Bigger is better or so says the "Admiral" I'm not sure were talking about the same thing but when it applies to the engine I quickly agree. I installed a 50 hp engine in my B36. I can leave a hole in the water behind me when I power at full throttle and I have been tempted to try water skiing. I know there are those that say I'm a SAILBOAT and all I need is enough power to get me in and out of harbour or do hull speed. I'm preparing to go cruising soon ??? and the ability to get myself out of trouble is a good insurance. That extra hp allows me to reverse off a grounding that would stick a similar boat. I'll try not to do it too often. That extra hp will also allow me to install a larger AMP alternator, refrigeration, and hydraulic windlass. I'm sure there are more toys to be hung off the block but my wallet is getting thin. The main reason for the larger engine stems from a stormy day that "almost " put me on a hard lee shore. The scare was enough to make me look for a way to keep myself out of that situation. A bigger engine is I hope a premium on that insurance. The hydraulic windlass is for those high tide grounding where I have no place to go but down. I've enjoyed a few sunset on a slant "no fun for the cook". Other times we have wintched boats off a shifting bottom . I had to cut away 5 inches of glass sole to get the engine down too line up with the shaft. . With all that cutting and glassing I installed a drive saver into the drive line. its job is to allow for minor misalignments of the shaft and to be the weak link in the drive line to break should I catch something in the prop that just won't give . It will also take up the shock load of going from forward to emergency reverse in those panic situations. The drive saver will extend the shaft by 1 inch .