the camera pans back. We see the source of the voice, a twenty foot tall blue-skinned giant surrounded by a glowing blue aura. He is standing by one of the machines. RORSCHACH: "Dr. Manhattan..." An attractive brunette comes around the corner of the machine. LAURIE: "Jon, is someone-JESUS!!!" Rorschach looks around for Jesus, then back at the woman. RORSCHACH: "Oh. Figure of speech. Evening Ms. Juspeczyk. Came to warn you both and bring bad news. The Comedian is dead." Dr. Manhattan starts to glow and he shrinks until he is about seven feet tall. DR. MANHATTAN: "Yes. Since he and I are government operatives, I was informed Saturday. The CIA suspects the Libyans." Rorschach scoffs. RORSCHACH: "Have my own theories on that. Take it you're not too concerened with Blake's death?" Dr. Manhattan looks bored. DR. MANHATTAN: "A living body and a dead body contain the same amount of particles. Structurally there's no discernible difference. Life and Death are unquantifiable abstracts. Should I be concerned?" Dr. Manhattan walks away. Rorschach grunts. The woman scowls. LAURIE: "Couldn't have happened to a nicer person. You know he tried to rape my mother when they were with The Minutemen?" Rorschach pulls a sugar cube out and eats it noisily. RORSCHACH: "Not here to speculate on the moral lapses of men who died serving their country." Laurie looks angry. LAURIE: "Moral lapses!!! He broke her ribs!!! He-" Rorschach interrupts RORSCHACH: "Came to warn-" Laurie is enraged. LAURIE: "Jon, get this asshole out of here!!!" Dr. Manhattan turns to Rorschach. DR. MANHATTAN: "You seem to be upsetting Laurie. I think you should leave..." Rorschach shakes his head. RORSCHACH: "Intend to warn you. Believe someone is targeting masked adventurers." Dr. Manhattan's eyes narrow. DR. MANHATTAN: "I said...I think you should leave." Rorschach shakes his head. RORSCHACH: "Spent a lot of time getting in here. Not leaving till I've had my say." A strange blue light envelops him and he phases out. He reappears outside the fence. Rorschach looks around. RORSCHACH: "Hurmm." He walks off along the fence. Inside the lab, Dr. Manhattan is using his mind to assemble one of the machines. DR. MANHATTAN: "He's gone. Are you still upset?" Laurie scowls. LAURIE: "Yeah. I just don't like him. He's sick...inside his mind." She looks up to see if Dr. Manhattan is listening. He isn't. A circuit board assembles itself rapidly. She sighs. LAURIE: "Jon?" DR. MANHATTAN: "Hmm?" Dr. Manhattan freezes the machinery in midair. LAURIE: "I need to...get out. Rorschach mentioned Dan Dreiberg. Haven't seen him in years. Maybe I'll call him up, ask him to dinner. If you don't mind." Dr. Manhattan restarts the process. DR. MANHATTAN: "Of course not. I'd go with you, but I'm very close to locating a gluino, which would completely validate supersymmetrical theory..." Laurie rolls her eyes. LAURIE: "Fascinating. I'm calling Dan." She leaves. Dr. Manhattan looks at the clock, and stops working. He phases out. SCENE 7 A cemetary. A small group of mourners gathers around a coffin draped in an American flag. Dan Dreiberg is there. So is Adrian Veidt. Dr. Manhattan stands solemly, dressed in a black suit. Close up on Veidt. He looks sad. He closes his eyes. We enter a flashback... ...A much younger Adrian Veidt is sitting in a chair, clad in a purple and gold costume. A gold domino mask obscures his face. As the camera pulls back, we see there are other heroes in the room. They are standing in a semi circle around a man in a crimson jumpsuit, cape and mask. Dr.Manhattan stands with a short-haired woman on his arm. Laurie sits cross legged on a bench, clad in a short skirt and bra. Daniel is dressed in a dark brown cloak and cowl resembling an owl. Rorschach stands beside him, arms folded. The Comedian sits on a chair with his legs up on a table, hidden behind a newspaper. The man in the crimson speaks: CAPTAIN METROPOLIS: "Welcome to the first ever meeting of The Crimebusters. Why The Crimebusters? Well, as you all know, America hasn't had an orginization of costumed adventurers since The Minutemen disbanded 20 years ago. Special Law Enforcement is standing still. Crime isn't. New evil emerges every day. But by banding together as The Crimebusters, we can-" THE COMEDIAN: "Bullshit." Captain Metropolis looks stunned. CAPTAIN METROPOLIS: "What?" The Comedian crumples his paper. He is wearing a black domino mask, and smoking a cigar. THE COMEDIAN: "I said...bullshit. This whole superteam idea is ridiculous. You just wanna go on playing cops and robbers.. ." Captain Metropolis looks shaken. CAPTAIN METROPOLIS: "No..." The Comedian stands. THE COMEDIAN: "What's going down in the world, you all got no idea..." He walks over to a map of America. THE COMEDIAN: "You're all a joke. You hear Moloch's back in town and you think: Oh boy, let's gang up and bust him! Think it matters? Think it solves a damn thing?" The heroes are silent. The Comedian takes out his cigar. THE COMEDIAN: "I'll show you why it don't matter..." He presses the cigar to the map and lights it on fire. The map crumples. THE COMEDIAN: "Because inside ten years, the nukes are gonna be flying for real." The map turns to cinders. The Comedian laughs. THE COMEDIAN: "Fuck this. I got an appointment..." He walks out of the room, leaving the heroes in a stunned silence. Finally, Jon's girlfriend speaks up. JANEY: "Jon, I think I'd like to go home now." Nite Owl steps toward Captain Metropolis. NITE OWL: "This isn't working out..." Captain Metropolis watches, flustered as the heroes start to go. CAPTAIN METROPOLIS: "No! Don't leave!!!" Ozymandias remains. He picks up a piece of charred map. CAPTAIN METROPOLIS: "Someone has to do it!!!" Ozymandias looks at the map closely. CAPTAIN METROPOLIS: (suppressing a sob): "Someone had to save the world..." ...Back to the present. Adrian Veidt opens his eyes. The priest is reading a passage. Rain begins to drizzle down. Dr. Manhattan looks at the rain and closes his eyes. A glowing blue aura surrounds the mourners. The rain hits it and runs off. Dreiberg looks up at Dr. Manhattan. Their eyes meet, and another flashback begins... The Owlship hovers over a street full of rioting cops. The Comedian is hanging off the front with one hand, a rifle in his other, garish rubber mask pulled over his face. The police hurl bottles and cans at the Owlship. Nite Owl activates the radio. NITE OWL: "Comedian?" The Comedian fires a gas grenade into the throng below and laughs. NITE OWL: "Comedian?" The Comedian scowls, touches his hand to the side of his mask. THE COMEDIAN: "What?" NITE OWL: "How long can we keep this up?" The Comedian beats a teenager in the face with the butt of his rifle. THE COMEDIAN: "Washington says it won't be long until the police come around. Till then, we're society's only protection..." He kicks a man in the face, then hurls a regurgitant grenade into the crowd. Choking and gagging, the crowd retreats. Nite Owl climbs down from The Owlship wearing a gas mask. NITE OWL: "Who are we protecting them from?" The Comedian doesn't answer. He leaps off the Owlship and brings his rifle up at a man spraying something on a nearby wall. THE COMEDIAN: "Drop that can!!!" The man sees the rifle, drops the can and runs. The Comedian and Nite Owl walk over to the wall. The man has written: "WHO WATCHES THE WATCHM-" The Comedian laughs. THE COMEDIAN: "See this? Those fuckers are writing it all over the city! They don't trust us." The Comedian whirls as he hears jeering. The gas has dissipated, and the rioters have returned. He unloads a round into the nearest man, then steps back alongside Nite Owl as the rioters advance. Suddenly a booming voice fills the night. The crowd looks up to see Dr. Manhattan hovering above them. DR. MANHATTAN: "PAT ATTENTION. YOU WILL ALL RETURN TO YOUR HOMES!!!" The rioters laugh. Some of them throw bottles at him. Dr. Manhattan scowls. DR. MANHATTAN: "You misunderstand. It was not a request." A brilliant blue flash illuminates the night. When it clears, only Dr. Manhattan, Nite Owl, and The Comedian are left on the street... ...Back to the present. One of the mourners leaves the service. He walks out of the cemetary, past a number of demonstrators. The man reaches his apartment and enters, removing his coat and hat. We see that his ears are pointed, much like those of an elf. He sighs, heading for the kitchen. He reaches for the handle on his refrigerator, but a gloved hand falls on his shoulder. The man screams as Rorschach slams him into the fridge, then to the floor, kneeling over him. Rorschach twists the man's arm up behind his back. The man is crying. JACOBI: "Please! You have the wrong guy!!!" Rorschach leans close. RORSCHACH: "No. Edgar Jacobi. Also known as Egdar Vaughn. Also known as Edgar Bright." Rorschach leans even closer. RORSCHACH: (hissing) "Also known as Moloch." The man gasps. JACOBI: "No! I'm a buisnessman! I-AHHHGHHH!" Rorschach has twisted his arm. RORSCHACH: "Lying. Do it again, broken arm." The man starts to sob. JACOBI: "Please! I spent the last decade in prison! What do you want???" Rorschach hauls him off the floor, pins him against the fridge. RORSCHACH: "Attended funeral. Why?" Moloch looks at Rorschach's shifting "face". MOLOCH: "I...I just felt I should. After The Comedian visited me-AHHHH! What?" Rorschach slams him into the fridge. RORSCHACH: "How did you know Blake was The Comedian?" Moloch looks like he's about to wet himself. MOLOCH: "He...broke in to see me. He was drunk. Scared...crying...he was babbling, not making sense..." Rorscach lowers Moloch to the floor. RORSCHACH: "Talk." Moloch wipes his eyes. MOLOCH: "Something about an island. And a list! Said I was on it...Janey Slater, Dr. Manhattan's girl...others. Said something about a joke. Then he left." Rorschach gazes at him. Then he lets go of Moloch. RORSCHACH: "Sounds unbelievable. Probably true..." Moloch looks relieved. MOLOCH: "So I'm clean?" Rorschach chuckles, pulls a pill bottle from his pocket. RORSCHACH: "Searched house before you got home. Found illegal drugs." Moloch's eyes widen. MOLOCH: "Illegal! But I-" RORSCHACH: "Laetril. Fake medication. Outlawed three years ago. Illegal." Moloch lowers his head. MOLOCH: "Please...don't take them. I...have cancer..." Rorschach looks at him. RORSCHACH: "What