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Parenting tips & Ideas
The election
parenting tips and ideas
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Blogs for President Bush
Monday, 1 November 2004
Almost time for Victory
Mood:  energetic
Twas the night before election and all threw the house not a Romans was stirring, not even Verdel. The republican signs were all hanging with care. In hopes that John Kerry would play the game fair. The children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of Dubya danced in their heads. The soldiers were fighting one hell of a fight for all the republicans that stood by their sides. They thought of George, Laura and Dick, and knew that John Kerry would soon do a flip. Because at the dawn of November the 2nd George W. Bush would put him out of commission.Back he will go to sponge off his wife. No babies to kill, no gays to unite. The taxes we pay will be small in compare but I'd pay twice as much to keep flipper out of there. The home of the brave, the land of the free, George is still in office and I smell victory! By:Cheryl Romans

Posted by oh5/cherylr at 7:42 PM EST
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Help your child build self esteem:
Mood:  bright
Topic: parenting tips and ideas
Share your experiences, ideas and future goals with your child.

Encourage your child to look within for choices or decisions.

Love your child unconditionally and accept any shortcomings as part of being human.

Focus on your child's educational progress and feelings about school. Listen to your child's ideas and concerns.

Enter into partnership with your child's school to insure the best education for him or her.

Set good examples for your child by adhering to rules and regulations; be a role model.

Try involving your child in the daily decision making process; ask his or her opinion to encourage a sense of responsibility and belonging.

Expect positive results from everything your child does, but accept failure as well as success.

Encourage your child to be expressive and to always communicate in a non threatening manner.

Make sure that you know your child's friends;be the parent to set values, such as respect and cooperation

Posted by oh5/cherylr at 4:50 PM EST
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10 Tips for stress-less parenting
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Parenting tips & Ideas
1. Take time out of each day to do something for yourself. Exercise, Listening to soothing music, reading or a hot bath are some ways to relax.

2.If you are feeling overwhelmed, arrange for some outside help so you can manage all aspects of your life more effectively.

3.Keep your sense of humor when things don't go as planned. No one is perfect (except for God). Their are no perfect parents or children. We all make mistakes.

4.Accept that children sometimes make mistakes, are inconsistent, and act thoughtlessly - this is part of being a child.

5. Count to 10 before you react when you get .

6. Ease tension with human touch - share a hug, hold hands, or give a pat on the back.

7.listen to your child and show you value your conversations. Good communication can prevent conflict and stress.

8.Schedule in family fun. Laughter and physical activity are great stress reducers.

9.Spend time with friends talking about your parenting concerns. Also share your reflections on the joys of parenting.

10. Learn how children mature so your expectations for your child's behavior are realistic.

Posted by oh5/cherylr at 4:39 PM EST
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Votin' 4 Bush
Mood:  on fire
Topic: The election
I am voting for Bush! John Kerry supports abortion, partial birth abortion, embryo stem cell research and gay marriage. We need to keep the traditions that this country was built on.

Posted by oh5/cherylr at 7:36 AM EST
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Mood:  party time!
Topic: The election
Who will you vote for on November 2, 2004 and why?

Posted by oh5/cherylr at 12:05 AM EST
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Sunday, 31 October 2004
Child or choice?
Mood:  on fire
Topic: abortion
A child is formed at the moment of conception. Abortion is MURDER, partial-birth abortion is MURDER, embryo stem cell research is MURDER. Child or choice...the child is the choice.
Pro-choice supporters are so hung up on womens rights that they fail to take the living unborn child into consideration. What about the child's rights? A unborn baby is unable to tell the mother or abortion doctor exactly how they feel about being killed. But I guarantee the child would choose to live.
Abortion is very rarely necessary. In situations where the the mother or child may be in danger, many times they are both fine. Medicine and medical procedures are so advanced that this seldom happens. Young women are using abortion as a form of birth control. We need to get America and the pro-choice movement informed about the torture the unborn baby is put threw before it finally dies. During a regular abortion, the child is ripped limb from limb while inside of the mother. (a living baby is MURDERED) Partial-birth abortion is even worse if thats imaginable. The baby is delivered feet first except for the head. They leave the head inside the mother. Then the doctor stabs the baby in the base of the skull and sucks it's brain out with a medical vacuum.Then he/she crushes it's little skull with forceps and delivers the baby fully. The baby is then tossed in a bucket. Lots of times the major body parts and organs are harvested to then sell to people who need them for their child. Or in some cases the babies bodies are sold for medical science.
I have read of countless accounts of aborted babies still being alive after being tossed into the bucket. Left to die a slow painful death at the hands of the child's mother and the abortionist.
How as Americans can we let this go on? How can you set by and do nothing? How many babies have to die before you stand up for whats right?
You may be thinking that you as one person can't change anything, but your wrong. Talk to people, get informed. Pass out information. Hang info on bulletin boards. Email and call family and friends.
I am so glad my mother choose life!
A very helpful and informative web sight is Please check it out. If you email them they will be happy to send you some information.

Posted by oh5/cherylr at 11:41 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 31 October 2004 11:54 PM EST
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