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Opening the Doors to YOUR Intuitive Development


Intuitive Development with the

Osho Zen Cards


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Thank you for inquiring about the Intuitive Development Course with The Osho Zen Cards by Psychic Vickiveil. In the past several years, I have had so many callers and clients asking how they can development their intuitive ability. Because the World Wide Web has opened so many gates of passage, and brought people together that would have never met without the net, I knew I needed to develop products that could be offered on a format that could be mailed. Audio & Video that would once again, bring like minds together.

Hence....this Intuitive Development Class on audio tape!

This is not a Tarot class actually. Although deemed Tarot by the media, I find the Osho Zen Cards to be beautifully illustrated, with down-to-earth meanings clearly stated on the face of the cards, and very light oriented. For me, some Tarot cards hold an aggressive appearance to them. This is not so with the Osho Zen.

"I do not want to read cards, I just want to develop my intuition"
I have had so many clients state that either they want to develop their intuition without the use of cards. 
This set will do just that. This course does not require that you read the cards. 
Side A of each audio tape will focus on SAFE psychic development only.

"I am looking for a tarot class:"
For those who prefer to learn to read cards only...the same tactic applies as above.
Side B of these tapes will focus on training for the Osho Zen Deck. 
However, I cannot stress enough...when you are learning to read intuitive cards of any kind...
you should understand safety methods of opening yourself up psychic-ally. 
The tapes will teach you to ground and protect before you begin a card reading. 
The tapes will talk about other methods of divination. I have seen and heard of way too 
many negative encounters and after effects of those who just pick up a deck of cards and
begin to read for themselves as well as others. 

I have had folks call that tell me they are suffering with fatigue, headaches, emotional upheaval in 
their personal life...after beginning to "play around" with tarot cards. I ask them..."Did you do any 
kind of grounding technique or protection prayer before you started your reading?" 

The responses vary from "What is grounding?" to "OH...I don't CHARGE for my readings". 

Would you go skiing down the Swiss Alps...without a few lessons first?
Would you open the front door of your home when a stranger knocks...
and walk away allowing them to make the choice to enter or not?

If you answered no to either question...then you would not want to 
provide a psychic type reading of ANY KIND to ANY ONE without
certain precautionary measures. When you are dealing with the opening
of your energy (which is what you are doing when you unwrap your energy
to feel Universal Knowledge) you do want to have security features installed. 

This course BEGINS with detailed information on protection & grounding methods.

The program includes 


14 audiotapes (12 tapes at 90 minutes & 2 tapes at 60 minutes)


Worksheets that will assist you in developing your skills. Your worksheets and papers are placed in a cover that you can continue to add informative flyers/copies to assist you in your intuitive development. As a member of this course, you will receive random emails that I find important or informative for your workbook. Any emails will be suitable for printing. You may also send certain worksheets back to me so that I can assist you with the study focus of that particular worksheet. This option is of course up to you. Direct participation is welcomed but never demanded. You may choose to work on your own. 


2 certificates that will entitle you to 2 telephone sessions with me (30 minutes each) where I can intervene to help you in a one on one manner. These certificates cannot be used on personal readings. The time must focus on your development within the course. If you feel you will need more time than the 60 minutes included, there is a special discounted price for additional telephone sessions. Participants of this course only
may purchase extra telephone time at $1.00 per minute. Again, this time may not be
used to ask about anything other than your personal spiritual/intuitive development. I decided to include this interactive telephone time because I could not count the many times I was reading one of the many metaphysical books and wished that I could just ask the author one question that was never addressed in their writing. This is what makes this course different from most. 


As a participant, you will receive special access to contact me at my personal email account developed only for those who purchase this tape set. I answer all emails sent to this account personally. I will address and answer questions that you have surrounding the topics of the audio tapes, or assist if you are having troubles in deciphering the meaning of a card. You will have access to this email account for 6 months following your enrollment. 


You will also receive a nice box and bag to store your cassettes. 