kind?" Moloch smiles MOLOCH: "You know the kind you eventually get better from?" Rorschach nods. MOLOCH: "That ain't the kind I got." Rorschach grunts, sets the pills on a table. RORSCHACH: "Fine. Off hook for now. Be seeing you." He leaves. Moloch collapses into a chair, shaking. SCENE 8 The Rockefeller Military Research Center. Laurie is sitting on a bed, eyes closed. A pair of blue hands caresses her face. She licks a finger and giggles. LAURIE: "It's like licking a flashlight battery!" A third hand appears, starts to stroke her hair. Slowly she opens her eyes. LAURIE: "AHHHHHHHH!" Twin Dr. Manhattans sit on the bed. Laurie backs away. LAURIE: "AHHHHHHHH!" Both of the Dr. Manhattens speak. DR. MANHATTANS: "Laurie? Don't be upset. I thought you'd enjoy it..." Laurie jumps off the bed, heads for the door. LAURIE: "Oh, God, Jon. Be one again." The Dr. Manhattans hold out their arms as she backs out the door. DR. MANHATTANS: "I'm sorry. I don't know what stimulates you anymore..." Laurie backs into the lab area, where another Dr. Manhattan is working at a table. With her back to him, she doesn't see him. DR. MANHATTANS: "I'm sorry, Laurie. Perhaps I'll get ready for my television interview." Laurie nods and turns around. She looks angry. LAURIE: "Have you been out here the whole time?" The clones behind her hold out their arms. DR. MANHATTANS: "Laurie, please..." Laurie frowns at the real Dr. Manhattan. LAURIE: "How long have you been out here???" Dr. Manhattan turns. DR. MANHATTAN: "My work was at an important stage..." LAURIE: "SHUT UP!!! I HATE YOU!!!" Laurie, enraged, grabs a beaker and hurls it at him. The beaker passes right through him and shatters against the wall behind him. He glances at him, and the beaker puts itself back together, the liquid inside flowing back into it. He turns back to Laurie, who looks disgusted. LAURIE: "I'm leaving." Dr. Manhattan turns back to his work. His clones follow Laurie out the door. DR. MANHATTANS: "Laurie? I'm prepared to discuss it..." A door slams. An unemotional Dr. Manhattan finishes his experiment and starts for his bedroom. He enters and a black dress suit floats toward him. SCENE 9 Outside Dreiberg's apartment. A futuristic taxi pulls to the curb. Laurie gets out, walks to the door and rings the bell. Moments later, the door opens and Dan looks out. He smiles. DAN: "Laurie!!!" LAURIE: "I left Jon." Dan looks shocked. He regains his composure and gestures for her to enter. DAN: "Come in. come in." Laurie comes inside and Dan leads her to the kitchen. Laurie sits down at the table. DAN: "Coffee?" Laurie nods. Dan looks into his sugar bowl. It's empty. He frowns. LAURIE: "I'm sorry. I...don't want to dump on you. I just..." She starts to cry. LAURIE: "God, you don't know what it's like! The way he looks at things...like he can't remember what they are and he doesn't care!" Dan nods. DAN: "So...umm...where will you go?" Laurie sniffles. LAURIE: "I dunno. A hotel or something...somewhere normal." Dan hands her a cup of steaming coffee. LAURIE: "Thanks. Listen, I'm not holding you up, am I?" Dan shakes his head. DAN: "I was just going to visit Hollis Mason." Laurie looks up. LAURIE: "The first Nite Owl?" Dan nods, smiling. DAN: "Wanna come?" Laurie nods. Dan smiles. He helps her up, and they exit the kitchen. SCENE 10 A TV station. Dr. Manhattan, dressed in a suit, walks along backstage with a government agent. AGENT: "If Afghanistan comes up, the official position is that nothing's going on that America can't handle without you." Dr. Manhattan nods. Onstage, we hear a deep, mellow voice. HOST: "Ladies and Gentleman. We have a very special guest for you this evening. In his first ever live Q and A...Dr. Jonathan Osterman...America's hero...DR. MANHATTAN!!!" The crowd roars as Dr. Manhattan walks onstage and sits down. The host smiles. HOST: "Welcome, Dr. Manhattan. Shall we get right to the questions?" Dr. Manhattan smiles. DR. MANHATTAN: "Certainly." The host points to a man in the audience with his hand raised. HOST: "You sir. Do you have a question?" The man nods, standing. AUDIENCE MEMBER: "Dr. Manhattan. If the situation in Afghanistan worsens, are you prepared to intervene?" Dr. Manhattan looks thoughtful. DR. MANHATTAN: "As far as I know, there is no situation currently requiring my attention." The man sits down. The host points to a reporter in the first row. HOST: "Sir?" The reporter stands. He holds a miniature recorder. ROTH: "Dr. Manhattan. Doug Roth, Nova Express. I wonder if you remember Wallace Weaver. In the eighties he was seen with you often. He died of cancer in 1991. I believe it was quite sudden and quite painful." Dr. Manhattan nods. DR. MANHATTAN: "Wallace was a good friend. I attended his funeral." Roth looks at a notebook. ROTH: "How about Edgar Jacobi, AKA Moloch. Are you aware that he also has terminal cancer?" Dr. Manhattan looks surprised. DR. MANHATTAN: "No...no I didn't-" ROTH: "And how about Janey Slater, linked romantically with you in the past? Doctors have given her a few months to live. Notice a connection?" Dr. Manhattan is shaken. ROTH: "Because from here it's starting to look pretty conclusive..." Dr. Manhattan looks at the government agent sitting beside him. DR. MANHATTAN: "Janey? I wasn't told..." The agent leaps to his feet. AGENT 2: "Cut the cameras!!! Show's over!!!" He leads Dr. Manhattan toward the backstage area, but they are cut off by a throng of reporters. Doug Roth shoulders his way closer. ROTH: "We have reports of over 20 known associates of yours, also affected!" The other reporters swarm around Dr. Manhattan. REPORTER 1: "Doc, the Enquirer. Do you think you gave Ms. Slater cancer by sleeping with her?" Dr. Manhattan frowns. DR. MANHATTEN: "No. Please, if you'll just let me through..." ROTH: "How does it feel to know you may have doomed HUNDREDS?" Dr. Manhattan pushes through the crowd. DR. MANHATTAN: "Please...leave me alone..." AGENT 2: (To reporters.) "I believe it's best not to pursue this line of thinking." A reporter pushes toward Dr. Manhattan. REPORTER 2: "Dr. Manhattan, how often did-" Dr. Manhattan has become enraged. DR. MANHATTAN: "I SAID...LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" His eyes flash and a brilliant blue glow sweeps through the room. When it subsides, he is standing alone in the center of an empty studio. With his eyes watering, he phases out. SCENE 11 Dan and Laurie have reached Hollis Mason's apartment. Laurie looks up at the building and then looks at Dan. LAURIE: "On second thought...I should find a hotel. I've gotta go back to the compound and get my things..." Dan starts to say something, then stops. LAURIE: "I'll see you, Dan..." Dan watches as she walks off. He walks up the stairs to Hollis Mason's apartment and rings the bell. A few moments pass, and Hollis Mason, a large, gray-haired man opens the door. He smiles. HOLLIS: "Dan! Come in!" Dan enters the apartment and Hollis closes the door. Dan looks at the lighted glass display case in the living room. The first Nite Owl costume is inside. The room itself is filled with mementos of Mason's days as a crimefighter. HOLLIS: "I was starting to worry." Dan laughs. "Had a little problem." Hollis nods, walks over to the TV. HOLLIS: "You're not alone. I was watching the Dr. Manhattan interview..." Dan looks at the TV. A slo-motion replay shows Dr. Manhattan angrily shouting, then the screen flashes and turns fuzzy. Hollis shakes his head. HOLLIS: "Looked real shaken. The camera went up close, and then the screen went all fuzzy. He'd teleported everyone out of the building. Audience, cameramen, government types, everyone..." Dan looks shaken. DAN: "Poor Laurie..." SCENE 12 The Rockefeller Research Center. A blue flash appears and Dr. Manhattan phases in, looks around. A maintenance man is painting a "Quarantine" sign on the door. DR. MANHATTAN: "What are you doing?" The man jumps, then sees Dr. Manhattan. MAINTENANCE MAN: "Oh! Dr. Manhattan! I was just...orders sir." Dr. Manhattan nods. DR. MANHATTAN: "I see. It seems I'm incapable of coexisting with anyone either physically or emotionally. Please inform your superiors that I'm leaving." The maintenance man looks surprised. MAINTENANCE MAN: "Leaving?" Dr. Manhattan nods. DR. MANHATTAN: "For Arizona first, I think. And then Mars." The maintenance man looks shocked, then smiles. MAINTENANCE MAN: "Good one, Doc. I though for a miniute you were really g-" FWASHHHH Dr. Manhatten vanishes in a flash of blue light. The maintenance man just stares. Finally he pulls a radio from his belt and thumbs the talk button. MAINTENANCE MAN: "Sergeant...we have a problem..." In a desert, Dr. Manhattan phases in. A deserted military compuond stands in front of him. He walks right through a wall and finds himself in a rec room. A bulletin board hangs on the wall. Beneath a broken frame, he sees a black and white snapshop. He looks at the picture and it floats over. It is a picture of a smiling blonde man and the woman we recognize as Janey Slater, his former girlfriend. He scowls and walks back out the wall. Then he looks up at the stars, and at the red dot in the distance that is Mars. A smile crosses his face. Then he closes his eyes. A brilliant blue flash emanates from within him and the shockwave sweeps across the desert, destroying the compound. When it subsides, Dr. Manhattan is gone. SCENE 13 Dan Dreiberg is asleep in bed. A shadow falls over him and someone tosses a New York Times onto his chest. He wakes with a start, and sees Rorschach standing at the foot of his bed. RORSCHACH: "Morning, Daniel. Brought you the paper." The cover of the New York Times reads: "DR. MANHATTAN LEAVES EARTH" DAN: "Christ..." Rorschach nods. RORSCHACH: "The Comedian murdered. Dr. Manhattan exhiled..." He looks at Dreiberg. RORSCHACH: "Two of us gone, within a week. Who next? Veidt? Me? You?" He turns to go, but something catches his eye. A "Nostalgia" bottle of cologne. He pockets it. RORSCHACH: "Need better lock. New one broke after one shove." Rorschach exits, leaving Dan looking at the paper. SCENE 14 Deep beneath the Pentagon. A war room. The President sits in a high-backed chair, surrounded by military officials. A general is speaking... GENERAL: "We can be ready for a first strike in seven days. We have a fifty percent chance of wiping them out