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These replicas are not just pieces of wood cut up to resemble cars. With each one comes real craftsmanship that took many hours to do. Each replica has it's own history like any piece of art does. The time and effort put into these replicas come from the hearts of all the people in our lives. Our families have supported us 100% and without any one of them this business would not be.

These replicas take from 40- 150 hrs of time for each individual one. It takes lots of patience and time from our families and ourselves.

I want to personnally thank everyone of you for understanding my absence, or my irritability, especially you Dustin; when I haven't slept much and my persistance when I have that drive to complete a replica. Also when I am discouraged, thanks to all of you for the motivation you gave me.

Most importantly I want to thank you Dustin Glass (my husband) for working all the hours you do at your ironworking job to pay for the wood and help support us, and then come home tired and ready to work in the shop, almost all night long making replicas. I appreciate how you still put 100% into the replicas after working so hard all day. Without you we would never have started this business. There aren't many people who work 18-20 hrs a day and still love their work, but you are that exception. You do what you have to do to make everyone happy hopefully including yourself. I hope that someday you won't have to work both jobs and that you can work a normal 40-50 hr. week. Thanks Honey for all you have done and for all you're still doing. Your intellect helps out tremendously.

Next I would like to thank my mom Nicole who does an excellent job on our homepage. You have been so patient with all our changes and adding this and that. And you have taken so much time on finding us great ideas and adding links and webrings to it.. Keep up the good work!

We would also like to thank my 10 year old son (Dustin Jr.) for all the help he does with the sanding, cleaning the shop, and keeping me on my toes. I hope someday he will share with us all of the enjoyment of making these replicas.

We would also like to thank my mom's fiance Chuck, Dustin's mom Amanda, and her husband Mark for attending shows with us and for being supportive all the way. We also want to thank everyone for giving us a place to stay when we are at a show near their home.

We would like to thank Joe Blaze of the Ironworkers local 55 in Toledo Ohio

We would also like to thank GOD and ALL of you who come to visit our site and sign our Guestbook. Thank you to our customers, at the "Craft Fairs" and on the internet. To ALL our new friends that we meet at the Fairs, we love you. Without people who appreciate the replicas they're would not be any.

Let's not forget to thank all the people who have exchanged links with our site and of course anyone that we might have forgotten to mention here.

Love you ALL, Tania.

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Last time edited: March 09, 2003

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OWNERS: Tania & Dustin Glass