The fee does NOT  include the price of your Osho Zen Tarot Cards. You may find the Osho Zen Deck by visiting some of the links provided below. It is not necessary to focus on card readings. There have been several participants who utilized only Side A of this audio course to enhance their intuitive skills. 


The cost for this set is 


This is a one time charge. 



What do we discuss on the tapes?

Side A of the tapes cover topics directly related to the psychic arts or Metaphysical Concepts.

·         Protection, Prayer & Grounding An absolute must when tuning into the intuitive senses.  This tape also discusses how extremely important it is to protect and secure yourself when opening up in a psychic manner. Would you open the front door of your home and not latch the screen door? Then you would not want to read for someone without placing a space between you and the person you are reading for. When you psychically connect with another to be able to provide a reading, what you are actually doing is taking in their feelings, their attributes. You are asking to SEE * HEAR * FEEL what that person has encountered. It is also not safe or wise to open the third eye without precautions. If you are a *natural sensitive *(being psychic without actually MEANING to be psychic) then you may experience emotion overload when you are in large crowds, around certain people who are experiencing overwhelming issues, extreme mood swings. The reason? You may be picking up on those around you! It is normal to feel totally drained after a brief trip to the shopping mall. Or light headed when entering a room where an argument has just occurred. This tape assists you in learning how to psychically protect your own emotions from taking on others emotions. Techniques to provide safety when opening psychically will be addressed. The tape not only discusses how to open to provide a safe, accurate and ethical psychic reading, but it will also describe the way to close a reading. Also essential. 


·         Meditation, Spirit Guides, & Angels I once read somewhere that prayer is when we talk to God, meditation is when we listen. I find that so many think that to meditate we must sit crossed legged with an overwhelming aroma of imported incense burning. Not so. In fact, for me, a wife, a mom, a full time career woman, I am lucky to have time to sit at all. This tape share easy meditation techniques. Once you learn the simple process of meditation, it is onto learning how to meet your Angels and Spirit Guides. 


·         Validating Yourself & Frequently Used Terms Probably the worst skeptic in your journey of intuitive development, will be yourself. How do you know if that REALLY was your spirit guides or just your imagination when you meditated? And how do you know if you are accurate when predicting the future...if it is the future do you have to wait for years for the results to come in? Are you psychic, or just own an overactive imagination? This tape will give you examples and exercises that I used myself when learning that my life long belief that I just had "common sense" when knowing how situations would turn out, or my  feelings on a certain person were indeed valid and on the nose. There are exercises that you can practice solitary or with friends and family members. This tape also includes the simple meanings of terms used often when referring to the psychic arts. You would not believe how many times I have chatted with people who are doing readings with tarot cards, or playing psychic "ask me" games and they do not know what the term Clairvoyant, Empath, or even what I meant when I asked how they grounded before a reading. This is just not a good thing. Not for the person providing the reading, nor the person receiving the reading. To be prepared...safely prepared is not a hard job. With just a little research, development and practice you will be able to see the difference in the accuracy and content of your information. 


·         Mediumship Mediumship is the ability to connect with those that have passed over (deceased). Recently with the success of renown and ethical medium work demonstrated by the efforts of Sylvia Brown, John Edward, George Anderson, James Van Praagh, Robert Brown, and Rosemary Altea (just to mention a few) a new awareness is opening to more of a mainstream appreciation. Mental mediumship is receiving a better understanding. Mental mediumship is what you view when you watch the forenamed mediums at work. They are not channeling, nor are they in trance. Rather, they are listening, connecting, and phrasing information from those in spirit. This tape discusses the outlines I use when connecting to the other side. I share what I see, hear and feel when linking to a clients loved one/friend/acquaintances that have passed. I discuss safe practice in opening psychically, recommended reading to continue your learning process in medium work, and the different sentient abilities utilized when uniting with those in spirit. I will describe the difference in mediumship abilities. Trance mediumship, channeling, physical mediumship. However the focus of this particular lesson will be on mental mediumship as that is what I do. 