before their missles are airborne." The President clears his throat. PRESIDENT: "And our losses?" The general presses a button on his remote. A huge map of the world comes up on the computer screen. GENERAL: "Assuming a percentage of their warheads were en route..." Red blinking dots appear on the map. The general is silent as they hit and nuclear symbols appear. GENERAL: "Britain gone, Germany gone..." The President nods. PRESIDENT: "And if they reach our shores?" The general hits a button. A map of America comes up. He hits another button and red blips approach over the East Coast and one by one, they hit targets. GENERAL 2: "There goes Boston, New York, Baltimore..." The President's eyes narrow as a nuclear symbol appears. PRESIDENT: "Washington..." He leans back, sighs. PRESIDENT: "And the fallout?" The general brings up another map, zoned red and green. GENERAL: "We might be able to salvage a lot of the farm belt, but..." PRESIDENT: "We'd lose the East Coast..." He looks grim. PRESIDENT: "Gentleman, we'll give it a week before employing nuclear tactics. After that, humanity is in the hands of an authority higher than mine..." He looks around at the solemn officials. PRESIDENT: "Let's just pray he's on our side..." SCENE 15 Mars. Dr. Manhattan stands in the middle of a red desert, immobile. His eyes are closed. Finally his eyes open and he looks around. He looks at the snapshot he took from Arizona. A look of sadness crosses his face. He lets the picture fall to the sand and starts walking. As he does, we fade into a flashback. A research lab, years ago. A blonde scientist, Jon Osterman is working on a low metal table. Behind him, a huge metal chamber hums with a strange energy. A buzzer goes off and a voice crackles over the intercom. WALLACE: "Jon?" Jon presses the talk button. JON: "Yes?" WALLACE: "I'm supposed to remind you to meet Janey in the rec room." Jon smiles. JON: "I didn't forget. I'll be there." He sheds his lab coat and walks out of the room. He heads down the hall, through a set of double doors, to the compound rec room, where a very pretty Janey Slater is sitting at a table, waiting. He slides into the booth opposite her and smiles. JON: "Hi." Janey smiles back. JANEY: "I got tickets. Are your ready?" Jon nods, then remembers something. JON: "Your watch! I fixed it, but I left it in the lab! I'll be right back." Janey smiles as he leaps up and runs out of the room and back down the hall. He races into the lab and looks around. Then he sees the chamber. Hanging on a hook inside is his regular jacket. He looks at a clock on the wall of the chamber, and walks in. He grabs the coat and turns to go, but trips and falls. He lands on the floor hard. He looks up as a huge metal door swings shut. There is a loud th-thunk as locks clock into place. JON: "DAMN!" He looks around, but finds no handle. He sighs. Just then a doctor in a lab coat and Janey come into the room. He pounds on the door. The doctor looks up, and the color drains from his face. Jon smiles. JON: "I kinda locked myself in. You mind?" The doctor shakes his head. DOCTOR: "I...can't. Not until the sequence is over." Jon frowns. JON: "What sequence?" The doctor looks grim. DOCTOR: "The experiment this afternoon was to remove the intrinsic field from that concrete block, number 15..." Jon laughs. JON: "15? What happened to one through fourteen?" The doctor looks down. DOCTOR: "They...exploded." Jon looks at them, then at Janey, who looks terrified. JON: "No...NO! NO! NO!" He pounds on the door. DOCTOR: "I'm sorry Dr. Osterman. It's a safety feature. The time locks can't be overridden..." Jon hammers on the door as the chamber hums as generators warm up. Janey turns away. JON: "JANEY! DON'T GO!!!" Janey looks at him, tears in her eyes. JANEY: "I can't stay. Oh, God please don't make me stay. Please understand..." Jon looks at her. JON: "I...love you." Janey smiles, then turns and runs from the room. Jon reaches into his jacket and pulls out Janey's watch. We can hear it ticking. Shields on the walls slide back and particle cannons emerge. Jon holds the watch to his heart as the chamber screams and a horrible blue light rips him into millions of pieces. Janey sits in a restaurant with Walter. She is playing with her food. Suddenly the "wind" picks up. She gasps as her hair stands up all at once. The other people in the restaurant scream as their silverware starts to spark. A howl fills the room. Suddenly a glowing blue sphere appears over Janey's table, and a blue-skinned humanoid appears, arms outspread in a gesture of peace, or victory. He hovers over Janey as all the customers flee. JANEY: "Jon?" Back to the present. Jon stands on Mars, looking at the Earth. Another flashback begins. A TV. An ABC newsman is reading a special report. NEWSMAN 2: "We repeat. The Superman exists, and he's American. According to Pentagon sources, this amazing man can control matter itself!" A clip appears on the TV of Dr. Manhattan assembling a rifle with his mind. NEWSMAN: "How this...being will affect the space program and America's militery operations has yet to be determined..." Back to the present. Dr. Manhattan gazes across the Martian landscape. He kneels and picks up a handful of sand, letting it slip through his fingers. Then he rises into the air and spreads his arms, like some strange god. The landscape rumbles and something begins to rise from the ground. A blue aura surrounds him, and we see a magnificent crystal structure rising from the soil... SCENE 16 Dan and Laurie sit in a booth at the Gunga Diner. Laurie sighs. LAURIE: "They say I can't stay there, now that Jon's gone. Took all my stuff for testing..." Dan looks concerned. LAURIE: "Plus, they suspended my expense account." She sighs and stands. LAURIE: "Thanks again for lunch." She turns to go. Dan stands up. DAN: "Laurie...wait." She turns. DAN: "There's always...my place. I have lots of room." Laurie breaks into a smile. She hugs him. LAURIE: "You're great, know that?" Dan picks up his coat and they leave together. SCENE 17 The well-decorated lobby of Veidt Industries. Adrian Veidt is walking along talking to a pretty young brunette aide. He smiles. VEIDT: "So he just turned and ran." The girl laughs. Veidt lets go of her arm and stiffens. A man in front of them has pulled a gun. AIDE: "Oh, God. He's got a g-" BLAMMMM! The gunman shoots her in the chest. As she falls, Veidt acts, springing forward and scooping up a brass ashtray. The gunman fired again. Veidt blocks the bullet with the heavy metal, then slams the ashtray into the man's face, knocking him over. The gun skitters away. Veidt pounces on the man as the security guards finally realize what's going on. Adrian backhands the gunman and then sees him twitch. He shoves his hand into the gunman's mouth. VEIDT: "What's that?" The man struggles. The guards come up behind Veidt, guns out. GUARD 1: "Mr. Veidt?" VEIDT: "Shut up. He had a cyanide capsule." Veidt tries to force the man's jaw open. VEIDT: "Don't bite down, you scum. Open your mouth!" The man tries to break free. VEIDT: "Who sent you???" The man chokes, writhes, and then goes limp. Veidt drops his head to the floor. VEIDT: "DAMN!" He turns to the shocked security guards. VEIDT: "Get her an ambulance!!!" He walks off angrily. SCENE 18 New York Police Headquarters. The detectives from scene one,Steve Fine and Joe Bourquin, are sitting in their office. The phone rings. Fine picks up the receiver. FINE: "Detective Steve Fine..." He listens for a moment. FINE: "What? Why would I be interested in finding raw shark? Why would I want to find...raw...yeah...yeah I know who we're talking about now. Uh huh. Understood. Thank you." He hangs up the phone. His partner looks up. BOURQUIN: "Is that about who I think it is?" Fine nods, pulling on his coat. FINE: "Damn straight. Someone just gave us the bastard's head on a platter. Get SWAT online. Meet me downstairs." He runs out of the room as his partner picks up the phone. SCENE 19 The inside of a dark apartment. The door creaks and a pair of boots move across the floor. The camera pans up to reveal Rorschach. He stands behind a chair. Edgar Jacobi is sitting in it. RORSCHACH: "Jacobi..." Jacobi is silent. RORSCHACH: "Someone tried to kill World's Smartest Man yesterday." He pulls a sugar cube out of his pocket and eats it. RORSCHACH: "The Comedian. Dr. Manhattan. Ozymandias. Someone's hunting masks..." He moves around to the front of Jacobi's chair, looking at a picture on the wall. RORSCHACH: "Someone you met in prison? Underboss? Snakebite?" Tired of Jacobi's silence, he looks down. In the darkness we can see Jacobi sitting in the chair, eyes open, with a bullet hole in his head. Rorschach looks down, sees a pistol. He kneels and picks it up by the barrel, studies it. AMPLIFIED VOICE: "RORSCHACH!!!" Outside, the apartment is surrounded with police cruisers. A man with a megaphone stands by Steve Fine. AMPLIFIED VOICE: "THIS IS THE POLICE, RORSCHACH! WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! IT'S OVER!!!" Rorschach peers out a blind, sees the police. RORSCHACH: "No. No. No. Set up. Framed. Walked right into it." He drops the gun. RORSCHACH: "Stupid, stupid, stupid..." AMPLIFIED VOICE: "YOU HAVE 30 SECONDS TO COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!" Rorschach has gone into Jacobi's kitchen. He opens a cabinet and pulls out a can of Veidt brand spray paint. He pulls out a lighter. AMPLIFIED VOICE: "I CAN'T GUARANTEE YOUR SAFETY, RORSCHACH! LET'S MAKE THIS A NICE, CLEAN SURRENDER!" Rorschach grunts. RORSCHACH: "Never. Never surrender..." AMPLIFIED VOICE: "WE'RE COMING IN, RORSCHACH! HOPE YOU'RE READY!!!" Rorschach is in the living room. RORSCHACH: "When you are." Ten seconds later the front door splinters and several SWAT team members rush in, rifles out. They look around. SWAT 1: "See that lock? He's here..." The SWAT men move into the living room. SWAT 2: "Make sure he doesn't-YAHHHH!" Rorschach leaps over the couch and torches SWAT 2. Then he vaults over the banister and heads upstairs, torching them as he goes. SWAT 2: "AHHH! AHHH! Christ! I'm on fire!!!" SWAT 1: (Smothering his teammate "Oh jeez...oh jeez..." Several more SWAT members come up behind him. SWAT 3: "Where is he? All this fuckin' smoke!!!" Rorschach leans over the railing, then