the world of the one and only..marie!
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...Diary. Life of marie the cool ducK

    now listening to: voices of theory - say it



    ahhhhhhh 3-day weekend. too bad it's almost over. and so is school. my friends and i are about to be seniors...O_O yikes!! i'm kind of excited, kind of scared. i'm gonna have to worry about a lot of things...and PAY for so much more like graduation junk and prom crap. hopefully it's all gonna be worth it though. i have my pre-cal final tomorrow and physics final on thursday. i have to do well tomorrow in order to get my mucho needed grade. i figured since we have that grade for TAKS, i only need to get like an 83 or 84 to get my B...hahaha yeah it's sad, i know. math hasnt been my subject this year. i did a whole lot better last year. i wish i knew why..*sigh* i watched three pretty kickass movies yesterday. first i went to see BRUCE ALMIGHTY w/ my whole family. it was nice. and kinda sad. then i watched TENCHI THE MOVIE in my dining room and i thought it was pretty cool too. but the best, i honestly have to say, out of the movies i saw was SPIRITED AWAY. omggggg that movie is so awesome!! it seriously takes your imagination, no matter how boring and monotonous your little brain is, to the HIGHEST LEVEL. when it was over, i was gonna cry cuz i liked it so much. and it made me think that if i took some kind of course that deals w/ making animation like that and using my imagination to its fullest, maybe i can make awesome movies like that...=) GAAAA i loved that movie..=) arite gotta finish my pre-cal exam review. PAYCE!

    respite \RES-pit\ noun
    1 : a period of temporary delay; especially : reprieve
    *2 : an interval of rest or relief

    N/A ATM

    it is human nature to want what u can't have. no matter what, people do just about anything to get what they want. i mean really want. if it's out of their grasps, they jump buildings just to reach it. if it's on the other side of the ocean, they're willing to swim 200 miles to get it. sometimes, by persuing these risks, they are rewarded with a prize...what they worked so hard for. but sometimes, learning how to control that part of human nature is the only way of moving on with life. not everyone can achieve their goals. sometimes, an alternative path needs to be taken in order to make things the way they need to be.i'm not suggesting that giving up is a good decision. but if it's the only way u can make others and especially yourself happy, then it's worth taking that path...



    My Quicky Info [my biography is following this =D]

  • what's your name?? marie [it's in big fat letters up there ^ incase u missed it]
  • got any nicknames?? for some stuff: noodle; at home: nony your biznatch!! =B
  • how old are ya?? 17
  • when's ya birthday?? 11/3
  • hey psst psst, what's your status?? single. all i gotta say
  • what school ya go to? cy creek..home of the greatest football the world has ever seen
    (sense the sarcasm?)
  • where u located?? where the astronauts blast into space
  • tell us some facts about yourself!!
    [procrastinating is VERY hard for me to get rid of]
    [i eat scrambled eggs with ketchup]
    [my eyesight isn't as bad as it seems(like when
    i'm walking in the hallways, squinting O_o...yeah)]
    [my hair is naturally dark dark black]
    [i've only tried to dye my hair once..didn't work out]
    [i don't like to wear make-up]
    [i like to sleep real late and wake up even later]
    [i'm pretty sensitive on the subject of love. and
    i mean the real thing not the teeny bopper stuff]
    [when i'm sad/mad/angry i stay quiet so i don't
    blow up in someone's face and make the situation
    worse than it already is]
    [my favorite flower is the orchid b/c it's hardly
    acknowledged by many yet it's so beautiful in its
    own way]
    [my anti-drug(aka the crap in the world)color is red]
    [i find it very hard to hate anyone]
    [i want to be in the air force and be a pilot(look
    what u did zach you've influenced me O_o aHhHH)but
    if not then i want to ride in an F-15 fighter jet
    with a really special guy(like a special moment in
    the sky kinda thing. pffft)]
    [i like to do things that deal with expressing my creativity]
    [my goal in life is to make my own special mark on
    the world. if not, then make someone's life really
    worth living]
    [i want to sky dive and bungee jump before i leave the world]


