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Broken Chaos


Original art drawn by Noir. Please do not steal without requesting permission; I spent a lot of good effort drawing this! Thanks....

Updates: Well Jenna is being very very lazy right now; also she only has one free period instead of two (*cry cry*) so she won't be updating for a while.... and she's still trying to figure out what to do with those uglified buttons, which is hard because Jenna does not have a scanner (yes, that's right, I don't have a scanner... sniffle)..... sigh... so much to do, so little time... I just came out of a Bio test; let's hope I passed it nicely....sigh. Anyway Jenna will stop ranting now, and will start updating as soon as she can. Also Jenna is very busy working on editing Angel Sanctuary translations for a friend's (of sorts) website--I'm up to Volume 4!!! Yay go me....-- go check it out at Jahannam! You can find the link to the site under my Links page. *This is also a good hint for you people who have yet to read Angel Sanc to go read it... so do your thing!

Updates: OK OK I'M WORKING ON THOSE UGLY BUTTONS!!!! CHILL, MAN! I'm in Kuala Lumpur, how do you expect me to be able to do anything new??? Just be patient! I've got a new Poetry link that works, go check it out. Now, I... *goes back to working on e-homework*

Updates: FRAMES!!!! Yay.... and eww, does my button really look like that??? Yuck.... MUST CHANGE QUICKLY!!!! And what's with all those ugly banners? Sighs.... must add more buttons, more pages, more art, more links.... more everything! Argh..... and I was originally doing this for pleasure??? Bah.

Updates: New website... duh.... and working hard to figure out how to make it look better! Here is where you'll eventually find my art, poems, and lots of other junk besides..... and if you're actually reading this, I think you should seek out some good mental help. Now scram!