·         Auras, Colors, Chakras Whether you decide to provide psychic guidance for free to friends and family, or you want to take your work to a level of professional psychic work, there are numerous other areas you need to have some form of information on to actually aid the person you are reading for. I find it intolerable to hear that someone has received a reading that has contained negative or damaging information, and no extended help is provided. My personal feeling is if you are seated with someone and offered them words that forewarn of misfortune, heartbreak, or hardship, you should darn well be prepared to lend a hand with some form of help as well. Lets say you are pulling your tarot cards for someone at work. You see the potential of their losing their job. Do you just tell your sitter this and go to the next subject? Perhaps psychically, you just know, you are certain that your sister’s husband is unfaithful. Your family knows that you have also exhibited an extra sense of "knowing". They know you are just naturally psychic. So, as you sit at Burger King with your sister, and her 2 children, you lay it on her. Your husband is cheating...Do you leave it at that? I would most certainly hope not. This, in my opinion is heinous. When you provide a reading for someone...anyone, there should be tools, assistance, guidance provided to your sitter on how to work around the pending issue. If you see a hole up ahead for your sitter, I feel your job as a reader is to also provide a map that will allow the sitter to work their way around the hole. Of course, there are times, when the hole cannot be alleviated, so it then becomes your job to provide your client with a shovel. The tool. How can you assist this person with assist to get out of the hole? You have now stepped out of the title of psychic and reader and you must now heal. I have always said that words heal. And whoever penned the chant of "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but WORDS will never hurt me:" has never had a negative reading, or lived life for that matter! Words can hurt. Just as they can also heal. By knowing information about the AURA, the healing effect of COLOR and what the CHAKRA system is, you can share simple techniques with your client on how to begin to mend and repair the injured areas of their body, mind and spirit. I know when I first started to read about the healing effects of the Aura, or how the color blue can make you relax, I though rubbish! However, with only small research and sampling of these theories, I was amazed. I remember the first time I used my husband as my guinea pig when practicing Chakra Balancing, we both could "feel" it. I approached the healing technique with a bit of skepticism to be honest. I just couldn't get my mind around the concept of something called a CHAKRA. And again, to be honest, I rolled my eyes as I read through the first book I read on the Chakra system thinking yea, right. We tend, we being the United not heal the ENTIRE body. The entire body does include not only the body, but also the mind and the spirit. A quick for instance...when we suffer physical hurt/pain, such as that of a car accident, surgery, or even child birth we need to not ONLY heal the scars, the open wounds...we need to also heal the soul. We need to heal the mind. The spirit. With any of those physical traumas, our body has just undergone extreme physical pain. Would it not take a toll on our mind? Our thoughts? Our psyche? I believe it does. Would you believe that healing could be continued past surgery, past the stitches, the pain medications thrown to us, with therapy for the Aura, the Chakras and the color that surrounds us, can heal? This tape approaches these concepts and acquaints you with the standard knowledge needed so that you can furnish YOUR clients with continuing restoration when difficult times are present. 


