For those of you who want to know where I am at a certain time on a certain day, here's my schedule. It's pretty basic, usually doesn't change, so I'll be where it says I'll be. So here goes...

SUNDAYS On Sundays, I work at Brookstone from 12-6pm. That means I'll be leaving the house, hopefully by 1140am, and I should be back around 7. So if you ever need to get a hold of me, call my cell, if it's not on (doesn't ring just goes to voicemail) leave a message, and on my way back home I'll call. If it is on you don't have to leave a message, unless you want me to call a different number, because I have caller id. This applies to all times you may call my cell.

MONDAYS .Mondays, I have school from 4 to around 530. It's weight training, so it all depends. I could be home at 6 or 630, or I'm at Steph's. I'm home the rest of the night, unless something important comes up.

TUESDAYS Tuesdays, I sleep in for how ever long I can. I'll probably be online from the night before, so you can leave a message. Or you can try the house, but I'll probably sleep though the ringing.

WEDNESDAYS More training from 4-530. I'll be complaining about not being able to move my arms or legs.

THURSDAYS I'm still sleeping until 3, it's just one of those things.

FRIDAYS More sleeping. Oh how I love summer....

SATURDAYS Nothing! again... and I'm so happy about it too. Ahh, how refresing! If you ever want to do something, today is the day! I got the whole thing cleared of crap, so I'm ready to go. Yahoo!