ducks as machine gun fire rattles around him. The SWAT men charge upstairs, enraged. One of them kicks open the bedroom door and he and another SWAT member rush inside. SWAT 4: "Where is he???" His mouth opens as the closet door slides open and Rorschach points the grappling gun at SWAT 4. He pulls the trigger and the man grunts as the CO2-powered grapple imbeds itself in his chest and he falls backwards. Rorschach punches the other man in the gut, shoves him aside and runs back into the hall. Seven SWAT members are between him and the stairs. He turns and runs for a window at the end of the hall as bullets ricochet around him. He dives through the window and plunges two stories, landing hard on the ground. He grunts and tried to get up. RORSCHACH: "Ughhh...no pain. Must get up. Framed..." A cop clubs him in the back with a rifle and he goes down. Rorshach gets to his knees and blocks a second rifle butt. He punches the cop. Then another rifle butt slams into his head. He goes down, and cops surround him, beating and kicking. COP 1: "Get his mask!!!" A cop grabs Rorschach's mask and pulls. Rorschach's face is revealed. He is the crazy man from the first scene. He was also a protestor in the cemetary scene. COP 1: "Ugly little fucker. Rorschach claws for his mask. His eyes are filled with hatred. RORSCHACH: "NOOO! MY FACE!!! GIVE ME BACK MY FACE!" A rifle butt lands on his head and he collapses, unconsciousness. The screen fades... SCENE 20 The screen fades in. Rorschach is sitting at a table, covered in bruises. His hands are cuffed. A large black man sits opposite him. He holds up an inkblot test card. PSYCHIATRIST: "How about this one, Walter. What do you see?" Rorschach looks at the card in the other man's hand. To us, it looks like a butterfly. But suddenly the image of a german shepard with it's head split open flashes across the screen. Rorschach's eyes narrow. He looks up at the shrink. RORSCHACH: "A pretty butterfly." The pyschiatrist looks pleased. Apparently he's been showing Rorschach cards for quite some time. He buzzes in a guard. PYSCHIATRIST: "Okay, Walter. That's enough for today. Same time tomorrow?" Rorschach stands, unemotional and exits with the guard. As they walk down the hall to his cell, the other inmates jeer at him. INMATE: "Hey, Rorschach! You DEAD!!!" INMATE 2: "But you're gonna be our bitch first!" All the inmates laugh. Rorschach ignores them. He enters his cell and the guard shuts it with a loud clang. He sits down and stares straight ahead. INMATE 3: "Gonna make you scream, Rorschach!!!" Rorschach lays down on his bunk, closes his eyes. It is the next morning. Rorschach is sitting at the table again across from the psychiatrist. The doctor opens his folder. PYCHIATRIST: "Well, good morning, Walter. I'd like to try something different today. I want you to talk...about Rorschach." Rorschach glares at him RORSCHACH: "You keep calling me Walter. I don't like you." The doctor looks surprised. He tries to regain his composure. PSYCHIATRIST: "Y-you don't? Why, exactly?" Rorschach sneers. RORSCHACH: "Think you understand PAIN. I'll tell you about Rorschach." ...Flashback sequence begins. A young Walter Kovacs is working in a dark room. VOICEOVER: "Age 16. Worked at dress shop. Job unpleasant. One day, received special order for new Dr. Manhattan spinoff fabric. Viscous fluids between two layers latex. Heat and pressure sensitive. Woman didn't pick up the dress. Said it was ugly." The young Walter holds the dress up, and we see the patterns moving. VOICEOVER: "Not ugly. Black and White moving, changing shape. Not mixing. No gray. Very, very beautiful. Meant for me. Took it home. Learned to cut it using heated tools to reseal latex. Soon became bored. Fabric had no use. Left it in storage. Forgot about it. Two years passed. Stopped at newsstand, bought paper. There she was. Woman who ordered dress. Raped. Tortured. Murdered. Right outside her apartment building. Neighbors heard her screaming. No one called cops. Some watched. Some of them...even watched." ...Back to the present. Close up on Rorschach's face, angry. RORSCHACH: "I knew what people were, then. Behind all the deception. Ashamed at humanity, went home. Took the remains of unwanted dress and made a face I could bear to look at..." He lowers his head. RORSCHACH: "Why are you spending so much time with me?" The Dr. looks surprised. PSYCHIATRIST: "Well...I care, Walter, I-" RORSCHACH: "No.Want to be famous. Want to know what makes me sick." He stands as the guards come in. RORSCHACH: "You'll find out, Doctor. Have patience..." SCENE 21 Rorschach is standing in the prison lunch line. The other inmates are jeering again. INMATE 4: "You Rorschach? Love to have an autograph...got my book right here." He brandishes a switchblade. INMATE 4: "Notched up quite a few names over the years. Love to add you to the list." Rorschach reaches for a pan of hot cooking fat behind the sneeze guard. In one fluid motion he whirls and splashes the burning liquid into the inmate's face. The inmate screams and collapses. The guards hurry toward Rorschach and start to drag him out of the cafeteria. RORSCHACH: "None of you understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me..." The guards drag him from the cafeteria. Rorschach is back in therapy. The doctor is looking over his notes. PSYCHIATRIST: "All right, Ror-Walter. Let's pick up where we left off. After the murder, you decided to...vent your hostilities on the world? You became Rorschach and-" RORSCHACH: "Don't be stupid. Then I was just Kovacs. Kovacs pretending to be Rorschach." The doctor looks confused. Rorschach continues... ...Another flashback. Rorschach is standing on the waterfront, looking up at a building. VOICEOVER: "Back then I was young. Naive. Soft." ...Back to the present. PSYCHIATRIST: "Soft?" Rorschach nods. RORSCHACH: "Soft on scum. Let them live." The doctor nods, not convinced that means soft. PSYCHIATRIST: "As opposed to the fifteen murders you're charged with." Rorschach nods. RORSCHACH: "Hadn't realized stakes back then. Me...my friends...all soft." The doctor looks up, surprised. PSYCHIATRIST: "Friends?" Rorschach shakes his head. RORSCHACH: "Walter had friends. Not Rorschach. Never." He pauses, thinking. RORSCHACH: "Worked with Nite Owl to control street gangs. Brought down Underboss together. Good team..." His eyes are faraway. Then they narrow. RORSCHACH: "Until he quit. No staying power. None of them. Except The Comedian. Didn't care if people liked him. Uncompromising. Admired that. Understood the most. About world and what's happening to it. Understood man's capacity for horror and never quit. Saw the world's black heart and never surrendered." He looks the doctor in the eye. RORSCHACH: "Once a man has seen...he can never turn his back on it, pretend it doesn't exist..." The doctor looks thoughtful. Then he pulls his folder toward him and opens it. PSYCHIATRIST: "Thought we'd try some more ink blot tests." He hands Rorschach the "pretty butterfly". RORSCHACH: "Seen this one." The doctor nods. PSYCHIATRIST: "I thought maybe you were...holding back. Go ahead. Tell me what you really see." The image of the dog flashes onscreen again. RORSCHACH: "Dog...dog with...head split in half." The doctor nods. PSYCHIATRIST: "And who do you think did it?" RORSCHACH: "I did." The doctor looks at him. Rorschach sighs. RORSCHACH: "Blaire Roche Kidnap case. Kidnappers believed she was connected to Roche paper fortune. Stupid. Father was bus driver. No money at all. Days went by, no ransom. Thought of child. Abused, scared. Decided to intervene...." ...A flashback is beginning. Rorschach walks up to the building he stood in front of in the earlier flashback. He opens the door. He walks through the building, which is filled with old dressmaker dummies and various bits of junk, searching. He looks in an old oven, finds a pair of children's underwear. He looks up the stairs, then heads into the kitchen. Slowly he opens some cabinets, sees a row of butchering equiptment. He takes a butcher knife down and studies it. Then he looks at the chopping block on the counter. There are fresh marks in it. He runs a gloved finger along the marks,and turns to look outside. Two german shepards are fighting over a huge bone, a human leg bone. Rorschach stiffens as he realizes what's going on. He hesitates for a moment, then picks up the butcher knife, heads out back. The dogs stop fighting over the bone and growl at the intruder. Rorschach raises the knife and plunges it into one dog's head. A jet of crimson blood spurts up and spatters on his coat. He brings the knife down again, again, again... VOICEOVER: (As Rorschach hacks the other dog to pieces.) "It was Walter Kovacs who closed his eyes. It was Rorschach who opened them again." In the flashback, Rorschach drops the bloody knife and stares at the dogs. VOICEOVER: "Waited for hours. Finally...owner came home..." The door to the house opens and a fat man enters, carrying a fast food bag. MAN: "Fred? Barney? I'm home!!!" The dogs don't answer. The man walks into the kitchen and looks around suspiciously. Suddeny the window beside him shatters and the carcass of a dog comes flying through. He screams and turns away. Another window shatters and another dog comes through it. He screams as it hits him, and goes down, pinned under the bloody mess. MAN: "Oh, fuck!!! Who...who's out there?" A pair of boots approaches. The man looks up to see Rorschach standing over him. Rorschach grabs him by his shirt and hauls him to his feet. MAN: "Oh, Christ!!! Look...you think I know something about that girl! Well I don't!" Rorschach handcuffs him to a heater pipe. The man looks at the cuffs. MAN: "W-wait! Y-you can't p-prove anything. Where's the evidence? You can't...you can't..." He stops talking as he sees Rorschach with a handsaw. MAN: "No! Oh, God, please..." Rorschach sets the saw on the floor and picks up a can of kerosene. He pours it on and around the man, then tosses the can out the window. The man is shaking, crying. MAN: "PLEASE!!! PLEASE YOU CAN'T-" Rorschach hands him the saw. MAN: "Oh, no. I'm supposed to saw through the cuffs before you-?" Rorschach pulls out his lighter and flips it on. RORSCHACH: "Wouldn't bother. Never make it." He drops the lighter into a huge puddle of kerosene. The