Rose's Fanfic Page

Hey guys, welcome to my DC Fanfic Page. Before you go on and read the stories, there are a few things (basically shamelessly plugging, but you get the idea)

First off, visit the Pacey fanfic awards for me. Precious was nominated as best Pacey/Andie Story, and I would flp out if I won, so go and vote today.

Secondly, I am willing to sponser people's fanfics, so if you are a first time writer and don't know where to post, or would like me to sponser it, let me know, I would be happy to.

Last, but of course, not least, please send me feedback! good bad or otherwise, I love it, so tell me what you think seriously. Feedback can be sent to also, if you find any broken or messed up links please let me know.

Well, thanx for visiting my site, love all of you!


My Favorite Web Sites

Right Here Waiting
Love, Hope, and Other Figments of the Imagination
Misguided Roses
