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Here are some basic facts on Hecate, gathered from different sources.

Hecate is a Pre-Olympian Triple Goddess. Some sources say that Hecate's parents were the Star Goddess Asteria, as her Mother and Her Father was a Titan named Perses. She is a maiden, a mother and a crone. Changing ages and/or form at will.

In Greek literature, Hecate was often portrayed in Her maiden aspect. For example, in the triad of Hecate, Persephone and Demeter, the break down is thus:

Hecate is the maiden, Persephone is the bride and Demeter is the mother. This thought differs from the mainstream modern perception of Hecate, as just a crone.

Zeus himself honored Hecate above all other Goddesses. He bestowed unto Her a portion of the Earth and of the sea for Her to rule. Hecate also had the priviledge of heaven. Zeus also called upon Her for her assistance in helping Demeter to get Her daughter back from Hades and out of the Underworld. Of course Hecate was successful in this endeavor.

Hecate is not just an Underworld goddess. Although She makes Her home there, it is by Her choice, as she could reside in the Heavens, within or on the Earth or the sea if She would choose to do so.

Hecate is the Queen of the Dead who guides souls of women that have passed out of this life into the Underworld, to rest and prepare for their next incarnation. (Hermes is the guide for men.) This is a very important aspect of Hecate; without Her souls would be wandering aimlessly. It is Her torch and the light it shines that calls the passed souls unto Her. For those who don't see it or are too confused Hecate then goes to find them. She is often wandering graveyards, places of violent crimes or areas of intense trauma in order to assist them. (This is also, it seems, a common trait of the followers of Hecate, who also seek to assist misguided souls find Hecate's light!)

Hecate has many symbols. Some of the most common are the following:

Crossroads, keys, torches, entrance ways, gateways, black dogs or hounds, black ewe lambs, cauldron, snakes, all phases of the moon, the sea and graveyards. There are many more.

Hecate has control over birth, life, death and re-birth. Hecate is there for all major rites of passage. Hecate has control over all the powers of nature and the secrets it contains. She is a protectress of Her followers, sailors and those in travel. Zeus made her a nurse to the young, so she also protects new life. It makes sense that Hecate would take part in the re-birth of the newly incarnate soul.

The structure of the worship of Hecate tends to be sketchy at best. What is known is that Her followers would place a statue of Hecate at the Crossroads. They would leave offerings to Her, with their petition of need at such a place, turning and leaving without looking back, in fear of encountering Hecate in person. The offerings often consisted of black dogs/hounds, or black ewe lambs which where sacrificed in her honor. Often her followers would place these offerings either at the crossroads or out before their dwellings. The offering was called Hecate's Supper. There are many variations of Hecate's Supper, but the common thread seems to be Honey and Mushrooms. I have personally included other food items as well.

Often Her shrine was at the entryway, before the Main Temple area. It is also said that Hecate's followers would gather at the crossroads, before going to a secret place in order to worship Her.

Some of the Herbs associated with Hecate are:

Aconite, Belladonna, Dandelion Root, Yew, Willow, Hemlock, Cyclamen, Garlic, Mandrake, Mint, Palm Date, Oak and Cypress. There are more which I could add, but you will find many more from Hecate herself if you spend any amount of time with Her.

Days of importance for those who follow Hecate:

November 16, The Night of Hecate:
In Greece, this festival begins at sunset. Hecate Supper's and animal sacrifices were often preformed on this night. Those who follow Hecate were often initiated into Hecate's mysteries on this night. In modern time, new witches who follow Her often choose this day to be initiated. This day is sacred to those who follow Her.
It is said that on this night Hecate would wander the Earth with Her pack of hounds or other familiars, blessing those followers who left Hecate her supper.

November 30: Day of Hecate at the Crossroads.
Again in Greece, Hecate was honored on this day. For this aspect.

August 13: Celebration of Hecate of the Moon
In Greece, on this night Hecate was called on for protection from crop devastating storms. (Hecate has also been known to show Her fury and wrath by causing such storms, so this celebration is more than likely for Hecate's pleasure and for Her blessing!)

Sources for information and recommended reading:
HESIOD, Theogony,11. 404-452
THE ILIAD, by Homer (800 BC) books 1-5