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My Home Page

As a writer I have to keep going where others stop. Its not always easy to keep a mind sane that way. I tend to have my share of bad days doing so. But I try to never let others see that side. My heart is that of a wolf and my soul is a forest. When I write that is where I am. My visions are intense and have to be shown in a different form. The one thing that I have learned in life and in my inner journeys is that the strongest and only thing we have that we are in control of is HOPE. You can never give up on hope because that is what carries you on to the next phase in our lives. For the weak hearted and shallow minds (ha ha ) you may want to turn back now, this page may bore you. For those who dream and like a exciting ride please continue. Remember as you go on. The writer and Poet you are reading from still thinks he can one day jump into the air in America and land way across the sea somewhere. Perhaps Germany or some place like that. After all that is where part of my family is from. I jump in the air now but don’t end up very far. I still keep trying. Perhaps some day the Angel that has always helped guide me in my life can lend me Angel wings. Who knows where we end up. I think I do sometimes but somehow Life always gets in the way. (Ha ha). Any ways hope you enjoy my page and on that note I am putting my angel back into my pocket for now. Enjoy please...and Thank you My Friend.

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