man screams as he bursts into flames. He keeps screaming as Rorschach exits the house. VOICEOVER: "Stood in street for an hour. No one got out. Looked up at sky and God was not there. We are alone. There is nothing but oblivion. Was reborn then, free to scrawl my design on this morally blank world. Was Rorschach." ...Back to the present. The doctor sits there, eyes wide. RORSCHACH: "Does that answer your question's, doctor?" The doctor drops his head into his hands as the guards escort Rorschach out. SCENE 22 Dan Dreiberg's basement. He and Laurie are looking around, reminiscing. Laurie looks at the Nite Owl costume hanging in the open vault and smiles. LAURIE: "I'm impressed with all this equipment. Must have cost a fortune." Dan nods. DAN: "My father was in banking. He left me a lot of money. Do you want to see The Owlship?" Laurie's eyes light up, and she smiles. Dan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a remote, presses a button. The Owlship whirs and the bottom ramp descends. He takes her hand and Dan and Laurie walk into the ship. Dan smiles. DAN: "Welcome aboard." Laurie looks around, then smiles. LAURIE: "Umm...Dan. I'm safely on board. You can let go of my hand now." Dan blushes and lets go. DAN: "I uh...better check the systems." Laurie looks around. LAURIE: "I love this thing. All curves and contours." Dan sits down at his control chair and starts punching buttons. DAN: "Well, along with concealed vents and turbines, the shape helps the Owlship stay radar invisible..." He punches some keys. DAN: "Flamers functioning. Water cannons functioning. Public address system is good. Air to air missles, fog screen. Radiation shields functioning. Electro magnetic systems on. everything's OK." Laurie comes up behind his chair. LAURIE: "You still miss this?" Dan shakes his head. DAN: "I'm finished here. Come on." He gets up and they walk down the ramp. Laurie smiles as they reach the ground. LAURIE: "You were really into this stuff..." Dan smiles. DAN: "I guess. Being a crimefighter and everything. It was just this...adolescent thing. I don't know why I hang onto this stuff. The romance is over. I guess I just don't have the heart to throw away the engagement presents..." Laurie walks up to The Owlmobile and peers through the bubble canopy. LAURIE: "What got you into this in the first place?" Dan shrugs. DAN: "I was rich. Bored. I guess Hollis was my hero. He retired when I was just starting out, so I asked him if I could carry on his legacy." Laurie stops at a huge computer screen. Dan comes up alongside her and brings up a reading of The Owlship. DAN: "But eventually, I realized The Comedian was right. I mean, who needs all this hardware to catch hookers and purse snatchers?" They walk up to the costume vault. DAN: "I mean, look at Rorschach. The condition he's in. He was normal once. But over the years, that mask's eaten his brain..." He gazes at the armored Nite Owl costume. Laurie looks at it, impressed. LAURIE: "Wasn't there anything good about those years? I mean, all those gadgets and stuff..." Dan smiles. DAN: "You're really interested in that stuff?" She nods. Dan grins and turns the costume vault light on. DAN: "Smoke bombs, fingerprint kit, night vision lenses, laser..." Laurie laughs. LAURIE: "The usual stuff, right?" He smiles. DAN: "Laurie. Do you miss Jon?" She shakes her head. LAURIE: "Not really. When I was with him, he was never really there. There was no human contact, no physical contact..." Dan nods, and starts heading back upstairs. Laurie follows. Dan wanders into his living room and flips on the TV. NEWSMAN: "Following a tense bail hearing, Walter Kovacs, AKA, Rorschach, awaits trial, pending psychiatric examination..." DAN: "I worry about him in jail. The other prisoners will kill him." Laurie smiles. LAURIE: "Yeah, well, things are tough all over. NEWSMAN: "Meanwhile, in Afghanistan, the fighting spreads. As the fighting moved closer to the borders, the Afghanistan government called on the US to intervene. In the wake of Dr. Manhattan's departure, America seems leery to take sides. Addressing Congress earlier, President Gibbons said America would "Consider her own interests." Meanwhile, American military institutions have been placed on full alert. Reports of riots in New York and Los Angeles proved to be unfounded, but the police remain on high alert. Throughout the world, there is tension with no sign of a breakthrough..." Laurie looks at Dan. LAURIE: "I wish I could just split like Jon." Dan smiles. DAN: "The old Manhattan Transfer?" Laurie laughs, looking at him. ANNOUNCER: "Coming up next on ABC, Adrian Veidt's New York charity performance..." Laurie looks at Dan, who has removed his glasses. LAURIE: "Why, Mr. Dreiberg, you're ravishing..." Dan looks surprised. DAN: "What? Oh, no. I just had to clean them..." Laurie scoots closer to him. LAURIE: "No, really. You look great without glasses. If we could just do something with that hair..." Dan squirms away. DAN: "No...I don't..." Laurie leans over him. LAURIE: "You know what your problem is? You're inhibited." Dan looks confused. DAN: "Inhibited. In what way?" Laurie giggles and leans even closer. LAURIE: "Oh, in all kinds of ways..." She kisses him. Dan looks up at her. DAN: "Jesus, Laurie. Are you sure?" Laurie nods and straddles him. ANNOUNCER: "And now...in his first appearance since 1996...Adrian Veidt...OZYMANDIAS!!!" Onscreen, clad in a purple robe and gold armor, Adrian Veidt bows. VEIDT: "Thank you. I hope you'll forgive me while I warm up. I haven't done this for a while..." The TV crowd cheers as he leaps for an overhead bar and does a series of spectacular moves. Laurie moans. Dan sighs. DAN: "Laurie, could you umm...just...yeah." Onscreen, Veidt drops twenty feet to a bar, flips under and over it, lets go and does a flip in midair before dropping and catching another bar. LAURIE: "Dan?" Dan sounds nervous. DAN: "I...just give me a few minutes..." Moments pass. We hear the crowd cheer over and over. DAN: "I...I'm sorry. It's not you, it's..." Laurie sits up. LAURIE: "It's OK. We don't have to rush things. We'll snuggle, OK?" They lay down together on the couch. The scene fades out. Time passes. Dan can't sleep. He gets up and opens the door to his lair. Laurie stirs in her sleep. LAURIE: "Ubbubb. Dan?" Dan walks downstairs, to his costume vault. He punches a code into a keypad and the heavy door slides open, revealing the Owlsuit. Dan turns as he hears footsteps. He turns and sees Laurie, wearing a robe, coming down the stairs. LAURIE: "Dan?" She reaches the bottom and walks to him. LAURIE: "Are you umm...OK?" Dan nods. DAN: "I just...It's this war. It makes me feel so powerless. So impotent." He lowers his head. DAN: "It's not just that. It's the mask killer thing. I mean, Blake dead, Jon exiled, Adrian shot at, and Rorschach captured. I can...feel this anxiety, this terror, bearing down. I don't know what I was planning...maybe take the ship out or something..." Laurie thinks for a moment. LAURIE: "So...who's to know?" He turns around. DAN: "What?" Laurie smiles. LAURIE: "It's radar invisible. Get some clothes on while I go get dressed." She walks back upstairs. Dan looks at the costume. Then he reaches for the bodysuit. He pulls on the gloves. He clicks his belt into place. We see a shadow of him putting on his helmet. Then we hear footsteps. Laurie has returned. She's wearing a trenchcoat. LAURIE: "Dan?" We see a shot of Dan, now Nite Owl. He adjusts a gauntlet. NITE OWL: "Let's go." The Owlship whines as the turbines warm up. Inside the ship, Nite Owl buckles himself into the control chair. Laurie does the same. He punches in the ignition sequence and sits back, hands on the controls. NITE OWL: "Hang on." He punches a button and the turbines scream as The Owlship rockets off into the tunnel. Laurie screams as it speeds toward a metal wall. Nite Owl smiles as the ship shoots through, the doors sliding open. He flips a toggle above him. NITE OWL: "Taking her up. Need some cover." He punches a button with a picture of a cloud on it. Vents on the airship's side begin to spew a cloud into the air. The ship is inside a warehouse. It rises quickly, and Nite Owl punches a button above him. The roof of the warehouse slides open and The Owlship bursts into the night, a dark shape concealed by smoke. It hovers over he city. Inside the cockpit, Laurie has taken off her belt and is looking out the window. LAURIE: "What's that?" Nite Owl looks where she is pointed. A plume of smoke rises into the air from a building below. A fire. He swings the Owlship around and punches a button with a picture of a droplet on it. NITE OWL: "Tenement building on fire. People trapped on the roof..." Laurie leans over him. LAURIE: "Can you do anything?" Nite Owl lowers the Owlship. NITE OWL: "Water cannon's deployed. We can extend a ramp and rescue them." The Owlship has pulled even with the top story. Nite Owl switches on the intercom. NITE OWL: "PLEASE REMAIN CALM. THERE ARE WATER CANNONS TRAINED ON THE BLAZE. PLEASE GET TO THE UPPER FLOORS. WE'LL JOIN YOU IN A MINUTE." He turns to Laurie. NITE OWL: "I'll extend a ramp from the side door to a window. See if you can herd them aboard." He presses a button and the Owlship rises to the top of the building. He turns and sees Laurie has taken off her coat. She is wearing nothing but a silver miniskirt and bra. He stares at her. LAURIE: "Well? The ramp?" Nite Owl nods and punches a button. A ramp slides from the side of the ship and rests on the open window where about fifteen panicked people are waiting. A little boy watches in awe. BOY: "Mom? That man in the space rocket? Is that Jesus?" The side door of the Owlship slides upward and The Silk Spectre emerges. SILK SPECTRE: "OK, everyone. This way." Quickly she herds them aboard the ship. Nite Owl waits until they're all aboard and then punches the accelerator. The ship rockets away from the building, and settles over a nearby building. The side door slides open and the passengers exit. They shout their thanks as the Owlship lifts into the air. Nite Owl looks at Laurie. NITE OWL: "I can't believe we did that. They'll lock us up with Rorschach." Laurie smiles. She watches as Nite Owl approaches her, leaning down. He embraces her with strong arms and they kiss. Nite Owl presses