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-------------------------------------February 26, 2002-------------------------------------- 

bleh.... i just sent in 2 songs to Backyard Crucifixion (sent in a week ago) and Neurbotic (sent in the other day). As of writing this, they aren't up yet, but hopefully they will be up soon... also, i'm thinking about my plans on putting out an official cd... it will contain the 9 tracks completed and i plan on having at least two more completed. i'm thinking of naming it Memento Mori and one of the new songs will probably have that name. i'm expecting that song to be longer, and more complex and textured in terms of what i have right now. i also want to do a more "streamlined" song... and since i have drums, maybe a song w/ live drums for the cd... it is really early now, but i know i want to have a professional cd with lyrics art etc... any ideas suggestions questions etc are welcome (although i don't know that too many ppl even look at this site, hehe).

-------------------------------------November 14, 2001-----------------------------------

Hello everybody!!!!! i just sent in my new song, Destrudo to anyway, this is the song that i was calling "spiritkiller flesh".... changed the name! hopefully it'll be up soon! akkk, my drum machine is broke!!!! so ya know..... that'll put a temporary damper on the old song making.... but hopefully it'll be fixed soon!! bye, i love you all!!!!

------------------------------------September 22, 2001----------------------------

Ok, so i'm a lazy bastard..... i lost my ability to get into this site and just now decided to get it back.... but anyway, in case you're wondering, yes i still live! i just sent in my new song today, so as usual, it'll be up in a week or so hopefully.... so check it out, its called "a deeper sting" (i said before it was gonna be called "original Organism".... but i changed my mind about the name).  the song turned out a little different than i'd imagined, but it's gotten a good response from those who've heard it so far. it's 9 minutes long, and i've spent a whole lot of time on it (from the writing to the tracking to the mixing etc....), but it was worth it. i also finished the instruments to yet another song.... so i now have 2 more tracks w/ everything ready except vocals.... and a whole crap load of ideas for other songs... (just not enough time for them all to be realized). so anyway, thats whats goin on for now.... i'll try to work faster and update more often!!!!!