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KSKJ Lodge Directory

Ameriška Slovenška Katoliška Jednota

American Slovenian Catholic Union

Page Created: June 4, 2000

Page Updated: September 26, 2001

©Copyright 2000 Gary L. Gorsha

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KSKJ Lodge Directory
Lodge#Name of Lodge Spiritual Director President's Name Vice President Secretary's Name Treasurer's Name Names of Auditors  Athletic Director  Contact Information   Additional Information and Comments 
25St. Vitus Rev. Joseph BoznarJoseph S. Baskovic Joseph V. HocevarJohn C. TurekAl OrehekCharles Winter, Ron Zabo, Ralph Praznik Tel: 531-0230
52St. Aloysius James Velikan Paul Barbarich Tom Bracik Joe Luzar Angie Cuson and Rick Brodnik Tiffany Bracik Holy Trinity
Catholic Church
Indianapolis, Indiana
Recording Secretary: Marcia Bracik
63Drustvo Sv. Lovfrence Rev. Anthony RebolJoseph L. Fortuna Isabelle GodecNancy Godec FaheyMary Ann SrayAnthony B. Lausche,
Olga Sray,
Virginia Fortuna
Joseph Fortuna Sec: 7559 James Drive; Tel: 237-1385 Meetings @ 7:30 on 25th of each month @ Slovenian National Home on E. 80th St.
150St. Anne Rev. Frank Godic Angela Winter Rock SupanAngela WinterJosephine WinterAnna Winter, Dean Supan, Lisa Supan Gregory Snyder Treas: 3555 E. 80th St. Meetings @ 2:30 on 1st Wednesday of each month @ St. Lawrence School Hall
162St. Mary Magdalene Rev. Joseph BoznarFrances Nemanich Betty OrehekRec.: Betty Orehek
Cor.: Maryann Mott
Maryann MottJosephine Ambrosic, Dolores Krause Treas: 760 E. 212 St., Euclid, OH 44123 Activities Chairperson: Valerie Baznik
169St. Joseph Rev. John KumšeEugene Kogovšek Philip HrvatinRec.: Jennie Schultz,
Fin.: Anne Nemec,
Asst: Anton Nemec
Helena NemecKaren Kretic,
Tony Tolar,
Jennie Tuma
Mary Ann Vogel Fin Sec: 708 E. 159th St., Cleveland, OH 44110; Tel: 541-7243Meetings @ 7:30 on 3rd Thursday of each month @ Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave in Collinwood. Ins.: Greg Clack, 731-9285
172Sacred Heart of Jesus Rev. Joseph BoznarAngela Bolha Frank KuhelGabriela KuhelDraga GosticJoseph Lach,
Aurella Zadnikar,
Vilibald Zadnikar
Joseph Lach Fin Sec: 1440 Timberland Lane, Twinsburg, OH 44087; Tel: 330-405-6272Meetings @ 4:30 on 3rd Wednesday of each month
226Kristus Kralj Rev. Joze BoznarJoseph F. Rigler Raymond ZakRosemarie ZupancicErika KurbosAnthony L. Rigler, John Zupancic, Chuck Potenga Ronald Zak Fin Sec: 1875 Braeburn Park Drive, Euclid, OH 44117; Tel: 216-383-1212Meetings @ 12:00 on 2nd Sunday of each month @ Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH
255Our Lady of Fatima Rev. John KumseRobert A. Schulz Jackie HanksConnie SchulzConnie SchulzLarry Duggan,
Donna Duggan
Darlene Schulz Sec-Treas: 28908 Uxbridge Drive, Willowick, OH 44095; Tel: 440-944-2015Meetings @ 6:30 on 2nd Wednesday of each month @ Sec-Treas home

Information Source: Ameriška Domovina, Vol. 102, No. 12, March 30, 2000, p. 10,
                               Ameriška Domovina, Vol. 102, No. 45, November 23, 2000, p. 11.