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This site is a tribute to one of the world's greatest Bible quizzing teams: Frank Rd., better known as LMNO. It all began in a Columbus, Ohio church on Frank Rd. After this church was closed down, these 6 quizzers moved to their coaches' living room. There, they became All Star quizzers for a top notch team. This year, they are studying the book of Luke.

LMNO 2001

Mt. Vernon Results
Still to come

Mt. Vernon Results

We had three teams at regionals this year. We had LMNO, and two district varsity teams. LMNO placed 5th, Varsity I placed 4th, and Varsity II placed first. Dustin Weiner placed 5th in the Varsity I division and he ended up in 3rd after a top ten quiz off. Dustin will be on the Regional team going to nationals. Kristine Knauff placed 5th in the Varsity II division.



Team Standings
Quiz Type Date Location Position
1 District 10/14/00 Lancaster 1st
2 Invitational 11/3,4/00 Olethe, KS 4th
3 Tri-State 11/16,17/01 Mt. Vernon 3rd
4 District 12/9/00 Frank Rd. 1st
5 Invitational ??? Sterling 8th
6 District 2/10/01 Galipolis 1st
7 Invitational 3/10/01 Indianapolis 8th
8 District 3/17/01 Reynoldsburg 1st
9 Regional 5/10-12/01 Mt. Vernon 5th

Still to Come

Dustin Weiner is going to Nationals. Good luck Dustin!


Regionals Poll

Thank you all for voting. Although 77% of you voted for LMNO, we did not finish first. We finished in 5th behind Lakeholm, Springdale, Marysville, and Lima Community (I think). Thanks for your support.

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