·         Soulmates As you come to know me a bit better, you will find that when I was placed on my spiritual path to put me where I am today, I was devastated. Hmm, you I say the word devastated it doesn't sound STRONG enough. I was demolished times ten! I felt as though I had no reason to live. I felt so sorry for myself because I also could not die! Since I was feeling at that time of my life like I was entirely alone, this aloneness also meant that I would have no one to leave my son and my 2 dogs with! At that time, I reflected on all of the people in my life. My son, my mother, my husband, and my immediate family...they all had hurt me. I felt alone. How could that be with a spouse to my side, a son under my wing? Once I picked myself back up, and was eventually thrown on my spirit path I found myself intrigued with human interaction. I wondered how in the world divorce could happen. How in the world could someone we love so deeply, (be it our parents, our siblings, our children) could injure us so deeply. This initiated my intense research into the word, the theories, the concepts surround SOUL MATES...When you begin to provide readings, one of the chief inquiries you will have is on love, compatibility, relationships, encounters of the human species. The questions will never include only the love and rejection between husband and wife, girlfriend and will include those who are seeking and relying that you can lend insight into all forms of love surrounding relationships. I have read for mothers who have been forbidden to see their children. I have read for grandparents who are raising their children's children. I have read for sisters, who have been separated because of the almighty dollar. This list goes on. You may personally view an alternative love life, gay lifestyles, same sex love despicable. Is any kind of love truly shameful? I do not believe it is. Now keep in mind, I was raised inside of Christian Religions! That of the Baptist church which represented one side of my family, and the Catholic Church, which represented the other portion of my religious upbringing, both contend that homosexuality is an offense against God. In this tape, I discuss how I was able to move past all those years of being trained to believe there was any type of guidelines when looking at issues of love.  


·         Stones & Aromatherapy Again we have 2 additional healing and protective techniques that we can use when recommending continuing therapy to anyone we would choose to read for. I cannot stress how important it is to provide the person you read for with alternative methods of healing. This is what a reading represents! The ability to assist someone in restoring their life back to a positive place. This should be your goal as a reader, consultant, medium, advisor. Stones have wonderful aspects of curative power. I believe that everything we need is placed here on the earth plane for us. We just have to find it. I also feel like everything is connected. The sun, the planets, the earth, and us. With a mix of faith and research, trial and error, we continue to unfold mysteries. Stones and gems are structures made of light energy. We look at the essence of stones with the word "precious". As they are. They have been created by God's hands. There is most definitely magic in the beauty of an original stone. With in depth research you will find there is a stone for every vibration from acne to vitality. In this particular tape, I approach the most commonly used stones and the ones you may need for yourself, or to recommend to others. I also include in your packet a print out of information that I have gathered along my way that will work great as a reference sheet to carry with you. Techniques and tips that I have learned for my own use when working with stone/gem energy. 
I don't need to explain the topic of aromatherapy to deeply! It is ever present in mainstream! We are beginning to see the word healing with the word aroma on bubble bath products, bath salts, and other common products found easily on our supermarket shelves! There really is a sense of awakening going on in society. As a whole, we are starting to appreciate the natural elements of the earth and of God. Aromatherapy is just that. Soothing, relaxing, or even creating a more clarified sense of focus with smell! I had a friend who was a teacher for children with special needs. After reading a tiny article on the effects of peppermint and better focus she gave it a try on her next test for the 2nd graders. Before she dispensed their spelling test, she rewarded each of her students with a peppermint candy. When grading the papers, she noticed that 12 of her 17 children received a higher grade that week than the previous 2 weeks. Now I know this isn't scientific data that we can add to the Worldwide Bureau of Amazing Discovery...but what I did is to give it a try myself. And that is what I focus on inside this tape. What may assist you and become a tool for you to share with others. Again, I say this tape is a very basic approach to learning more about the healing effects of stones and aroma. It is not in depth, but it just may be enough to peak your interest to explore more on the topics.


·         Astrology This has always been one of my favorite metaphysical topics. What I didn't understand is how in depth a real astrology reading can go! In most newspapers, you will find the HOROSCOPE section. The words will be based on your sun sign. Where was the sun at your time of birth? Do you know that it is not only important to know where the sun is, but also the moon? Especially when dealing with us girls! We may take more after our moon sign than we do our sun signs! My astrology tape will discuss some different tidbits I have discovered along the way of my development as well as the initial traits you may see, hear and feel when dealing with the different signs of the zodiac. Some of you will notice that I offer a money back guarantee for my clients if they feel as though I am not accurate or connecting with them. That same guarantee I can utilize if I feel like I am not connecting with them. After thousands of readings, I started to notice that there was a hidden pattern in the clients that I returned money to. About 70% of those clients were the same sign of the zodiac! Coincidence? Nope I don't think so! This is just one of the topics I share inside the astrology tape. I recommend some pretty good astrology books as well. 


