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-The Mission of ACBA is to encourage fitness, bicycle safety, and quality of life by identifying and developing multi-use recreational trails serving Ashland County.

Bicycling Weather Forecast!

Important Notices (Updated July 22nd)

The ACBA hiatus is officially over. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for November 9th at the Municipal Building 7:00 pm. Hopefully, things will be back up and running 100% soon. Sorry for this "break-in-the-action."

Important Notices (Updated July 22nd)

Anna, Jim, Sam and I joined a group of Audubon Society Members and an EPA official to look at the land on the northwest corner of I-71/250 (about 300 acres). Though very swampy in some parts, we were able to reach an old railbed. A wide variety of habiats, including fields, swamps, woods and ponds are on this property in addition to the Jerome Fork. There will be a meeting at noon on Wednesday, July 27th to discuss this project further. The discussion will not be bicycle trail specific, but about obtaining the land (grant writing, etc...) which may involve ACBA. This meeting will be held at the Coldwell Banker Office and is open to all members of ACBA.

A PLEA FOR HELP: I do not own a digital camera, but I would like to have images to enhance this website and for ACBA presentations and publications. Yesterday's trek through the wetlands had many photo opportunities (some didn't even involve the muscular, handsome and humble ACBA president!). Images of a blue heron, ancient oak trees, the old rail line, native vegetation would have helped out greatly (hind sight is 20/20). If you own a digital camera, feel free to bring it to any ACBA event and take as many photos as you can!

Important Notices (Updated June 29th)

Due to popular demand, I have created a Ashland Group Ride Blog! Just send me your ride information (specific instuctions can be found here) and I will post it on the Blog!) Notice a link to the blog can also be found on the top of the page. There may be some bugs to work out, but please remember I still have training wheels on my webpage bike!

I have updated the link page to allow ACBA website visitors access to neighboring trail pages, including trails in Knox, Wayne, Stark, Richland, Lorain and Huron Counties.

Again, I ask that we help support Gail in her trip to Minneapolis for the National Trails Conference. Send me an e-mail if you wish to pledge some money to help Gail. Thank-you!

Important Notices (Updated June 27th)

The ride on the B&O Trail was a great time. Some of the people we found enjoying the trail included the following: 1. A senior citizen rollerblading! 2. A handicapped person using a hand-operated recumbant. 3. Children on bicycles (not watching Saturday morning cartoons!) 4. Families...lots of families! 5. Dog walkers. 6. A church group handing out water and literature. Much to my chagrin, they refused to turn bottled water into bottled wine. 7. Joggers. I do not recall going very far without coming across others enjoying the trail, even as the temperature approached 90 degrees!

Some of the wildlife we came across included chipmunks, squirls, groundhogs, cardinals, killdeer, and rabbits. We also noticed turtle nests between Bellville and Lexington.

We had a great time and hope to have an equally great time and even higher turnout at our next ride, scheduled October 2nd on the Kokosing Trail. I anticipate some great fall colors on this ride.

Important Notices (Updated June 21th)

We would appreciate any donations to help send Gail to Minneapolis for the National RTC Conference later this month. If you'd like to donate, Send us an e-mail or call us at (419) 207-8263.

Just to clarify...We will be meeting at the trail lot close to the I-71/SR97 interchange at 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Note, the expected high on Saturday is 86F with a UV index of 9. Wear some sunscreen and bring plenty of water/gatorade for the ride!

Important Notices (Updated June 17th)

Special Meeting!!!!
When: July 13, 8:00 pm (edited)
Where: Ashland Municipal Building
Topic: Using bicycle trails as part of a larger wetlands preservation project---A collaborative effort between ACBA and the Audubon Society.
Details: The Audubon Society is the in the process of acquiring wetlands in Ashland County. They plan to incorporate bicycle trails in the long-term planned use of these lands. There may be an old rail line that runs through a portion of this land.

We need money and you need a t-shirt. To solve both problems, stop by Bikesmith Cycling and Fitness to pick up an ACBA t-shirt! $15 will get you a t-shirt and the feeling that you helped fund the construction of mulit-use trails in Ashland County.

For those going on the June 25th bicycle ride, we ask that at least one person in your party wear an ACBA shirt, in order to assist head count/group safety. We don't want to leave riders stranded! Also, if you own a digital camera, please bring it to the event. I would like to add photos to the website!

An executive/planning meeting will take place Monday, June 20th, 7:00 at the Municipal Building.

It looks like we will send a member to represent us at the National Meeting in Minneapolis! Good Luck and Have a Great Time, Ambassador Losinger!

Important Notices (Updated June 14th)

The Ohio Rails to Trails Conservancy has extended an invitation to any member of ACBA to go to Minneapolis from June 27-30. Ohio RTC will pay for hotel, registration fees and, from my understaning, atleast 1 dinner. ACBA will assist in airline travel. If anyone is interested, please let me know immediately. This is a great opportuninty for our group! Also, a special thanks to Rhonda for speaking with our group about RTC.

Do not forget about the bicycle ride coming up on the 25th (rain delay the 26th). We will meet at the lot nearest Dutch Heritage Restaurant at 8:30 am and head towards Mansfield. Upon our return, we will head south a few miles to Pumpkin Hollow and get some ice-cream! There is no fee for this event and it is open to the public! Send us an e-mail to let us know if you wish to attend.

Important Notices (Updated June 1st)

Rhonda Border-Boose will be speaking at our next meeting, June 13th at 7:00. Rhonda is the State of Ohio Director for the Rails to Trails Conservancy. She will be lending her expertise to our cause. Please attend (206 Claremont Avenue). You do not have to be a member to attend this, or any other ACBA event.

Aaron has been invited to speak at the Evening Lions' Club meeting on July 14th. If you wish to accompany Aaron or help with the presentation, let him know (419) 207-8263.

Our July meeting will take place at the Transformation Network. The Transformation Network which houses the Solid Rock Sports Cafe, is in the old Pleasant Street School at 317 Pleasant Street. We will have the meeting in the Solid Rock Sports Cafe.

A 'toot of the bicycle horn' goes out to Friendzy's. Friendzy's has pledged some financial assistance to our cause. This will come to pass once ACBA obtains tax-exempt status.

Important Notices (Updated May 7th)

Do you like to assist us in educating Ashland youth in bicycling safety? We are looking for a leader for our bicycling safety committee. Please contact Aaron, Paul, Anna or Shannan for details by phone or e-mail

ACBA is now an officially recognized group by the State of Ohio. This will help us achieve our not-for-profit status. We are currently working on becoming a tax-exempt group. In order to help our efforts and advertise our cause, please purchase an ACBA t-shirt. They are $15 each and available in S, M, L, XL, and XXL. They are in a color similar to this text, only brighter---great for bicycling safety! They have the ACBA logo on the front pocket and a map of Ashland County on the back. To order, CLICK HERE or call Aaron or Anna at (419) 207-8263 to place your order. Thank-you!

Surveys are coming in. Almost 300 counted so far (including those collected on Earth Day)! CLICK HERE TO VIEW RESULTS We have a lot of people leave their contact numbers (and permission to contact). We probably have 100 names of people ACBA needs to contact. If anyone would like to take a few of these names and discuss ACBA with them further, let me know.

Do you want to go riding? CLICK HERE to find an upcoming group ride! You don't need to be a member. Helmets encouraged.

Taxes got you down? Talk to us about a tax-deductible donation to build trails in Ashland County! We hope to reach not-for-profit status before end of year 2005!

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