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During the late 1950’s, millions of people were moving west and into the suburbs. Americans began to have more free time and more money to spend. During this move, Los Angeles became the third largest city in the country. With the move of both the Brooklyn Dodgers and the New York Giants in the late 1950’s, baseball opened up westward expansion in the United States. (Both teams move in the late 50’s) People moving, leisure time, cities In late 1957, Walter O’Malley wanted to move the Dodgers from Brooklyn because of lack of attendance. At the time, the Dodgers were the second most popular and one of the richest team in the National League. Even though the Dodgers had accomplished these things, people were not showing up to the stadium to watch their games. (Reasons of move) Rivalry, Travel burden, city support (Era of baseball) Superb pitching, Willie Mays, Dodgers NL title (Concluding paragraph)

edited from 7/31/2004