·         September 11th, 2001 How did you feel on this day of tragedy? Were there signs before that sensitive (psychics) felt? How did I feel? It was only on hindsight that I was able to recognize that the month leading up to this day that something was off. When I recorded this tape, I was still devastated. I was angry. Not angry with the terrorist, not angry with our government. What is our part when something so devastating as 911 occurs? And how do we go forward afterwards? I certainly never dreamed this tape would be a topic included inside
this set.


·         Psychic Symptoms When I first developed this set of tapes, the reason was to assist and step in with so many "sensitive" I was meeting. I had really struggled internally my entire life with myself because I was sensitive (psychic). I had no clue why my moods were extreme. I had no clue why I told of stories and events that I had not encountered *YET*. I would imagine that when I spoke of stories of my 5 sisters even though I was being raised as an only child, that my mother wanted to swallow her tongue. I only found out at 16 that I had 4 sisters. It was then in my 30's that I found that I had yet another sister...making it 5. Just like, I had told my friends at school. In the 2nd grade. Psychic symptoms can range from vivid dreams, mood swings so extreme you get on your own nerves, to even seeming like a know it all when discussing topics with your spouse, siblings or children. You DO know. You feel it. You hear it. You see it. You can see, hear and feel the outcomes. This tape will assist you in retrieving memories of your past. It should acquaint you to what is going on in the present. And most hopefully, it will place you in charge of your future. 


·         Numerology You know the first time a colleague offered to do my numerology chart for me, I laughed. Yea, yea, yea. Another one of those things psychics play with. I was pretty much astonished when I read my prepared chart! Again, my focus on this tape is to give you the elementary of numerology. The elements that will assist you as you are providing someone with a reading. Numerology is one of those "tools" I speak of often. There are times when I am sitting with a client and I just cannot connect with them psychically. I go to my cards and its like I am looking at them for the first time in my life. I cannot read them! They make no sense to me. I then pick up my pencil and paper and start my addition to use my numerology skills. And more than once, it is exactly what opens the door for me to continue with my session, and provide a healing and hopefully awesome reading! Numerology is also a great format to read for you. A lot of psychics, readers cannot read for themselves or for others close to them. But by doing just a bit of numerology on yourself or those close to you, it can most definitely give you some alerts and applause for the path you are on. This is basic and beginning information on numerology. I pointed out how if you look closely, you will see a lot of correlation in the number line. 


·         Ethics & Responsibilities of a Psychic O boy. Is this an area of issue for me! In fact, you may even be able to visualize me standing on a soapbox for the entirety of this tape. Through out these 14 tapes I address ethics, morality, and responsibilities when providing a reading for others. I probably go overboard, and I may offend at times. But I don't apologize for my ethics. I am in a field where we have more than our share of charlatans and scams. If you decide that, you want to do this type of work (and it DOES NOT MATTER if you charge or not) then you do need some basic concepts and guidelines to follow. So, who makes these guidelines? Hard question there. Are my guidelines the correct ones? Absolutely NOT. They are right for me. Who do we elect to oversee the work of psychics, alternative healers, herbal remedies? I wish I had the answer to that one. I don't. So, what you will receive in this tape is the rules and regulations I work with and apply. The guidelines I appreciate in other readers, and adhere to in my sessions. I answer personal questions that I don't like to address but is needed. Such as "How do I read for someone when I feel my personal thoughts and feelings enter the session?" "When do we spit out words, feelings and visions we receive to others when they haven't asked for our "psychic impression”?" I feel we need to take what we do serious as serious can get. This gift/ability is not a toy. It isn't a novelty. I have been the recipient of some really bad readings. I even sat with a reader who offered to make my entire aura one color, as she told me my aura was multi colored and that was not good. She stated she could fix it...with $250 and a very magic candle. This woman did not know what kind of work I did. What was my responsibility in that reading? And what will your responsibility be in your readings?  


