Bill's Ohio U Links

Micromouse Stuff

Combined Program for PICAXE 28X2 (running on main PICOne robot as of 6/12/10)

2009-2010 Micromouse Final Design Review (powerpoint)

Long-Range Sensor Trade Study for Micromouse

PICOne Documentation made by 2009-2010 OU Micromouse team

Micromouse Spring 2010 Quarterly Report

Bill D's Winter/Spring Project notebook (Micromouse) - Includes test results for long-range IR sensors

Pinout diagrams related to PICAXE 28X1/18X ==> 28X2 processor switch (Applies to OU PICOne robot)

AIRAT 2 Manual (unused in 2009-2010)

VLSI Design

4-Bit Cascadable Comparator report

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