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Deliver me, Release me!

all of my life i have spent in hiding and denial. all of my life, i have been wishing for Someone like You. now You are here and this girl can not deny what is happening inside her. i have spent hours talking with You, getting to know You and within this time, i have found what i have for so long searched for. in You i have found my purpose and my reason. with You i have found a happiness unlike any i have ever known. inside me there is a raging fire burning in sweet desire and i know without a doubt that it is only You that can deliver me. i have thought long and hard on what i am about to approach You with and it is with a nervous anticipation that i kneel before You this night. i come to You with an open mind, an open heart and with my eyes wide open. i come to You, Sir AceBoss, with a burning desire and offer to You my complete submission. everything that i am, everything that i shall ever be, tells me that You are the one. i know without a doubt that it is You that i need. i live and breathe for You. i promise to make You proud, i promise to give my all to You and to only You. i trust You with all that i am, and i need Your direction, Your guidence, Your control, Your love. on bended knee, i ask You, will You take me as Yours and make me better then i ever thought i could be? will You take this girl and deliver her from the gates of anguish and torment she lives at without You? will You take her and mold each piece into a beautiful work of art that she knows only You can do for her? deliver me, release me and make me whole.

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Deliver Me