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I am Canadian, as you may have noticed. My name, sorry to say, is unfortunately not Joe, but i think things would be even more scary if it was. You probably already knew that, but i just thought i'd point it out. And seeing how it's Canada Day, i figured i should have a part of this page devoted to my true north, strong and free!

My nationality is actually pretty important to me. Unlike many people, I haven't lived here all my life, cause I spent five years in England from 1993-1998. When I was there, it was very important to me that I be recognized as being canadian, especially because many of the people I knew (Julie, Andrea, Tiffany, Lizzy, for example!) were American. When I travelled to Europe, I found myself well received as soon as I mentioned that I was from Canada. In France and Spain they were particularly receptive, because I spoke their languages. The Italians were much amused by my attempts to make myself understood by speaking Spanish, but were tolerant and appreciative of my efforts. Anyway, that's about all there is to say for this page, so I'll just add some graphics and be done. Excellent!