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The Eternal Outlaw  

Sunday, February 09, 2003



    It's been a long time since I touched the web site that I kept when I was in Cincinnati.  Always meant to get back and do some things with it but just never did.  Guess I just figured I'd mess with it tomorrow and such and just never did.  This past Friday, I decided to actually start messing it again and try to do some things on it.  It's a great place to keep things and have my thoughts written down.  

    Well, here we go again.  I'm aiming to keep this more updated this time around.  Hopefully I can accomplish that at least.  Some of it is barely updated and some pages still don't work.  Anything that is February 8th does not have a working link.  Anything past that date does (or should) even though it might not have as much on it as it should.  I will work on getting them more updated but at least they do have something up right now.  

    I'm looking to keep coverage on my thoughts, sports I participate in, hobbies such as e-wrestling, fantasy football, role-playing, and more.  

    I hope everyone can find something interesting on here that is to their liking but if not, I at least have a place that I can store information like the transcripts to old RP sessions and character sheets.  

    Anyway, please leave feedback or just say hi on the guestbook and suggest anything you want.  Hopefully all is going well for everyone as I try to heal up from my recent wrist injury.  

Take it easy

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Look for me under


Basics Basics facts about me February 9th, 2003
Interests What I am interested in February 9th, 2003
Sports How I'm doing in the world of sports February 15th, 2003
Guestbook Tell me your thoughts February 9th, 2003


Past Commentaries Look at the old rants of mine February 9th, 2003
Past Quotes/Lyrics Quotes/lyrics that caught my eye at the time February 9th, 2003
Extra Columns Recaps of individual events February 9th, 2003


Duke Blue Devils #9 Ranked February 9th, 2003
Atlanta Falcons Made it to Divisional Round February 9th, 2003
New York Knicks Looking better February 9th, 2003
Seattle Mariners 2001 - 116 games won, ties all-time record  February 9th, 2003
Andre Agassi 2003 Australian Open Champion February 9th, 2003
Anna Kournikova Australian Doubles Champion twice  February 9th, 2003
Others Others I follow February 8th, 2003


'The Force' Dhamon ShadowHawk Biggest and Best superstar February 8th, 2003
'The Answer' Dan Sager Little Man Makes Impact February 8th, 2003
Eternal Outlaws First creation February 8th, 2003
Others Other notable information February 8th, 2003


AJ's Characters Characters PCed  by AJ February 9th, 2003
Craig's Characters Characters PCed by Craig February 9th, 2003
Insurrection Campaign GMed by AJ February 15th, 2003


Stats By Game AJ's Unofficial Stats February 9th, 2003

