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Vicki provides Telephone Readings * Email Readings * In Person Consultations
The pricing schedule below is suitable for printing. 
Because of the nature of the session, Vicki does NOT provide
Medium Work (after death communication) via email.

If you have entered thru a link make sure you visit Vicki's official site at 

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Vicki has been featured in 
Vicki accurately predicted the outcome for Cincinnati Native Lil Morris of Survivor 7!
The indecision of the 2003 Kentucky Derby (Funny Cide's winning results!)
Provided the 2004 Celebrity Readings for such celebrities as  Nick & Jessica, Pam & Tommy, Jennifer & Brad!

Vicki has been heard on  WSAI * WAIF * Liz & Carson * WGBB * WBNS 

OHIO MAGAZINE - Halloween Edition 
 Cincinnati Psychic Medium Vickiveil will join Ohio Magazine 
for a paranormal investigation of several locations in the Ohio area!
Check back for release date

email vicki's office

view client testimonials

view vicki's prices














Why no refund on the Email Reading?

Email readings provide no less information and insight 
than does that of an in person or telephone reading.

What is needed to have a psychic reading is words.

Words…are included in the email format.

And because the client has selected to
go with an email reading  there is no verbal contact
to end the session.

In fact, it often takes longer to provide an email reading
due to typing and the extra time in making sure that I
supply descriptive words, analogies, and metaphors
so that the email client is fully able to totally understand
my point.

I never ever answer a question posed with a simple
yes or no without explanation of why the descriptive
yes…or no has come thru.

If I feel that the answer is yes to your question,
I seldom respond with only the answer…YES.
I will provide background and feedback on the

Because the reading has been provided…
and your questions have been answered…
no refund is provided with email readings.

You have been furnished with a service.
Payment will be required.


Why no Medium Sessions in an Email Reading?


I don't think there is a more emotional session
than that of a medium session. I made this decision
personally about the guidelines of a medium session. 

Why so personal? Because I have lost people that I 
love dearly I have been the recipient of medium work.

Both good...and bad medium work. 

What I know for sure, is that no matter how long
your session is, and contact has been made with 
loved ones, family members & friends deceased...
it could never go on long enough! I hate to admit 
that since I do professional medium work. 

But it is true. 

I have had medium work for myself from some of 
the best! Very renown mediums featured in the 
media and sometimes not such media distinction
but a true gift of connection to the other side. 

And ... I always tend to want more. 

Because I know how it all works...
I can catch my pining for more time, 
or my selfish desire for just one more word to 
prove it is "them" and remember that my loved one, 
is crossed over. And I try to remember that any
validation at all, something told to me that the 
psychic medium should not proof that
I am still loved from that other side. 

But let me say this isn't easy to 
let go again of those that I miss so terribly. 

I just feel that a medium session should be provided
when you can INTERACT with the medium. Of course, 
the skeptics will say this is so that you can give us the

Not so. I don't want answers, secrets or explanations 
of your situation. I want to be able to tell you information
and details that I should not know. 

It is imperative that you have the opportunity to 
ask whatever questions you have about the process
of my work, or questions that pertain to your loved one.

It is vital that you hear the words that come out of my 
mouth. Very often, I will use phrases, words, expressions,
that your loved one used. You will hear this when I read. 

Verbal exchange is so necessary with medium work. 
Email readings take that away. 

With an email reading, medium work can become 
impersonal. There are times when I know that a client 
requires a few extra minutes added to their session. 

I can't control this with the email reading. 

There are times when my interpretation may sound 
off when reading it in the written word, but if I can 
take the extra time to describe exactly what I am 
hearing, feeling, seeing, smelling, sensing...the 
depiction makes total sense to you. 

What is "normal" tradition for one not always 
customary for another family. So when I have to tell you 
that I am seeing a turkey at someone's birthday party, 
or that Dad, drove a truck...with Perry Mason...(symbolic 
details that have ACTUALLY came thru in sessions!)
My conscious mind will probably stop me as I decide to 
type this into an email letter. 

And mostly...I love doing medium work. It is my area of expertise
as a psychic. When I am able to tell someone about "The Angel 
in the Window" or "One of the Toads is Missing" I love being a 
part of that moment in my clients reading where they just 
"know" their loved one is still nearby in some sort of way. 






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And I have definitely come to appreciate 
that words heal! 


When I first began work on my website back in 1995, there were very few psychics on the Internet that were not published authors or well known. Web design back then was very high cost and there certainly wasn't many Web Page Editors that allowed the novice to create a website. 

In fact a friend & colleague and myself learned from each other and thru trial and error how to write HTML code! 

I am in my forties. So I wasn't brought up using a computer. The computer was something of a foreign object to me! 

Truthfully, I had to ask my younger son how to even turn the darn thing on at first! I was amazed for about the first 6 weeks that I could chat with others via the Internet, read papers from Tampa, Florida or Anchorage, Alaska! 

And even the fact that I could play solitary without actually touching cards was just short of a miracle as far as I was concerned!

I think I actually began placing articles and editorials on the web as a kind of diary. A place for me to place my concepts & theories. 

I started out with this one page website composed for me by my "advanced" friend! 

Once I saw her work, I just had to jump in and create a piece of me on that World Wide Web...Hmmm that kind of sounds a bit...pornographic doesn't it? =)

Once I had this web page, I had to learn how to care for it on my own. 

That started my late night, kicking screaming, creating new curse words never heard by man (and probably reconnected me to my past life as a sailor!) . 

I just loved placing my ideas there...on the monitor where those who agreed could send the quickest letter imaginable (email) and for those who disagreed with what I thought to be debate and share their ideas. 

It didn't take a millennium to see that more of those wanting a knock down, drag out,
argument ended up contacting me via email much quicker than those with like minds...

Initially I had hoped to have a place where anyone could read my point of view. My descriptions of What A Psychic Sees. 

I wanted to de-mystify all that woo-woo connected to the thoughts of psychic attributes. I had hoped that my sharing my thoughts, would help others, like myself, that were psychic...incredibly psychic with no training. 

I am not sure my words have helped. It seems that those who take time to participate on the Message Board, do so to condemn. The majority of those writing/posting will normally tear down what I do...what I say or worse yet...what I believe. It seems that all of the 
"Holier than thou's" come out when you say PARTICIPATE. 

Those ...who would never speak their thoughts when you have the chance to challenge and explain, will sign leaving you no place to respond. 

Recently, I was besmirched for my PLETHORA of words by an irate & unhappy client - Shana.
After consideration, and conversation with colleagues, clients and staff, I had considered
removing articles and comments on my page. 

"Maybe this is TMI (too much information). But after thinking of the many years taken in learning and thriving through what I share here along with support from those I would care to hear an opinion from...the long articles, the extended explanations of who I am...what I do...what I believe....stay.

I want my clients to totally understand what they will get, what they can expect, and who will be diving into their lives when they select to have something as that of a psychic or medium session done.

For those who feel they need to vent by penning an email (with no return address) or scribing their diverse commandments on the message will never be deleted or erased. But you will most likely have a reply to your words.

I know there are people that these words, my words or experiences have helped. These words on this web page are free.

There are times when I have only 30 minutes with a particular client. I can refer them to my pages of information or another inspirational link somewhere, I have found on the web.

This continues the healing process. It gives my clients a tool to continue their healing. It provides them with information that may possibly help them to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

And I have definitely come to appreciate that words heal!

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