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The Brampton Comic Jam


The first ever Brampton Comic Jam took place in the winter season of the year 2002 CE. The brain child of Bramptonian Friendly Rich the idea of the Jam was to be a collaberative effort between local artists; and anyone else who wanted to join, to join forces to create a comic. The Jam welcomes all, from the advance to the noobcannon, Realist to stick figures.

Since the beginning Friendly rish has abandoned the comic jam and it's regulars, soon after the Comic Jam headqurters(The Comic WareHouse) and it's Dungeons and Dragons, and Mech Warriors have since kicked the Jam out of the regular meeting place. But the Comic Jam refuses to die and it lives on meeting at it's special annual meeting location, the Brampton Independant Arts Festival which takes place at the beginning of February. But still meetings are held the first Thursday of everymonth, except festival month, at the new location of some MCDonalds in Brampton.