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Update by E4Josh Hey people just updating this site for a friend... Nothing much to say but heres a crash course on SSI. SSI stands for side server include and basically is like an iframe or frames... You need a server to support it and you pages have to be name something like index.shtml with the .shtml instead of html. and basically the code is <!--#include vitrual="whatever.shtml"-->. Now there are other rules like it must be in a table that usually has no border or cellspacing., besides the fact that you need a servere to support it and name it .shtml. Well all in all said email me if you need help at

update #1,9/8/00 23:11:20 (military time)

this page is dedicated to firwraiths chaos magic page,which has permenantly stopped updating, The chaos matrix, the fifth aeon egregor, the four winds bar, and all of my otehr sources!. also dedicated to awakenkey=luv ya,vickie! and my good friend,smagicdragon. i have added this section,and i will maybe have a few spells and hypnotic lessons tommarow. chow!

update time and date=9/9/00 11:18:40

i added the sports section,and a review by my friend dan! his IM name is soxare1

update date and time=9/13/00 21:50:30

i have added the new hypnosis section to the site,i hope that you enjoy it. Adios!

update date and time=9/14/00 17:06:15

I have added dans second sport review and have slightly changed the layout of my page. Enjoy!

update date and time- 9/17/ 9 :53 p.m.

i have finnaly written up and added the servitors section: part 1 have a great time with it!

update date and time= 9/19/00 7:25

I have just added the glossary of mystic terms. I will be updating it later today, and whenever i can. i hope this helps sort out a lot of stuff for beginners o on-lookers.

same day, 28 minutes later

i have added my shout-outs, part one. to all of those who do not know me, chek to see if you know one of my pals!

update datre and time 9/20 10:08

i have added my first story, find it at Swordsmen, a short story of battle.


update date and time= 9/27/00 8:47

soorry if i have not been updating lately, but i have been off of my internet connection AND swamped with work, and i will probably add soemthing new later tonight. enjoy!

2 new sports reviews.

Update date and time 10/3/00, 4:14 P.M.

Hey this is Dan I am just making some updates for Sean since he is not able to get on the internet at this moment. I have put in Soulwraith's New Story- The Young Spell-User's Academy:Chapter 1

Update Date and Time 10/4/00 3:00-3:10 P.M. This is Dan again. I have changed some of the colors and added a couple more links to the home page.

Update Date and Time 10/4/00 3:52 P.M. This is Dan. I have added another chapter to the story of "The Young Spell-Users Academy" it is Chapter 2:Jessy

Update Date and Time 10/4/00 4:35 P.M. This is Dan. I have added another chapter to the story of "The Young Spell-User's Academy" it is Chapter 3: John ENJOY! This is my last update for today. If Sean gives me more stuff there will be more tomorrow!

Update date and time 1/4/01 6:05 p.m. well, long time no see! i have changed the name, some of the colors and backgrounds, and i have added Occult for dummies! Soon i will have the begginings of chapters 4-6 of the stroy, plus part 1 of the swordmaster saga, up on the site!

if you ever have any opinions that you want me to hear, email soulwraith