·         IN Closing The last tape will discuss and cover ending topics, frequently asked questions from my first group of participants, and recommendations and tips to continue your development. I sure would like to say, after this tape set, you will have all the knowledge on developing your intuition that you will ever need. I would like to say now you have all the tools necessary. What I can share with you is that you will never cease in your spiritual development. There will always be another arena you are drawn to. There will always be one more question you have. This tape set is the foundation. It can be your beginnings. And it is only my speculation. What I have encountered and can now share. My goal is to alleviate some unnecessary steps I wish I had saved. And point out some of the areas where I wish I had spent more time. I was approached once at a psychic fair and was asked by a lady who had decided she would like to read at psychic fairs...she asked me " would this tape set provide what she needed to become a top reader at the fairs". I couldn't answer. I still can't. This tape set will answer questions from my point of view only. My views have come to be because of my own personal experiences, my individual hard times, my exclusive good times, my particular successes, and my specific failures. My reason for the development of these tapes is to hear you say, ME TOO! Because for all the failures, all of the tears, all of the defeats I still say What a WONDERFUL LIFE!  

On side B of the tapes, I share with you the way I read the deck of cards I use most often. As most of you know, I cannot read tarot cards! The biggest part of my intuitive work in readings comes through clairvoyantly, clairaudiently, clairsentiently. The way I see it, cards are an awesome way to confirm and compliment a reading. They are your tools. If you asked me to draw you a line, I could do so. It probably wouldn't be bad. However, if you asked me to draw the line and I could use a ruler, the line would be much better! I would have back up. This is how I use the deck of Osho Zen Tarot Deck. They are my second opinion. They lend insight when I need some form of endorsement during a reading. Remember, I am a bit of a skeptic! I have always enjoyed the views and opinions of others! This is where the cards compliment my readings. The cards show me, perspectives, angles, and most often confirmation to what I am seeing, hearing or feeling. I don't go by the book provided in this deck of cards. I have formulated my own interpretation of the cards. 

Even though the Osho's carry the title of Tarot, I think you will see that the deck is user friendly. You can click on the link provided below to view a picture of the Osho Zen Deck.


Several years ago when I started to read professionally, I would guess-timate that with every 20-25 readings with a client, I would feel that the client themselves were a bit more intuitive than your normal run at the mill intuitive person. They were naturally psychic. They were like me before I knew what was going on with me. I would immediately feel an extra bond with the client. Why the extra bond? Well quite frankly, being psychic, being clairvoyant, clairaudient or an empath is DEFINITELY BITTERSWEET!

When you do NOT know you are psychic, you may mix your feelings up as being a bit eccentric, or being a crybaby, a whiner, or an over-exaggerator.

You can exhibit mood swings, sensitivity to the extreme, times when you cannot decipher dreams from reality, those feelings of "Have I done this, been here, heard this before?" are excessive.

From my own experience I have found that a lot of "sensitives" (psychics) suffer Social Anxiety Disorder, Bi Polar Disorder, Manic Depression, Chronic Body Pain, frequent and severe headaches, ear problems with no apparent sign of infection, thyroid problems, and the list goes on.

** I am not a medical doctor. I cannot diagnose. This observation comes from years and years of talking to other professional and non-professional psychics. If you suffer with any of these ailments it is imperative that you do not rely on the works of this audio tape course, advice from other psychics, etc to medicate or cure yourself. Seek the council of a traditional medicine and add holistic/alternative therapies in conjunct and approval of your traditional doctor.