ok then! well here's my mini-biography. my
name is, as u probably already know,
marie. personally,
i like the name cuz it's not common. i think there
are only 2 maries in my grade at school and the
other one is as cool as me. know why? cuz her
name's marie ;) i'm 17
years old, but my parents
treat me like i'm younger than that sometimes.
it's often irritating but when u think about it
i'm going to be 18 in a little less than a year
(woot! woot!) and they're gonna lessen that grasp
that they have on me and i have the rest of my
life to be as independent as i please. i was born
on november 3rd
in the Philippines. i like my birthday
too. it's 11/3. it's kinda weird cuz when i look
to see what time it is i always see 11:03 and i'm
like wow. my birthday. =D just a little factoid
for ya O:) i've lived in the states for
mmmm 11 years now? wow. how time
flies...i have an older brother Glen and a younger
sister Nika. they can be a butt sometimes but
whose brother(s) and sister(s) aren't? we're
actually a little better than normal if u put us
on a scale of normality. if u put us on a scale of that's a different story. i go to
Cypress Creek
. i'm not a big fan of my school, but
there are some good things about it. we definitely
need more school pride, though. that's for sure.
some things i enjoy doing are
sleeping, drawing, web design (i do
the hardcore stuff when i get the time and lose
the laziness =D as u can see i didn't have either
one when working on this site....mmm yeah O_o),
graphic design, spending time w/ my friends,
tv...sometimes, biking, tennis (whenever i find
people to play with =/), online chatting,
listening to music, singing, exploring new things,
meeting new people (and actually getting to know
them longer than just a "hello" and a conversation
that leads to the subject of bandaids or something
O_o), and shopping...sometimes.

i can be the biggest BUM or the biggest NERD ever,
depending on the mood
and motivation. i'm single atm and i've decided that
'looking' for a new boyfriend probably wouldn't be the
best idea b/c the last time i tried too hard to do
something, i only screwed myself over. i think i'll
let the man up above do his
great magic and miracles and i'll wait a while for another
guy to enter my life.

Some Things to Keep in Mind
*No guy is worth your tears & when you find one that is, he won't make you cry.
*Never start frowning because you never know who's falling in love with your smile (=D)
*Life is shorter than anyone thinks. Don't go on living without excitement in your mind and
ambition in your soul b/c in time, it will eventually make life worthwhile.

Oh..That Actually Makes Sense
*war does not determine who is right. it determines who is left
*country musicians are as ghetto as rap musicians
*it takes many nails to build a crib, but only one screw to fill it

Shout-Out Section
+SINCE jenn wanted her place in my site and hurt my feelings while telling me that i didn't have a section for her.....SNIFF SNIFF...i decided to make this part JENN'S CORNER. [are u happy!?!?!? i hope so!!! cuz if not imma eat u like pilipinos eat tilapia FoO! eat the body, then tail, then the head...mwahahaha. u know what they do to the head...which is kinda gross, but yeah imma do it O_O]jk jk. much love goes out to the one and only JENNIPER aka goldeen aka lover of Harry Potter [in that irish accent like that one cute quittage(sp??) player...KAKAKA] aka GARBAGE of the Tabo Liberation Posse. let's see...what to say..ahh. i just wanna say u deserve an award for taking so much of the 72-inch's shlt. one day, we and the rest of the TLP will pound him down real hard under the ground where HE BELONGS! and we will rescue anna from the devlish spell that he put on her...pfffft =p i also would like to say that u should at least talk to uhh.."bery good rice"...??O_o[as said in a pilipino accent] "bery good" will fall on his knees and beg u for a me...=P anywayyys u need to start driving girl..HAHA. so me u and anna can go race like the crazy AzN mofos that we are O_o take care woman. i love u X500000!!
+NOW anna's little section =D girl. u need to drop the load and kick IT to the curve. that's right, IT. doesn't deserve to be called a he or she or even a he/she. it's worse than the worse scum on earth! dun Dun DUN!! anyhoo i just wanna say that we've known each other for like a long time..pffft. and i'm still here for ya...haha this is all getting Full Housey. O_O
+KRISTAAAAA.u go girl. sorrie again if i made u mad. didnt mean to. i still wanna give u a HUGE round of applause though cuz umm...u know why..=p hope he's good to ya. if not, u know where to go to get back up from the TLP....but if you're a Tabo-Traitor like u said u were....then you're on your own! O_o........=P

That Thing They Call "Love"
hmm i don't know how i should start this section.
love is a word that possess too many meanings.
for me mainly, i see love as a challenge for all
those invovled. love is a test that determines
whether or not u really feel what u think is there
in your heart. love, however, is often blind,
leading some to paths they have yet to understand
and acknowledge with their whole mind and soul.
love for some people is a tingle in their hearts
everytime they're near that special person who has
made their distinct mark. love for some is a heart
racing faster and faster until the adrenaline
gives such an overwhelming rush that it feels unreal.
love, for many, is still a mystery that can only
be defined through unique and undoubted moments
that gives one a fulfillment of all life.
no matter what, love is usually the healing factor
to any somber feelings that can't seem to ever
be healed.

Marie's...dun Dun DUNN! Last Words
i think it's time to update this section. my last words...hmm. all i gotta say is that i NEED A JOB. i'm not looking for a boring desk job though. i want to work somewhere where i can interact w/ people cuz i need to work on that. yeah i'm a weirdo O_o and i hope i get to score w/ "eric benet" one day. it's still hard to try to talk to him. HAHA. i told u i need work...GARRRHH!!


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