the lift button and the Owlship rises above the clouds as the crimefighters sink to the floor. Time has passed. Laurie sits in Dan's lap. Their costumes lay on the floor. He kisses her neck. Laurie looks up at him. LAURIE: "What next?" Dan smiles, gazing out the window. DAN: "I was thinking about that..." He leans in close. DAN: "I think we should spring Rorschach." Fade to black. SCENE 23 Dan's "lair". He sits at his supercomputer. Laurie comes up behind him. LAURIE: "I can't believe we're doing this." Dan nods. DAN: "I know. But look..." He punches a few keys and a graph comes onscreen. DAN: "Someone intends to start World War Three. The computer lists most of the cancer victims Nova Express mentioned as employed by a Dimensional Developments from 1979-2002..." Laurie looks up at the screen. DAN: "All of them. Janey Slater. Wally Weaver. Even Moloch worked as a custodian there. They fund the Institute For Extraspatial Studies, Pyramid Deliveries...this corporate structure's a maze." LAURIE: "What about Adrian? We should contact him, but not until after the break. I mean, in his position, he might feel obliged to stop us." Dan hugs her. DAN: "It'll be all right. Get some sleep. You'll need it." I HAD PUT ANOTHER SCENE IN HERE. DETECTIVE STEVE FINE, SUPICIOUS THAT DREIBERG IS NITE OWL, VISITS HIM. I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT. I WANTED TO GET THIS SCRIPT OUT THERE RIGHT AWAY. IT'LL BE PUT IN LATER... SCENE 24 Rorschach looks up as three men approach his cell. One of them, a, midget with a huge cigar, smiles evilly. BIG FIGURE: "Rorschach..." Rorschach barely glances at him. RORSCHACH: "Big Figure. Small World." The man scowls at Rorshach's insult and motions to one of his thugs, a fat man, who puts an arc welder to the bars of Rorschach's cell and turns it on. Sparks fly and Big Figure smiles. FAT MAN: "Hey, boss: You notice he isn't giving you any tall order, small world, shit? Maybe he figured out that once we slice these bars, we're gonna make him a little shorter." Rorschach sneers, taking off his prison grays. RORSCHACH: "Fat chance." The man screams in anger and reaches through the bars. FAT MAN: "Fat? You little shit!!! We got a jail full of guys that hate you! What you got???" Rorschach moves quickly, wrapping his shirt around the man's wrists and pulling it tight. The man is trapped. RORSCHACH: "Your hands. My point of view..." Big Figure is enraged. BIG FIGURE: "You stupid fat son of a bitch!!! Now we can't get at the lock!!!" BIG FIGURE: "Mike, reach around him and cut what's holding him." The other thug looks around the fat man's shoulder. MICHAEL: "Uhh...he's stuck, boss." Big Figure groans. BIG FIGURE: "We don't have time for this. Unfortunately, he's in the way of my revenge. Kill him." Michael pulls a switchblade and pulls the other man's head back. MIKE: "Nothing personal, Larry." Larry's face. He is crying. LARRY: "No! Please! You don't want him that BAAUGHHHHHGLORRPPP!" Blood splashes onto Rorschach's shirt. He doesn't even blink. He turns and walks away, toward his bathroom corner... Outside, The Owlship descends over the prison. The guards look up, surprised. A few of them fire rounds into it's armor. Aboard the ship, Nite Owl reaches for a dial. NITE OWL: "Put in your earplugs. I'm hitting the screechers." He twists the dial. A super loud sonic whistle fills the air. Glass shatters and guards drop to their knees clutching their ears. Nite Owl and The Silk Spectre drop from the Owlship and walk past the subdued guards into the prison. They look around, then head for Rorschach's cell block. Along the way, Nite Owl grabs a rioting convict and slams him into the wall. He looks down at the unconscious man and continues on... Big Figure smiles as his goon finishes cutting through the bars. The goon grins and holds up the sparking arc welder. MICHAEL: "Can I fry him?" Big Figure shrugs. BIG FIGURE: "Just do it." Michael starts toward Rorschach. MICHAEL: "Gonna turn you into charred queer, you little..." He looks down. Water is runnig toward him. He looks up. Rorschach has cracked the toilet bowl. Rorschach kicks the toilet bowl and it shatters completely, sending a tiny tidal wave toward the man. Rorschach leaps for the ceiling and grabs a pipe as the man freezes. Suddenly electricity courses through the man's body and he jerks, then collapses, a charred body. Big Figure looks up as Rorschach swings over the puddle. He turns and runs as Rorschach exits his cell. RORSCHACH: "Two nothing. Your move..." The midget runs down the hall and ducks into a bathroom. Rorschach follows him down the hall. Suddenly Nite Owl and Silk Spectre round the corner. NITE OWL: "Rorschach!!!" Rorschach whirls, sees Nite Owl. He smiles, holds up a finger. Nite Owl watches as he goes into the bathroom. The Silk Spectre looks shocked. SILK SPECTRE: "He's using the bathroom?" Nite Owl smiles. NITE OWL: "Happens to us all. Had to redesign my armor for it..." There is the sound of repeated flushing. A few moments later, Rorschach emerges, drying his hands. RORSCHACH: "There. Can leave now." As the three vigilantes walk down the hall, a puddle of water seeps under the restroom door... Rorschach turns to Daniel. RORSCHACH: "Good seeing you in uniform, Daniel. Like old times." Nite Owl hits a button on his belt remote and the screeching dies. The three race to the Owlship. Moments later it takes off as guards open fire. Nite Owl grabs the controls. NITE OWL: "Hold tight. We're getting out of here." The Owlship rockets away... ANOTHER SCENE I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED. THE COPS STORM DREIBERG'S HOUSE, AND JON APPEARS,TAKES LAURIE TO MARS. RORSCHACH AND NITE OWL GET AWAY... SCENE 27 Mars. A brilliant blue flash illuminates the landscape and Dr. Manhattan and Laurie appear. He smiles. Dr. MANHATTAN: "Well?" Laurie's eyes go wide, and she starts to gag. She drops to her knees, unable to breathe. Dr. Manhattan looks puzzled as she claws at him. Finally he nods and a blue aura surrounds her. She gasps, taking in breath after breath. DR. MANHATTAN: "I'm sorry. Sometimes these things slip my mind." Laurie gasps. LAURIE: "Goddam it, Jon!!! This air supply better not run out or I...uh..." She looks up and sees the magnificent crystal palace towering over her. She's speechless. Dr. Manhattan walks into it, and she follows. DR. MANHATTAN: "It is here on Mars that we debate Earth's destiny..." Laurie looks at him, sick of it all. LAURIE: "Jon..." DR. MANHATTAN: "You are about to surprise me with the fact that you and Daniel Dreiberg have been sleeping together..." Laurie's eyes widen. LAURIE: "You know?" DR. MANHATTAN: "No. But in a few moments you're going to tell me..." Laurie sighs. LAURIE: "You can...see the future?" Dr. Manhattan looks over the balcony at the Martian landscape. DR. MANHATTAN: "There is no past, no future. Time is simultaneous. An intricately structured jewel with many facets..." Laurie looks confused. LAURIE: "Th-then...you already know the outcome of..." DR. MANHATTAN: "The destiny of the world? Yes." Laurie scowls. LAURIE: "Then whats the point???" Dr. Manhattan looks at her. DR. MANHATTAN: "You were my only link to the Earth. When you left me, I left also. Does that not say something about my concern for humans? Do you not see the futility of my saving a world I no longer have any stake in?" LAURIE: "Jon, the Earth is more important than one relationship!" DR. MANHATTAN: "Not to me." LAURIE: "The world is going to end and you don't care? It doesn't bother you?" DR. MANHATTAN: "All that pain and suffering over? No..." LAURIE: "But...don't we have a purpose? An importance to the universe?" DR. MANHATTAN: "Life is an overrated phenomenon. Mars gets along fine without a single organism." Laurie sighs. LAURIE: "I know we haven't helped our environment, but...what about the works of our artists? Scientists? Poets? What about...people? Their pain, their lives...all the things that happen to them. Doesn't that move you more than...a bunch of rubble? DR. MANHATTAN: "No. " He pauses, looking out over the landscape. DR. MANHATTAN: "I read atoms. Beside that, human life is brief and mundane." Laurie is angry. LAURIE: "I give up! This is just round in circles! You tell me how it all ends and spare me the agony!!!" DR. MANHATTAN: "It ends with you in tears." Laurie looks shocked. LAURIE: "You mean...I lose? You don't return to Earth?" Dr. Manhattan shrugs. DR. MANHATTAN: "I'm not sure. There's some sort of...static field obscuring the future. The electronic pulse or a massive warhead detonation might concievably cause that..." Laurie goes white. LAURIE: "No..." Dr. Manhattan continues... DR. MANHATTAN: "Beyond that, events grow unclear. I am standing in snow, killing someone. Their identity is unclear..." LAURIE: "That's it. Just...take me home." Dr. Manhattan looks concerned. DR. MANHATTAN: "Laurie?" Laurie is crying. LAURIE: "Take me home to die with Dan and all the other meaningless humans..." Dr. Manhattan is thinking. LAURIE: "Jon?" DR. MANHATTAN: "I don't think your life is meaningless." Laurie looks up. LAURIE: "You don't? But-" DR. MANHATTAN: "I changed my mind..." Laurie looks at him, confused. DR. MANHATTAN: "In each human coupling, there are...a million different possibilites. A million possible offspring. And from that, spring this precise son, that precise daughter...And of those...all those...it was you...only you, that emerged." Laurie sees a glimmer of hope. LAURIE: "But...you could say that about anyone in the world!" Dr. Manhattan nods, smiling. DR. MANHATTAN: "Yes. Anyone in the world." He thinks. DR. MANHATTAN: "But the world is so large, and there are so many people, that we forget...I forget. We gaze at our world and it grows dull in our perspective. But viewed from the perspective of another, it may still take the breath away." Laurie sniffles. DR. MANHATTAN: "Dry your eyes. Dry your eyes..." A blue glow surrounds them. DR. MANHATTAN: "And lets go home..." A shot of Mars. Screen fades to black. SCENE 28 Airforce 2 hovers over a bunker's chopper pad. It lands, and an entourage of secret service men guide the president to the bunker. Once below, he sits down in a leather chair and faces the advisors there. Chained to his wrist is the nuclear detonator. A general approaches. GENERAL 2: "Mr. President, sir..." He hands the President a file. GENERAL 2: "Our analysis shows good percentages on a first strike..." The President nods. PRESIDENT: "I won't be pressured. What's that latest?" Another general approaches GENERAL 3: "Iraq and Israel reported to have movement in repsponse to western forces..." GENRAL 3: "What do we do, sir?" The President sighs. PRESIDENT: "We do what he came here to do. We stay at Defcon 2. And we sit. And we wait..." SCENE 29 A huge building, hidden in the snow of Antarctica. A huge jet lands, and moments later, Adrian Veidt exits the plane and enters the compound. He pauses and accepts a purple robe from two aides. AIDE 1: "Welcome, Mr. Veidt. I trust your journey was uneventful." VEIDT: "Yes. Thank you..." He pulls on the robe as he walks. Aide 2 accomanies him. VEIDT: "Did the delevery run smoothly?" Aide 2 nods. AIDE 2: "Yes. And the monitors have been prepared. How many channels would you like to view?" VEIDT: "All of them. Random channel change every twenty seconds..." He walks into a control room. News flashes on about thirty monitors. A huge orange lynx lays in front of a chair. Veidt sits down and strokes the cat's ears. VEIDT: "I wish to be left alone..." AIDE 2: "Very well sir..." The aides exit, leaving Veidt. Veidt stands, walks over to a panel below the screens, and flips a safety casing up. Below it is a red button. Veidt looks at the large clock on the wall... 11: 25 PM He thinks for a minute, then presses the button. The screens go off, and he sits down in his chair. SCENE 30 Harry's bar. A man stumbles toward the bar, nose bleeding. The bartender looks up. HARRY: "Oh no..." Rorschach stands in front of him. Nite Owl stands behind him. RORSCHACH: "Missed you while in prison, boys. Need information. Adrian Veidt shot at. Press gave killer's name as Roy Chess. Someone hired him. Who?" Everyone in the bar looks at a man in an expensive suit. Rorschach walks over. THUG: "Shit! You all sold me out!!!" Rorschach grabs the man's wrist. THUG: "No!" Nite Owl steps behind Rorshach. NITE OWL: "Calm down." The man looks scared. THUG: "Please! I just...handed over the envelope! Sealed cash envelopes! One with instructions! Got offered the errand by my boss! Freight coordinator at Pyramid Deliveries! He works for Adrian V-Veidt! Please! Lot's of other guys did same. They...they're all gettin' killed! Supposed to be accident's...bullshit! Need protection! Please!!!" RORSCHACH: "Protection? Because you didn't know whose execution you were arranging? Maybe person arranging yours doesn't either. Nothing personal, eh? Hope it comforts you waiting for axe to fall..." Rorschach lets go of the man and turns to go. RORSCHACH: "Have knowledge we need." He and Nite Owl leave the bar. RORSCHACH: "Must search Veidt's computer. Find records of Pyramid Deliveries. Find killers..." Nite Owl nods and taps a stud on his belt control. The Owlship descends... SCENE 31 Adrian Veidt's office. Rorschach is prowling around while Nite Owl taps away at the computer. NITE OWL: "I'd hoped Adrian could help." Rorschach picks up a book from Veidt's desk. RORSCHACH: "Travel plans..." He looks at the book. RORSCHACH: "November 1st...10: 30 PM. Leave for...Karnak..." Nite Owl looks up for a minute. NITE OWL: "Karnak? That's his Antarctic retreat..." He returns to his hacking. NITE OWL: "Oh, shit." Rorschach turns around. RORSCHACH: "Find something?" Nite Owl nods. NITE OWL: "Rorschach...the person we're up against. I...I think it's...Adrian" He taps away. NITE OWL: "Christ. He runs Pyramid, Rorschach. He runs all of it. Pyramid Deliveries, Dimensional Developments...all of it." He hits copy, then stands, ejects a CD from the computer and tucks it into a belt pouch. NITE OWL: "I know it's crazy. I don't want to believe it. But we need to find Adrian...fast. We're going to Karnak." SCENE 32 The Owlship hovers over a mailbox. Rorschach dangles from a ladder, mailing something. We hear his voice... RORSCHACH VOICEOVER: "Final journal entry? Dreiberg convinced Veidt is behind everything. Serious about visiting Antarctica. Veidt. Cannot imagine more dangerous opponent. Could kill us both, there in snow. Return from mission seems unlikely. Last entry. Will mail to only people can trust. If reading this now, whether I am dead or alive, you will know. Whatever the precise nature of the conspiracy: Adrian Veidt responsible. For my own part, regret nothing. Have lived life free from compromise...and step into shadow without complaint...Rorschach." SCENE 33 The Owlship glides over the snow of Antarctica. In the distance, we can see a huge hall, presumably Karnak. Inside the ship, Nite Owl punches a control. NITE OWL: "There it is. Karnak." Rorschach grunts as Daniel begins landing procedure. The craft settles into the snow about a football field's length from the hall. The side door swings open and Nite Owl emerges, clad in a heavy white thermal suit with an overhead visor. Rorschach is behind him. They walk toward the hall. Inside, Veidt watches in a monitor as Nite Owl and Rorschach approach. His cat growls. VEIDT: "It's all right, Bubastis. Everything's all right." Nite Owl and Rorschach have entered the hall. It is richly decorated with the same Egyptian motif as Veid't offices. There is no one in sight. Nite Owl holds up his hand, peering around a corner. Then he and Rorschach round the corner and head up some stairs. They move through a room, full of machinery, then into a huge dining hall. At the end, Veidt sits with his back to them, eating a sumptuous meal. He looks at a gold pot, and sees the reflection of Rorschach creeping up on him. As Rorschach approaches, Veidt whirls, grabs his arm and drives a knife through his coat and into the table, pinning him to the table. He backhands the vigilante, knocking his hat away. Nite Owl approaches, and draws a small laser weapon from his belt. Veidt grabs the lid off the pot and throws it like a frisbee, nailing Nite Owl on the chin. Nite Owl grunts and drops to one knee. VEIDT: "Now...what can I do for you?" Nite Owl looks enraged. NITE OWL: "You know, dammit! Christ, Adrian, what are you trying to do?" Adrian smiles. VEIDT: "Remember The Crimebusters? When Nelson tried to convince us to stay? When the Comedian made his speech? That's when I understood. That's when it hit me. I had to save the world." Rorschach has freed himself. He rushes Veidt. Veidt catches his arm and punches him in the face. Rorschach reels, then Veidt kicks him in the chest. VEIDT: "The biggest threat to our world? Nuclear war." He smiles as Rorschach tries to get up. VEIDT: "Sooner or later, conflict is inevitable..." He watches, amused as Rorschach rises. VEIDT: "But how to prevent it..." Rorschach picks his hat up and glares at Veidt... VEIDT: "I devised a plan. I foresaw the Keene Act and it's subsequent banning of vigilantism. I reasoned that I had roughly fifteen years to amass the fortune I would need to carry out my plan. I quit adventuring, and developed numerous patents. With the funds, I funded Dimensional Developments. Each step had to be taken carefully. The Earth, humanity as we know it, would end...unless I acted." Nite Owl is listening. Rorschach jumps back as the cat growls at him. VEIDT: "Each step was carefully planned. Jon was too powerful and unpredictable. He needed to be removed. So...Dimensional Developments hired many of his past associates...and gave them cancer. Meanwhile, I researched genetics...and teleportation. My research was vital, as was my island, purchased in 1988. I quit two years before the Keene Act, concentrating on my plans..." Rorschach is trying to get past the cat. Veidt smiles. VEIDT: "The Comedian became involved. Returning from Nicaragua, he spotted my island. Suspecting enemy bases, he swam to the island to investigate. What he found must have come as a terrible blow. Imagine...the perfect fighting man...discovering a plot to end war." NITE OWL: "How would genetics and teleportation end war?" VEIDT: "Without Jon's mind to stable it, teleportation proved limited. Anything living died of shock upon transfer, or materialized in an occupied space and exploded. Blake found my artists and scientists working on a monstrous new life form. Upon learning of the creature's intended purpose, he cracked. The plan Blake had uncovered is this: To frighten governments into cooperation, I would convince them that Earth faced imminent attack from another world. NITE OWL: "Adrian...seriously?" VEIDT: "Perfectly. Blake understood at the end. He knew my plan would succeed, and it's scale terrified him. At the end he understood...a dazzling transformation was at hand for mankind. The brutal world he relished would cease to be. After Blake, I realized that Rorscach's mask killer hunt needed stopping. I hired my own killer, planned my "assassination". When I fed him a cyanide capsule, perhaps he realized what was going on..." NITE OWL: "Adrian...this is crazy. Who'd believe an alien invasion?" VIEDT: "I planned to build a monster, teleport it to a certain destination..." RORSCHACH: "Said teleportation impossible." Veidt smiles. VEIDT: "It works fine, assuming you want things to explode on arrival. Teleported to New York, the creature's death would trigger mechanisms within it's massive brain, cloned from a human sensitive. The resulting psychic shockwave would kill half the city." Nite Owl looks at Adrian. NITE OWL: "Adrian. I know this is bullshit, but I'm still glad we stopped you. I mean, Christ, when were you planning to do it." Adrian smiles, as if Nite Owl is a small child. VEIDT: "Dan, I'm not a comic book supervillain. Do you really think I would explain my master stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting it's outcome?" Nite Owl looks at him. Veidt smiles. VEIDT: "I did it 35 minutes ago..." Wee see Rorschach and Nite Owl, stunned. Behind them, a clock is ticking away the seconds till midnight... ...The streets of New York are crowded. Suddenly there is a loud powerful scream. The people look up as a brilliant light emanates from somewhere. Some of them embrace. Most just watch with fearful eyes as the light envelops the city. The light blinds us and then the screen fades... ...New York. Dead bodies lie everywhere. Blood runs down the drains. No one in sight remains alive. A huge tentacle