Over the years, I see more and more clients who are naturally enhanced with strong psychic abilities. The abilities range from innate abilities of psychometry, mediumship, clairvoyant, dream seeing, empathic traits and the list goes on. Their ability is just there! They haven't practiced or participated in classes to develop their capabilities. So many different avenues bring them to being psychic. I would have never ever dreamed that what I felt, what I would see, what I would hear was anything more than "common sense". I was not even overly interested in the psychic arts. I just happened to be at a point where I had nothing to lose...I needed some kind of guidance to answer questions that was living in my mind. It sent me to a psychic. And, here I am. you are intuitive/psychic/clairvoyant/a medium/clairaudient/an empath. What now? Do you just hang a sign outside the front door? Do you just begin reading for friends, family and neighbors? Do you grab a deck of tarot cards, read the enclosed book and start doing spreads?

Although too many people will do this, I firmly believe it is not a wise idea. Not at all. It can cause chaos for you as well as those you read for. You can open up psychically and when you do, you are an open house. Anything energy or entity out there, can find residence within your energy. You can totally drain your physical being. This will lead to medical or emotional problems. These are just a few of the complications in reading without some form of training and preparation.

Our lives are very busy. Once my mentor told me what was going on with me, I began development. And loads of research. Even though I had the mentor over me, and assisting me, I was hard headed enough that I always had to have my questions and concerns addressed by more than her opinion and teachings. So I read, I attended lectures, and workshops; I talked to other professionals and respected psychics, healers, astrologers etc. I used the Internet quite often. You can get on the World Wide Web and have access to a million different concepts and theories from the privacy of your home. And the information is free.  

When you make a decision, make it based on your gut instinct combined with knowledge obtained from experience.

This audio course has the techniques I found easiest to accomplish. The tapes hold my words and my personal experiences. I share the ways I work when using my abilities, and recommend the books that helped me most. I contribute my most personal reflections on how to become and stay morally correct when doing this work that is always criticized to the nines. Being psychic for me has meant being spiritual. Not setting up a side door down a dark alley with ropes connected to the table legs. Lets face it; we are not to a place where everyone gives me the benefit of the doubt because I do offer money back. I am inside a belief and way of life with the word psychic that has been frowned upon for eons. This is not an easy job. I must have been half nuts when I agreed to this on the other side. And this is what I discuss along with the most important part of this course...coming to a place where you can believe in yourself. Where you, as a professional or non-professional intuitive can hopefully begin to change the negative thoughts attached to this gift whether you read full time or just for friends and family.

It is not necessary to have the desire to read mainstream (meaning that you would eventually be reading for people you do not know, reading as a business, or in psychic fairs) when you become a participant of this course. It is for anyone who would like to better understand their natural ability to see, hear and feel deeper than most. It is for anyone who may sit with a sibling, neighbor or co-worker and offer intuitive or tarot advice.

There is no guideline in the amount of time you need to complete this course. You move at your own pace. There is no need to be seated and in place at a given time, each week as you will find with some intuitive development courses offered. You do not pass and you do not fail this program.

The first participants of this course I worked with one on one as needed. Because my schedule has become heavy, my involvement with the participants will be through the email address provided in your packet, and limited to the 2-30 minute telephone consultations included in the package. If you feel that you need more telephone time with me the pricing schedule is below for continued mentorship.

If you have, any questions please feel free to phone the office at the number provided, or contact the office via email. Either one of the staff or myself will be glad to answer any questions you have.





It is not necessary to have the desire to read professionally! (meaning that you would eventually be reading for people you do not know, reading as a business, or in psychic fairs) when you become a participant of this course. It is for anyone who would like to better understand their natural ability to see, hear and feel deeper than most. It is for anyone who may sit with a sibling, neighbor or co worker and offer intuitive or tarot advice.

There is no guideline in the amount of time you need to complete this course. You move at your own pace. There is no need to be seated and in place at a given time each week as you will find with some intuitive development courses offered. You do not pass and you do not fail this program.

The first participants of this course I worked with one on one as needed. Because my schedule has become heavy, my involvement with the participants will be through the email address provided in your packet, and limited to the 2-30 minute telephone consultations included in the package. 

If you have any questions please feel free to phone the office at the number provided, or contact the office via email. Either one of the staff or myself will be glad to answer any questions you have.


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