runs across the screen. As the camera pulls back, we see collapsed buildings, and the source of the horror: A giant squid-like creature has materialized in the Institute For Extraspatial Studies. It has exploded. The dead lay layered, bodies almost unrecognizable... ...Finally we see the creature's eye, and huge beak structure. It is terrifying. It's eye is glazed over, and it hangs limp. The camera pans out more. Standing below a tentacle, Dr. Manhattan examines the scene. DR. MANHATTAN: "Midnight." Laurie looks away, buries her face in her arms. LAURIE: "Oh,Christ. Make it go away..." Dr. Manhattan is wandering around, talking... DR. MANHATTAN: "We arrived too late. Somehing obsured the future...But if I can trace the source of the disturbance...ah..." Laurie barfs. LAURIE: "Take it away..." Dr. Manhattan looks at her. DR. MANHATTAN: "I am sorry. This must be a distressing time for you." Laurie is sobbing. LAURIE: "Just take it away." A blue light envelops them and they fade out. The scene remains... ...At Karnak, Rorschach stands with his fists clenched. RORSCHACH: "Take cat away, Veidt. Face me..." Veidt chuckles. Nite Owl holds out his arms. NITE OWL: "Adrian, I don't buy this hoax invasion thing. What are you really up to?" Veidt sighs. VEIDY: "Very well. Once again: I engineered a monster, sent it to New York and killed half the city." NITE OWL: "Adrian, that's bullshit." Rorschach is trembling. RORSCHACH: "No. Listen to voice. He did it. Half New York. Veidt, get rid of cat." Adrian smiles. VEIDT: "No, I think not. After all, her presence saves you the humiliation of another beating." Rorschach growls. Nite Owl places a hand on his shoulder. NITE OWL: "Rorschach, he's lying. His story is full of holes." He turns to Veidt. NITE OWL: "Your assassination attempt. You couldn't have planned it. What if he'd shot you first instead of your aide?" Veidt smiles knowingly. VEIDT: "I suppose I would have had to catch the bullet, wouldn't I?" Nite Owl looks at him. NITE: "You-it's impossible. You...you couldn't really do that?" Veidt just smiles. NITE OWL: "You wouldn't. You couldn't..." VEIDT: "I could, and I did. If you like, I'll tell you how. The brain was the key. It served as a psychic resonator. It would amplify a signal pulse and broadcast it. We coded a lot of information into the signal. Images of an alien world. Sounds...other than those killed outright from shock, many will be driven mad by the sudden flood of grotesque sensation. No one will doubt that the world has met a force so dreadful that it must be repelled, all former hostilities aside..." NITE OWL: "What about us?" VEIDT: "Yes...I'd been rather wondering about that..." Bubastis growls. Veidt looks up as the wall shimmers and Dr. Manhattan enters. Veidt turns and walks quickly out of the room. Rorschach looks at Dr. Manhattan. RORSCHACH: "No...don't let him escape. Must stop him. Killed Blake. Killed half New York..." Dr. Manhattan walks slowly out of the room after Veidt. He enters the room full of high tech machinery. DR. MANHATTAN: "Veidt?" No answer. DR. MANHATTAN: "Veidt, even if I can't see you, I can turn this place to glass. You can't hide. You're being stupid..." Dr. Manhattan sees Bubastis between two walls. He sighs. DR. MANHATTAN: "Very well..." Dr. Manhattan walks after Bubastis. He doesn't notice that the walls resemble the intrinsic chamber's cannon shields from Arizona. Laurie comes into the room, sees Dr. Manhattan enter the tunnel. Dr. Manhattan stops in the middle and looks around. VEIDT: "Bubastis..." He is standing at a control panel, finger poised over a red button. VEIDT: "Forgive me." He presses the button and the tunnel hums. DR. MANHATTAN: "Veidt? Don't!" A white light tears Bubastis and Dr. Manhattan apart. Veidt smiles thinly. Then he whirls as he hears footsteps. Nite Owl and Rorschach have entered the room. "VEIDT..." Veidt whirls another way and sees Laurie with a gun trained on him. Nite Owl stands behind her, a shocked look on his face. Rorschach is nowhere in sight. LAURIE: "Asshole..." She fires. Veidt leaps forward, hands outstretched, then falls back as the bullet slams home. His hand rests on his chest, blood under it. His other arm lies to his side. Laurie looks down at his hand, puzzled at the blood under it. It twitches, and falls open, revealing a bullet. LAURIE: "Oh, shit." Veidt kicks up from the floor and catched Laurie in the stomach. She collapses, dropping the gun, gasping for air. NITE OWL: "VEIDT!!! You bastard. If you've hurt her..." Veidt smiles. VEIDT: "Daniel. Do grow up." He walks back into the dining hall. They follow VEIDT: "What have your schoolboy heroics achieved? Failing to prevent Earth's salvation would be your only triumph..." Veidt looks to his left. VEIDT: "Uh..." A huge blue hand phases through the wall and a forty foot tall Dr. Manhattan follows. DR. MANHATTAN: "I AM DISAPPOINTED VEIDT. VERY DISAPPOINTED!!!" He approaches Veidt, shrinks to about fifteen feet tall. DR. MANHATTAN: "Restrucuring myself after the loss of my intrinsic field was the first trick I learned. Did you think it would kill me?" Veidt pulls a remote control from his pocket. DR. MANHATTAN: "Another ultimate weapon? Veidt smiles. VEIDT: "Yes. Yes, you could say that..." He presses the button and all the TV screens light up. Pictures of the New York massacre cover the news. A variety of reports fills the room at once... NEWSMAN 1: "Scene here utterly horrible." NEWSMAN 2: "Death toll in the millions." NEWSMAN 3: "In New York tonight, millions...is that right? Millions?" NEWSMAN 4: "We cannot dismiss the possibility of..." NEWSMAN 5: "Have we been invaded?" NEWSMAN 6: "Alien invasion or..." NEWSMAN 7: "The dead. The insane...I...I..." NEWSMAN 8: "A response from Afghanistan..." NEWSMAN 9: "Over three million..." NEWSMAN 2: "Promising withdrawal of military forces..." NEWSMAN 6: "Suggested suspension of hostilities..." NEWSMAN 9: "End to hostilities..." NEWSMAN 2: "An end to war as a gesture of..." NEWSMAN 3: "End to the war..." NEWSMAN 1: "Summit in London..." Adrian Veidt has tears in his eyes. VEIDT: "I did it..." He throws up his arms in triumph VEIDT: "I DID IT!!!" He turns toward the other heroes. VEIDT: "I saved Earth from hell! Next I'll help her toward Utopia..." LAURIE: "Wait a minute...You can't get away with that." Veidt turns. VEIDT: "All the countries are unified. Can't get away with it? Will you expose me, undoing the peace millions died for? Morally, you're in checkmate. Let's compromise..." DR. MANHATTAN: "Logically, he's right. Exposing this, we destroy any chance of peace, dooming mankind to extinction. If we would preserve life here, we must...remain silent." NITE OWL: "How...how can humans make this decision? We're damned either way. OK...count me in...we say nothing." Rorschach looks at them all. RORSCHACH: "Joking." He turns to go. NITE OWL: "Wait! Rorschach! This is too big to be hard-assed about! We...we have to compromise!" Rorschach keeps walking. RORSCHACH: "No. Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never compromise..." Veidt watches him go, then walks away. VEIDT: "I'm going to meditate. Dan, Laurie...make yourselves at home. There are restrooms, a kitchen..." He walks upstairs. LAURIE: "No...I...just wanna go. Jon, can you get us out of here? Jon?" Laurie looks around. Jon is gone. Outside, Rorschach is walking back toward The Owlship. DR. MANHATTAN: "Where are you going?" Rorschach turns, angrily. RORSCHACH: "Back to Owlship. Back to America. People must be told. Evil must be punished." Dr. Manhattan raises an arm. Energy crackles from his fingertips. DR. MANHATTAN: "Rorschach..." Rorschach turns around, faces him. DR. MANHATTAN: "You know I can't let you do that..." Rorschach grunts. He reaches up, pulls off his mask. There are tears in his eyes. RORSCHACH: "Of course. Must protect Veidt's Utopia. One more body among foundations makes little difference." Dr. Manhattan looks sad. Rorschach clenches his mask in his hand. RORSCHACH: "Well? What are you waiting for? Do it!" DR. MANHATTAN: "Rorschach..." Rorschach is sobbing. His face is filled with hate. RORSCHACH: "DO IT!!!" Suddenly his body jerks and he explodes into millions of tiny particles. Dr.Manhattan walks away, toward Karnak. Adrian Veidt is sitting in a dark room, meditating. Dr. Manhattan phases through the wall. Adrian opens his eyes. VEIDT: "Jon..." Dr. Manhattan comes up behind him. VEIDT: "You understand, don't you? Unlike Rorschach?" Dr. Manhattan looks at him. DR. MANHATTAN: "You needen't worry about Rorschach. I strongly doubt he'll reach civilization. Veidt stands and faces Dr. Manhattan. VEIDT: "But do you..." DR. MANHATTAN: "I understand. Condoning and condemning human affairs cannot be my concern. I'm leaving this galaxy for one less complicated..." Veidt looks surprised VEIDT: "I thought you'd regained your interest in human life..." Dr. Manhattan nods. DR. MANHATTAN: "Yes. I think I'll create some. Goodbye, Adrian..." VEIDT: "Jon, wait! I made the right decision, didn't I? Everything worked out in the end..." Dr. Manhattan smiles knowingly. DR. MANHATTAN: "In the end?" He looks right at Adrian. DR. MANHATTAN: "Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends..." Veidt's eyes widen. He reaches out as Dr. Manhattan starts to glow... VEIDT: "Jon, wait! What do you mean by that?" Dr. Manhattan phases out. Adrian Veidt looks at the spot he was at, and a look of sadness and worry crosses his features... FINALE A newspaper room. A redheaded teenager enters, carrying a bad of fast food. He approaches the editor, and sets the bag down. EDITOR: "Seymour! You've got two pages to fill for tomorrow's edition!" Seymour nods. SEYMOUR: "What should I use?" The editor shrugs. EDITOR: "Something from the crank file..." Seymour nods and reaches for a pile of papers. A journal we recognize as Rorschach's rests beneath a sheet of paper. Seymour turns to the editor. SEYMOUR: "Which one?" The editor scowls. EDITOR: "Who cares? Just pick one! Run whichever one you want!" Seymour reaches for the pile. His fingers approach the journal. EDITOR: "I leave it in your hands..." Dark, ominous music begins to play as the scene fades out... White letters Roll credits Coming soon...WATCHMEN 2...just kidding.  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